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August 01, 1972 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1972-08-01

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C I tr4t.g tn i1

Vol. LXXXII, No. 53-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, August 1, 1972 Ten Cents Eight Pages
Mc overn drops Eag leton;






Dem Nat'l. Committee
to choose replacement
WASHINGTON (A) - Democratic presidential nomi-
nee George McGovern announced the withdrawal of Sen.
Thomas Eagleton as his running mate last night because
controversy over Eagleton's history of psychiatric treat-
ment was blotting out all other issues.
McGovern said he had not decided on a successor to
Eagleton for the vice presidential nomination. He is ex-
pected to make a recommendation later to the Democratic
National Committee, which must fill the vacancy.
Network television time has been booked for McGov-
ern for tonight but said he did not expect to have an an-
nouncement ready on his choice by that time.
McGovern told a dramatic news conference the Eagle-
ton decision was "one of the most heart-rending and diffi-
cult decisions I've made in my life."
It came after the two sena-
tors had huddled for three *) "
hours in an anteroom off the
Senate floor. McGovern said no
decision had been reached be-
fore the men met face-to-face.
Controversy had sw ir l e d
around the Democratic ticket
since last Tuesday when Eagle-
ton revealed that he had been os ib i
hospitalized three times between1ory i 1
s9es and 19,6 for psychiatric
treatmnent including electric- By The Associated Press
shock therapy.
"In the joint decision that The Boston Globe, in a copy-
we have reached tonight, health right story for today's editions,
was not a factor." McGovern said McGovern had decided to
said. "But the public debate drop Eagleton and would name
over Sen. Eagleton's past medi- former party Chairman Law-
cal history continues to divert rencerO'Brien as his choice for
attention from the great na- new running mate.
tional issues that need to be The Globe story said O'Brien
discussed." and Boston Mayor Kevin White
McGovern said he was satin- had been considered for the job
fMed that Eagleton has "the but that White had received
fld th atdstagltyonfhas"the word about noon that he had
hea th and stabilitd talke iro not been tapped. White's office
man. Besaidhe ad tlke to declined comment.
three of Eagleton's doctors and dcoednomm ei
had been assured the Missour - McGovern's office said the
ian's capability as a running Globe story "is totally false and
ia' candbiltentasvicerei- without any foundation of fact.
mate and potential oresi- "It is false both in general
dent. m and specific," a statement is-
But the medical issue was sued by McGovern's press of-
clouding over all others, he fice said. "Sen. McGovern has
said. t not talked either to Mr. O'Brien
"As the days went on, it be- or to Boston Mayor Kevin White,
came clear to me that Sen as also reported in the Globe
Eagleton's past medical history story, about their running on
See EAGLETON, Page 8 the Democratic ticket."

Daily Photo by ROLFE TESSEN
Pun Plamondon gestures as he discusses the dropping of federal charges against him, John Sinclaij
and Jack Forrest for bombing the Ann Arbor Central Intelligence Agency in late 1968.
Plamondon: 'Govt. never had
basis, for consp.irac charge'

"The Justice Department nev-
er had any evidence," said
Rainbow Peoples Party (RPP )
member Pun Plamondon yes-
terday, just two days after he
was freed along with John Sin-
clair and Jack Forrest of
charges of bombing the Ann
Arbor Central Intelligence Ag-
ency (CIA) office in late 1968.
The government had been di-
rected by U.S. District Judge
Damon Keith of Detroit to dis-
close evidence against Plamon-
don gathered by wiretapping or
drop the changes.
Ralph Guy, U.S. attorney for
the eastern district of Michi-
gan, said that logs of the elec-
tronic surveillance couldn't be
revealed in the interest of na-
tional security.
Plamondon offered another
explanation for the govern-
ment's action. "They don't want
to set a precedent by releasing
wiretap logs, because then
they'd be forced to relea-e their
logs of other people."
"They knew they didn't have
a case in the first place." he
continued. "It was part of their
campaign to discredit us and
the whole radical and progres-
sive movement."
today's wahr
Today will be cloudy with a
chance of showers and thunder-
showers. Temperatures will
range from a high of 88 and a
low tonight of 65. The chance of
rain is 30 per cent today, 40 per
cent tonight.

Oddly enough, Plamondon
said his phone was not tapped.
The government listened to his
conversations with the Detroit
Black Panthers office, whose
phone was tapped, he said.
The official charge was de-
struction of government prop-
erty with the use of explosives.
According to Plamondon, it was
difficult for the government to
prove that the bombed CIA of-

fice, which was located on the
corner of Main and Jefferson,
was actually government prop-
erty. "We didn't even know
there was a CIA office in Ann
Arbor," he said.
Although the recent news was
a great relief to Plamondon
"It hasn't quite sunk in yet"),
the former pember of the FBI's
"ten most wanted" list still
faces another felony charge of
carrying a concealed weapon.

Six ems vie for nomi a ion

Six Democratic candidates are
campaigning their way towards
the August 8 primary each hop-
ing that the voters will nom-
inate them to do battle with
Rep. Marvin Esch (R.-Ann Ar-
bor) in November.
The primary race is critical
because a recent redrawing of
boundaries has produced a pre-
dominantly Democratic Con-
gressional district and the in-
cumbent, Esch, is running on
the Republican ticket. The new
district is formed like a horse-
shoe and includes Livonia, Ply-
mouth, Northville, Ann Arbor.
Ypsilanti Township and Monroe
While the cities in the district
are easy to name, classifying the
district's political character is
more difficult. While most crit-
ics agree that many of the in-
habitants will support a Demo-

cratic candidate no one is agreed.
on whether a liberal or conser-
vative candidate will have more
appeal August 8.
Voters will have a choice of
candidates ranging from the ex-
treme conservative to the ex-
treme radical.'
Not only are the candidates
varied in their viewpoints but
also where they come from.
Marvin Stempien, who has
been t member of the State
House of Representatives since
1964, comes from Livonia.
Walter Shapiro, who at 25 is
believed to be the youngest can-
didate for Congress, lives in
Ann Arbor. Shapiro has worked
in Washington both as a re-
porter for the Congressional
Quarterly and as a Nader's
Billy Turner is from Ypsilanti.
He has been involved in Ypsi-
lanti Township government for

two years.
Fred Schwall is also from
Ypsilanti and is currently a
member of the Washtenaw
County Board of Commissioners.
The other two candidates for
the second congressional district
are Mat Kehoe and Bill Brown.
They are both from Monroe
The issues in this race are
the same as those in all national
political contests. They include
the problems of busing, tax and
abortion reform, the war in In-
dochina and drugs.
Although most candidates and
voters will agree that busing is
more an emotional issue than
anything else, it is still the
source of the greatest diver-
gence between the candidates.
Billy Turner is the most out-
spoken of the anti-busing ad-
vocates. He says, "Busing has
not proven to be a proper tool

to improve the quality of educa-
tion or improving integration
or warmth between the races."
Stempien does not think bus-
ing is an efficient means either.
Kehoe, an extreme moderate ac-
cordifig to his campaign litera-
ture, has, on occasion, criticized
the value of integration itself.
The candidates who advocate
the use of busing are Sharipro,
Schwall and Brown, On the
question of busing Shapiro says,
"Although I support busing, the
real educational issue in this
country is that the public school
system is cot working and needs
a radical transformation."
Probably the second most dis-
cussed issue of the campaign is
the Vietnam War. All six of the
candidates have come out op-
posed to the war and calling for
an immediate withdrawal of
troops. Most of the candidates
See DEMS, Page 8

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