Edre idcigmn Daily Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Editorials printed in The Michigan Dily express the individual opinions of the author. This must be noted in all reprints. TUESDAY, MAY 16, 1972 News Phone: 764-0552 Vote: Chishoim or McGovern STUDENTS HAVE an opportunity today to vote in the first Michigan presidential preference primary in nearly 40 years. We recognize that any Democratic candidate is some- what bound to the traditional power interests in America, and that no one Democrat can really salve the wounds of this nation. There are two candidates, however, who could help set this country on the right path-Shirley Chisholm and George McGovern. Either of these would end the war quickly, and that step must be our first prior- ity now. For too long the war has clogged the circuits of America, halting prog- ress at home. With the war's end, we could turn to our domestic needs and --work toward revising social and political structures. Both have argued not K"only that the war must end, but that it is wrong. McGovern and Chisholm also favor sweeping changes itax structure, natinal Shirley Chisholm medical care, and a con- structive revamped welfare system. B o t h hopefully, would end political repres- sion. Unlike Hubert Humphrey and George Wallace, theyw would not stand in the way of social progress., In contrast there is Rich- ard Nixon, and the politics he represents. T IS ALWAYS distressing to hear that someone has been shot, even when George McGovern that person is political an- athema. Institutions and ideas must be the focus of political energies, not individuals. We therefore deeply regret the tragic act of violence which felled George Wallace yesterday. At the same time, we must urge a massive voter turnout to minimize the influence of Wallace's reactionary ideas on our state's delegation to the Democratic National Convention. Thus, to ensure that e'lightened and progressive thought is represented in our state's delegation we urge you to vote for either Chisholm or McGovern in the presi- dential preference primary today. VOTE SPLIT between McGovern and Chisholm in the presidential preference part of the primary would not necessarily hinder the McGovern campaign. According to state law, the delegates to the national convention are selected in proportion to the total statewide vote for each candidate. Therefore, a vote for Chisholm counts, and is not lost-providing she takes five per cent of the state vote. And because of the system of delegate selection, the size of the vote in this area of the state will have an effect on the total outcome--even if one candidate has the city sewn up. But there are two sections on today's ballot. For pre- cinct delegates, we urge you to choose the McGovern candidates. Otherwise, if the Chisholm and McGovern vote is split, uncommitted delegates, including those formerly committed to Edmund Muskie, will benefit. THUS, WE urge you to get out and vote today- for Chisholm or McGovern--to stop the war and Nixon's regressive domestic policies. Use the power. -The MICHIGAN DAILY Summer News Staff NIGHT EDITOR: LINDA DREEBEN EDITORIAL PAGE EDITOR: ROSE SUE BERSTEIN ASSISTANT NIGHT EDITOR: NANCY ROSENBAUM PHOTO TECHNICIAN: GARY VILLANI WASHINGTON - Once again, President Nixon is releasing selec- tive information from his secret advices in an attempt to manage the Vietnamese news. He has taken secret excerpts outt of context which give a mis- leading impression of Vietnam tde- veloments. The White House has spread the word, for example, that the mining of Haiphong harbor will affect the fighting in Vietnam within two or three weeks. Sources with access to the secret estimates flatly dis- puty this. Although the predictions vary, most estimates warn t h a t Gen. Vo Nguyen Giap, the fabulous North Vietnamese commander, has enough men and material at the fighting fronts to last three or four months. The secret reports express grudging admiration for Giap's genius at moving supplies u n d e r hazardous, almost impossible con- ditions.The Americanuhigh com- mand stilt can't figure out hose he moved Soviet tanks, heavy ar- tillery and antiaircraft missiles in- to South Vietnam without Ameri- can planes spotting and destroy- ing them. In any case, the secret intelli- gence reports claim only about one-third of the Soviet equipment reaches North Vietnam by -ship. Our most massive bombing h a s also failed to halt the flow of enemy armaments over the land supply routes. The secret consen- sus, therefore, is that the Presi- dent's drastic actions in the North will have only a ninimal effect on tie fighting in the South. NIXON'S STRATEGY President Nixon is quietly pre- paring his campaign strategy for the November election. He has told intimates he will follow t he same strategy, no matter whom the Democrats nominate. He will recall the demonstrations and disorder in the country before he became President. He will re- mind the voters that he has with- drawn 500,000 troops out of Viet nam, He will place great emphasis on his unpassed legislative proposals, particularly his welfare program. Our White House sources tell us, however, that he has not decided what to do about tax reform. Some advisers are urging him to submit a comprehensixe tax reform pro- gram to Congress, as a campaign issue, before Congress adjourns fir the Democratic convention. The President is also preparing to take a stronger stand against busing. And, incidentally, he will promise federal aid to help re- lieve the financial plight of paro- chial schools. Meanwhile, Nixon is doing his utmost to seek a settlement of the Vietnam War, to reduce tensions in both Moscow and Peking, and to stimulate the economy. He hop- es to prevent these problems fron flaring up and unsetttling the vot- ers during the campaign. VIETNAM VETERANS flew this flag upside down as an inter- national signal of distress, while they barricaded themselves inside the Statute of Liberty in protest of the Nixon wDl* policies. But if the Vietnam War should still be dragging on and if the economic outlook remains unset- tled, the President plans to stay in the White Housepand denon- strate to the voters that he is busy with their problems. Then he will restrict his campaigning to a few statesmanlike speeches and let Vice President Agnew do the political barnstorming. DEMS AND ATT We have been writing a lot lately about ITT and the Republicans. Now, we'd like to say a few words about ATT and the Democrats. For over 20 years, the American Telephone and Telegraph Company has been supplying presidential candidates with free telephone ad- visers. ATT calls them "communi- cations coordinators." Usually, they are old friends and supporters of the politicians they are assign- ed to. Hubert Humphrey, for example, has a telephone man by the name of E. F. McClintock, who comes from the Northwestern Bell rle- phone Company in Humphrey's - home district. George McGovern's phone man is W. G. Foral, also from Northwestern Bell. Geor;e Wallace has Roy Dobbs, from South Central Bell. And H e n r y Jackson was using Richard Powrsr from Pacific Northwest Telephone Company. Before Senator Muskie droppud out of the primaries, he was be- ing advised by Charles Lander from the New England Telephone', Company. ATT swears that it is ganting no special favors, that it isn't try- ing to win friends and influence future presidents. It is the same kind of service the company of- fers to any large customers, so they say. But, to some of us, this looks like added evidence of the love af- fair between businessmen and pol- iticians. PARRIS PERILS Fifteen years ago, at the Mar- ine Corps boot camp on Parris Is- latsd, 5gt. Matthew McKeon narched his recruits into a tidal stream. Six of them were drown- ed. The Marines promised to reform their training methods. But a look at the record indicates that Mar- ine training is as brutal as ever. Since 1967, the Army has re- ported 35 deaths connected with combat training. Sixty-three Mar- ine revruits died during the same period. Yet the Marines, w i t h double the deaths, trained only one-seventh as many recruits. Not even these cold statistics re- veal how harsh the situation is. Here are some of the particulars: * A Detroit widow received a letter from her 18-year-old son, who was in Marine boot camp in California. He wrote, 'I gat beat by the drill instructor for smok- ing. But don't worry. He only hit me about ten times." A few days later, the boy went AWOL and was found frozen to death in the wheel well of a jet plane. 0 A 23-year old Baltimore Mar- ine named Warren John s-as one of 29 Parris Island recruits who- were hospitalized for "athlete's kndney" after a drill sergeant, forced them to perform excessive physical training. The recruit call- ed home from the hospital, but was so weak a buddy had to hold the phone to his ear. Yet, Private John was sent back to his train- ing platoon. He collapsed during, a- lengthy run and died hours later. As one former recruit put it, "Parris Island is not Vietnam. People shouldn't be coming home in boxes." (Copyright, 1972, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.)