~'oge bght THE MiCHIGAN DAILY Thursday, July 27, 19727
Page Light
Fonda cites bombing "*
of N.Vietnam dikes i
Thursday, July 27, 1972
Jane Fonda
Cancer tied
to' aslbestos
NEW YORK (P)-Two cancer
researchers say they have con-
firmed through human lung can-
cer cases the theory that oc-
cupational exposure to asbestos
enhances the cancer-causing
elements of cigarette smoke.
Asbestos exposure by itself,
they reported yesterday, does
not appear to increase the in-
cidence of lung cancer among
workers who do not smoke.
These findings, the research-
ers said, confirm studies based
on such approaches as reviewing
medical records but come from
what they describe as the first
study they are aware of based
on actual lung cancer specimens.
The report in the journal Can-
cer, a publication of the Ameri-
can Cancer Society, was written
by two pathologists, Dr. Milton
Kannerstein, of the Barnert
Memorial Hospital Center in
Paterson, N.J., and Dr. Jacob
Churg, of the Mount Sinai
School of Medicine in New York.
The incidence of lung cancer
among cigarette-smoking asbes-
tos workers was 92 times as high
than it is for nonsmokers not
exposed to asbestos.
PARIS ( )-Actress Jane Fon-
da says her travels through
North Vietnam led her to be-
lieve "profoundly that dikes are
being bombed on purpose" by
American planes.
She told a news conference
h're Tuesday that she inspected
an area 38 miles southeast of
Hanoi where U.S. bombs scored
a direct hit on an "extremely
innortant" dike at the conflu-
ence of five rivers. There were
no military targets or communi-
rations links in the area, she
The U.S. government has de-
nied deliberately bombing the
dikes, a tactic that would flood
a large area.
Fonda produced a film she
said she made during her North
Vietnam visit July 8-22, which
showed two bombed dikes areas.
The actress acknowledged she
had made daily broadcasts over
Hanoi radio aimed at American
servicemen. Hut she did not
reply directly to questions about
a charge by Rep. Fletcher Thom-
son R.-Ga), that treason
charges should be brought
against her.
"I did not say what I am
accused of saying," she declared,
apparently referring to reports
she urged troops to disobey
In Washington, Rep. William
Colmer (D.-Miss), called her
trip the act of a misguided
woman that could "result in the
prolongation of the war.".
Fonda's film also showed
seven American prisoners of war
who she said supported the
presidential candidacy of Sen.
George McGovern because "they
fear if Nixon stays in office they
will be prisoners for ever."
The prisoners urged their
parents and friends to work for
the victory of the South Dakota
Democrat, the actress said.
Lobsters, massive - clawed
crustaceans that listen with
their legs and taste with their
feet and are capable of regen-
erating severed claws, are liv-
ing fossils that have existed in
their present form for some 100
million years.
SEN. THOMAS EAGLETON mugs a couple of pe ace signs for newspersons as he leaves the La
Angeles Century Plaza Hotel after more questioning about his past illness.
Democrats rally to Eagleton
By The Associated Press
Democratic vice presidential
nominee Thomas Eagleton re-
ceived solid backing from top
Democratic leaders, Senate col-
leagues and some newspapers
yesterday after disclosing he
underwent psychiatric care.
Only a handful of party back-
ers and newspapers demanded
he withdraw from the race.
"I- am 1,000 per cent for Tom
Eagleton and I have no inten-
tion of dropping him from the
ticket. This is what I said yes-
terday and I am repeating it to
assure no misunderstanding on
my part," said presidential
nominee George McGovern in a
statement issued from his
South Dakota vacation retreat.
Eagleton's colleagues in the
Senate, including many Repub-
licans, quickly declared him to
be a sound candidate after he
made his disclosure. And some
newspapers editorially defended
Eagleton's position that he is
fit to serve if elected.
It was too early to detect
whether the disclosure would af-
fect McGovern's bid for the
White House.
Eagleton said he considered
his past medicalhproblems as
minor. He compared them to "a
broken leg or broken arm,"
adding, "I realize many in the
public do not."
McGovern aides said the
Democratic nominee received
about 30 telegrams on the mat-
ter with less than two-thirds
urging McGovern to dump Eag-
leton. One aide also said some
big financial backers were ex-
pressing concern.
Senate Republican Leader
Hugh Scott urged Eagleton "to
Jet streams of air st 30,000 to
40,000 feet high reach velocities
of 100 to 300 miles an hour,
often speeding eastbound jet-
liners across the North Atlantic
in an hour less time than west-
bound flights.
Dentists stumble on new
way to fight tooth decay,
CHICAGO 1P)-"Dumb luck"
enabled two Boston dental re-
searchers to discover a com-
pound which they say will elim-
inate some of the drilling for
repair of decayed teeth.
This is the view of one of the
researchers, Dr. Joseph Kron-
man, who, with his codiscoverer,
Dr. Melvin Goldman, reported
on the research Wednesday.
The researchers, on the fac-
ulty of the Tufts University
school of dental medicine, pre-
sented what they termed pre-
liminary reports on their work
at the national convention of
the American Society for Pre-
ventive Dentistry.
Their compound is known as
GK-101, a chemical code name,
the letters standing for the
initials of the researchers.
It has been found to remove
most of the decayed matter in
badly decayed teeth without the
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necessity of drilling and without
harm to healthy parts of the
tooth or gums.
Goldman said, "Even if future
clinical studies validate our
clinical impressions, it's not go-
ing to take the place of rotary
instruments, for the instruments
are still necessary for various
aspects of cavity preparation."
He added, "However, what we
are noting here is that GK-101
may substantially reduce the
amount of rotary and hand in-
strumentation necessary."
The researchers would not
disclose the ingredients of their
compound because of pending
patent and legal matters.
go on with your campaign." both for the fall campaign and
Sen. Lowell Weicker Jr. (Conn.) for the possibility as serving as
said he has "absolute confi- vice president."
dence and pride" in the Mis- A survey of national Demo-
sourian. cratic members indicated they
Sen. Barry Goldwater, who were overwhelmingly in favor
himself was the subject of psy- of keeping him on the ticket
chiatric controversy in his 1964 and expected little trouble at
GOP presidential bid, said the polls.
"Eagleton, by his courageous Mayor Richard Daley of
performance, has indicated the Chicago said he thinks the dis-
truth of his claim that his closure has "nothing to do
health is now 'solid and sound,' withhis capabilities."
British court frees five jailed
dock workers; strike averted
(Continued from Page 3) his denunciation of the steve-
rather than individuals now dores had the ring of a political
seem likely to be in conflict , statement.
with the courts. It is because judges are in
In his judgment, court Presi- danger of being drawn into po-
dent Sir John Donaldson said litical and industrial contests
the situation relating to the that British Laborites are de-
jailed men had been transform- manding the repeal of the In-
ed by the House of Lords ruling. dustrial Relations Act or a re-
The judge emphasized that vision of court functions.
his court had not been influ -
enced by the government, but
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