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July 28, 1972 - Image 7

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1972-07-28

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Friday, July 28, 1972


rage Seven

d.July 28, 17THMIHG

N. Viets hold Citadel

Dems compete in Aug. race

(Continued from Page 1
Cong insisted political issues-
basically the fate of the Saigon
government-must be settled
simultaneously with the military
Hanoi's chief negotiator, Xuan
Thuy, said if "the Nixon admin-
istration really wants to nego-
tiate seriously" it would end the
mining of North Vietnamese
harbors and stop the bombing
raids, "particularly those against
the dikes and dams." The United
States has denied deliberately
bombing the dikes.
The 152nd session of the talks
bogged down in repitition of
long familiar positions. The
delegates agreed, however, to
meet again next week. This
stirred speculation that another
round of secret talks may be
coming. The last known private
meeting between P r e si d e n t
Nixon's national security ad-
viser, Henry Kissinger, and

Hanoi Politburo member, Le Duc
Tho took place July 19 in Paris.
In Vietnam, frontline officers
were reluctant to say when the
ARVN retreat occured, but in-
dicated the papatroopers had
never been inside the Quang Tri
fortress for very long and never
held more than a small corner
of it.
South Vietnamese soldiers who
participated in the battle, said
the government flag was raised
at one point by a volunteer who
died minutes later shouting "air-
borne forever." The flag was
cut down by Communist fire
within thirty minutes they said.
The savage fighting and the
retreat set off bitter recrimina-
tions between senior officers of
the airborne and the marines,
South Vietnam's two elite di-
visions. The airborne was charg-
ed with recapturing Quang Tri
and the marines had been given
a back-up role outside the city.

(Continued from Page 1)
movement in 1968.
Eckstein's platform calls for
the creation of a state-wide
"public advocate" to represent
taxpayers on a variety of issues.
"All too often the State Attor-
ney General winds up defending
the interests of high officials in
the government," says Eckstein.
"The 'public advocate' would be
a politically independent figure
with a paid staff who wsuld ac-
tively d e f e n d consumers, pa-
tients, welfare mothers, and all
other clients of state agencies."
Eckstein's other major inter-
est is in crime control, where,
he says, he will fight to "in-
stitute genuinely rehabilitative
programs" in the prison system,
and push for changes in "Mich-
igan's unfair methods of dealing
with juvenile crime."
Eckstein adds that he is "no
expert" on prison reform. "But
you don't have to be an expert

Are we headed for an
ultra-violent society
where sex and terror gangs
rule the streets, and where
law-and-order becomnes the most
important political issue?
Stanley Kubrick's amazing film
"A Clockwork Orange" which
rocked the world, and was
voted best film of the year
by the New York film critics,
deals with this question.
WEEK 662-6264
DA-Y AT Corner of
S 30 4pm 630 State & Libe

to see what's 'wrong with our
prisons," he says.
Forsyth's leaflets say that she
would "shake up the State
House." She has been called a
one-issue candidate by Bullard
and Carlson, but insists that her
experience and concern for the
problems faced by American
women gives her sufficient in-
sight into "the needs of all the
people, male or female."
"Some of my fellow candi-
dates take a dim view of so-
called 'women's issues'," For-
syth says.
"I think they are forgetting
that those issues include health
care, abortion, all aspects of
employment and job discrimina-
tion, unfairness of p r o p e r t y,
criminal, and family laws, and
protection of minority rights."
Forsyth was instrumental in
the creation of the University's
Commission for Women, and be-
came the first female lifetime
member of the Michigan Union
in a test case this year.
"In emphasizing women's is-
sues, I may sometimes forget to
keep repeating things that the
Music review
(Continued from Page 2)
of the Chamber Music Society of
Lincoln Center.
The most enjoyable aspect of
this album, aside from the gentle
quality of the works, is the pre-
cision of the ensemble. All t he
performances contain innumer-
able instances of exceptional
phrasing and timing that reflects
a high level of teamwork on the
part of all.
The Kreisler album is whipped
cream through and through. At
one time critics were when
fooled when Kreisler announced
that he would play his arrange-
ment of a Mendelssohn or Cou-
perin tune. A little research
showed that all the pieces he
billed as "arrangements" were
actually his own works. But no-
body minded the joke; the piec-
es were still well-written and a
lot of nostalgic fun.
Fifteen of them are presented
here, and Zukerman gets every
little Viennese nuance just right,
with not an ounce too much of
schmaltz. His accompanist, Law-
rence Smith, does a neat job of
catching the rhythmic fluctua-
tions that make these "encore
pieces" so durable.

other four candidates repeat,"
she says. "I am very interested
in the quality of life in this
She points out that only five
of Michigan's 148 state repre-
sentativesaare women, and con-
tends that she "could provide
leadership in an area where
presently there is none."
Leonard Soloman contends
that his views and extensive
background on Michigan's ele-
mentary and secondary educa-
tion systems set him apart from
the other candidates.
Soloman advocates "overall
changes in the education system
to gmeet the needsand realities
of this state." If elected, he
says one of his first priorities
would be "a combined public-
private initiative to alter the
balance between college prepar-
atory schooling and vocational
Soloman adds that he-has not
worked out the details of such
an initiative, but says state sub-
sidies to corporations for work-
scholarship programs "may be
part of the answer."
The Daily Official Bulletin is ari
official publieation of the Univer-
sity of Michigan. Notices should be
sent in TYi iWRITTEN FORM to
409 E. Jefferson, befoe 2 p.m. of
the day preeding publieatisnantd
by 2 p.m. Friday for saturday and
Sunday. Items appear once only.
Student organizati ln tices ar
not tceptc4 toe pablieation. Foe
more information, phone 764-9270.
Co-Rec Family Night: for faculty/
staff, SM Bldg., u-SO pm.
SInternational Folk Dance Barbour
Gym, 8-11 pm.
Music School: Gary Cook, percus-
sion, Sch. of Mus. Recital Hall, 8 pm.
University Players: Shakespeare's
"Love's Labour's Lost," Power Cen-
ter, 8 pm.
Astropaomy Dept.: F. D. Miller,
"Ne vi or s M a " lowed by
film, Aud. HAnge15 Hal1, 8010 pm
Due to a typographical error,
an ad in yesterday's Daily listed
incorrect dates for performances
of "The Hostage'' and "Love's
Labour's Lost". The last pre-
sentation of "The Hostage" will
be tomorrow night. For "Love's
Labour's Lost," the final per-
formance Is tonight.

With ROBERT SHEFF on Piano
217 . e 2 P -2 AM.

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