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July 29, 1972 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1972-07-29

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t t itgan Ia4

Saturday, July 29, 1972

News Phone: 764-0552

Page Three

AP Photo
Embattled Democratic vice-presidential nominee Thomas Eagle-
ton tells a news conference yesterday in San Francisco "you're not
going to get me out of this race-never." Eagleton's statement
was his strongest yet of the possibility he might quit the
Democratic ticket.
ore British troops
arrive in N.Ireland

BELFAST, Northern Ireland
(P) - Britain moved 4,000 elite
combat troops into Northern
Ireland yesterday in an air-
lift underlining the, army's de-
termination to wipe out guerril-
la gunmen.
The troops deployed around
-Belfast as the capital was hit
by a day-long rash of bomb
scares disrupting commercial
Terrorist gunmen made an
assassination attempt on Sen.
Ritchie McGladdery, a former
junior Cabinet minister in the
provincial government s u s-
pended when Britain assumed
direct rule. An armed gang
tried to burn down his Belfast
home and fired a shot at Mc-
Gladdery. He and his wife were
reported shaken but unharmed.
The British Defense Ministry
said the troops, ferried to Nor-
thern Ireland in one of Britain's
biggest peacetime airlifts, will
beef up the army's week-old of-
fensive against the Irish Re-
publican Army. Most of the
soldiers are veterans of Bel-
fast's street battles and 'their
arrival signaled what could be
an intensified push againt guer-
rilla strongholds in the capital
and Londonderry, the'i pro-
vince's second largest city.
The army launched a crack-
down on the IRA after a bomb
blitz a week ago in the Belfast
city center that left nine per-

sons dead and 130 others
The reinforcements brought
the army's strength in the pro-
vince to 21,000, the biggest
force in Ulster since the army
was ordered here in 1969 - to
quell sectarian rioting. The. ar-
my now has a total of 27 bat-
talions in the province, more
than the 22 normally based on
the British mainland. Backing
them up is the 8,000-man Ulster
Defense Regiment, the pro-
vince's militia.
The airlift included two bat-
talions of paratroopers and one
battalion of the famed Cold-
stream Guards, who changed
their ceremonial scarlet tunics
and bearskin hats for battle
gear and flak jackets. Three
other battalions were brought in
from British army forces in
One of the army's prime tar-
gets could be the barricaded
"Free Derry" regions in Lon-
donderry, long a symbol of
guerrilla defiance to British
rule. Three of the new batta-
lions - about 1,500 men-were
expected to reinforce the five
battalions already in the city
and boost the military's strength
there to about 1000 men.
Armored car convoys have
moved in to Londonderry dur-
ing the last few nights but
there is no clear indication the
army plans to invade the guer-
rilla strongholds.

re move
From wire Service Reports
Sets. George McGovern yes-
terday continued to express
support for his running mate
Thomas Eagleton despite a vir-
tual avalanche of relevations
and accusations which have
made the Missouri senator front
page news across the country
for three days running.
McGovern said charges by
Jack Anderson that Eagleton
has a drunk driving record are
"scurilous and untruthful" and
continued to deny that he is
considering dropping his run-
ning-mate from the ticket.
However, P e t e r Lisagor,
Washiggo bureau chief of
the Chicago Daily News re-
ported yesterday "unconfirm-
ed reports" that McGovern
would replaee Eagletott.
Accordige to lisagor, the
Democratic nominee is consid-
ering both former Peace Corps
h'ad R. Sargent Shriver and
Sen. Ed Muskie as possible re-
New York city councilman
Matthew Troy, a key McGovern
man in the state, told radio sta-
tion WINS that he had infor-
mation that Eagleton would be
off the ticket "within 24 hours."
Yet, in California yesterday,
Eagleton said "I'm about as de-
termined as one human being
can be determined that I'm go-
ing to stay in this race."
Despite this outward confi-
dence, pressure continued to
mount over his belated acknowl-
edgement that he had received
electric shock therapy for men-
tal depression.
Editorials in the Washington
Post, the Baltimore Sun, the
New York Times and the Los
Angeles Times have all urged
his withdrawal from the ticket.
Citing concern over his abil-
ity to withstand the "fearful
pressures" of the Presidency, the
New York Times said "it would
be a helpful contribution not
only to the McGovern candid-
acy but to the health of, the
American political process" if
Eagleton stepped down.
"It is our opinion," the Wash-
ington Post' said "that the bur-
den imposed by Senator Eagle-
ton on the ticket can only be
removed by his withdrawal as
a candidate."
See EAGLETON, Page 8

'e mounting to
Sen. Eagleton

AP' Photo
Wooing the farmers
President Nixon is applauded yesterday by midwestern young-
sters as he signs a bill enabling 18 year old farmers to obtata
coverage under the Federal Crop Insurance Act.
Secret story of Lin
Piao now unravels

Wigley's-an all-night affai
Ann Arbor can be a pretty lonely place at n
times. Especially during the long stretch from
midnight to the first class at eight.
The few all night restaurants have long beenY
the mecca to those who are out in the night. ..;'
Some gas stations also provide company 24 hours
a day.
But now there is a new place to go at 2:30x
in the morning. The local supermarket.v
The Wrigley's store located at Washtenaw and x;
Stadium is now open 24 hours a day, seven days -
a week.-
The lights are just as glaring and obnoxious,
the vividly colored signs still scream just as
loudly to "Buy!", but it's a welcome pleasure'.'
to be able to buy your groceries without hav-
ing to compete with housewives and their
screaming kids for the best tomatoes.
The cashier on the night shift at Wrigley's4
says he'd just as soon work at night because
"There's too much garbage during the day,"
Not surprisingly, few customers come in from
midnight to seven. "Once in a while someone 9k
See ALL, Page 8 Daily Photo by GARY VILLANI

By The Associated Press
Lin Piao, who was to have
been Mao Tse-tung's political
heir, is officially dead. This
seems to represent a victory
for Premier Chou En-lai, mak-
ing him China's most powerful
The Chinese Embassy in Al-
geria confirmed yesterday what
was leaked out bit by bit in Pe-
king. Its announcement indi-
cates that moderation is in
command in China and that
the military is willing to subor-
dinate itself to Communist par-
ty politicians.
The Peking disclosures leave
little doubt that a big factor
in Lin's downfall was his op-
position to a policy seeking bet-
ter relations with Washington.
But the bizarre case of the
spindly little man who was de-
fense minister also suggests that
Peking is more wary than ever
of the Russians and more will-
ing than ever to keep open a
door to the United States.
The Chinese haven't yet told
the whole story, which has drib-
bled out for 10 months. They as-
sert that the 65-year-old Lin
died Sept. 13 in an air crash in
Mongolia, that he plotted Mao's
death and that he was trying to
flee "toward the Soviet Union."
They fail to say who was
with Lin in the crash and why
the plane fell. Westerners have
postulated that the Chinese shot
down that plane, and thus exe-
cuted Lin and his supporters as
surely as if by firing squad.
Getting Lin's story on the
record now indicates confidence
in Peking that matters are in
hapd - probably what remain-
P ^f +, -.- s I c~

There seems to be nobody in
Peking these days with the au-
thority of Chou.
Mao, 78, is still the dominant
father-figure, but Chou is in
charge of every day operations
of the party and government
and of Peking policy.
As a marshal and defense
minister, Lin eliminated all
ranks in the armed forces. He
elaborated the Mao doctrine of
"people's war," and concocted
the idea of the little red book of
"Thoughts of Mao Tse-tung,"
that potent weapon of the 1966-
69 cultural revolution.
The military in 1969 had en-
trenched itself deeply in the
country's administration at the
expense of established party
cadres. The ninth party con-
gress resulted in a heavy influx
of military men into ruling
bodies. That should have pro-
vided a strong power base for
Lin to resist reconstruction of
the party after the cultural
revolution violence and damage
to it.
Lin lost. The policy of an
opening to the United States
won. And where did' Lin try
to flee? By Chinese account he
was headed toward the Soviet
Union, where he. could hope for
support for a comeback. That
will heavily in the Peking
judgment of future policy, es-
pecially with reard to Moscow
overtures for conciliation.
It was time to accustom the
outside world and the Chinese
public to the notion that the
man named as Mao's heir was
in fact a traitor to him. The Al-
giers statement c i t e s Lin's

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