Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, July 27, 1972 Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, July 27. 1972 , e. 7 ,.. C , g j job done (continued from Page 5) HELP WANTED I PERSONAL LOSTAND OUND SINLE PERSON ar coape to cae fa LOST AND FOUND oct at itotmall moeousotae fa SA V TfU FOUND Wlato nneadbraownkttoet, Sta0t taendstctmpeteyfreftEffii ecy apt andc a 71E07 A 53 htiaenrtt td0O.Fe SADLY ANNOUNCES S L A I THE baredfad afayprovitded. Calf 763-1 LOfLI. Wtftll egataadeaf. 63-247m.49daso63581"v. 4053; D A l 4 3A2 WANTED: ropthoe paentst, copet NDCOSNtoiDAT LOST:Goafd we-rtm ,;lasses-ace bow; 2 at aver. Otto ar.Good salay, ADCOIGO H cmissin. go5-59a2.28A1 baatd ad eota.Ffnge. An Arbor. SUHU IEST Cotat BIeelyFoo, 973-0'200.OT NIEST LOST: Chzeeb, long--haired white atp- 30102! STORE. py, aroucd DelhO Park. Pleae cal -_"B - _- - 7091053 anytlame Reard! 30A51 ARTIST NEEDS fetafetmodl. Pay ne- --Igotiabe 769-35.5 -22150 O G S L BIKES AND SCOOTERS - C O IG SUBJECTS NEEDED for onentratfan AT THAT LOCATON FEIUGEOT PR-la wth Rnyo00do frae, epeift. MostOe:ritfl-hnd0, THROUGH THIS WEEK ttEtrgth, -rankset, etco76f-4770. maf,natitve-Etngish speakn, wiho 4251 oome touch-tyin ablt. If interet- 10 .DtOt o ed, 73-0118. front -4. $175ha be niest TRIUMPH, BSA, Nrattan Repis - 07152 at Eot Cheap rates, guaracored. Ji, 79- - 493. Z7S WANTED: Chemait foeOtepoary re -'LET ANN ARO'S oly pdatontd t- _'R- earh poon~ot. Reaonable py. YotPet helpyoo epyl yoo, l~eteo 'WE REPAIR all bicycle mke. 24-oat c. eed ct eloate Sed shartfreumee peorigsrvieRnasaattt. oWRS.Bx10,Gan ais e ae. tosi d eta. Oet 5. 1009 ALL SPORTS, 518 W. Cos St. Ypi 495Sf. 24152 Uieesity, 663-7151. 9FcS 48-7194. cz0c -- WAIT TABLES: Fofl at pat-time am SARAH HANSTEIN, there ate you? I FOR SALE' S5ilexthe Eta bke.r_, hp. bitoaut and twillintg 42-02. Blck Yure to AttAba, pftttoe all Jots 79-3497. 7350 Sheep Taett, Macter, Mtc. t 70-6000. dF PETS AND SUPPLIES .fIXDRWIOIEOE OMN CLERK-TYPIST, Otroth opprtunit, LAST CHANCE FOR S0UM01R TERMt BEAUTIFUL aflco cat credo home j 450-00 Bokkeeer,general ledaer, 40too-e 1-PIN OWLING Vtty loti00 pet bot tylandlard oy salay opec. Receptionist, $2-3.5/be. UNION LANES-AIR CONDITIONED c. Calf 769-9575 anytttne. 4T51 Sertary, sorathad a mot, fee pand, -F1 "aay open. Setrrtary, legal, eperie- DO orkSIaESEdaoOHisnelysoAde aedsaary open. Sertay, medial, UPER STICKERS otmpond we watk allt!day.HMcucamesto Any. $50-800. Dtntal asitant 20 hre wek lieUwif$. D rt,11 -buttthSthat promitd to tleate any $2 25h., fee paid. PERSONNEL SS- Propet, Antt Abor, 71-0942 Ft mundane name you Winfht ate ta T-M--Eo--lycae-tA-etfo,-194 gier blo. Bet of all, eo fret if PalfeM, E701-5252. gncy 110 HO SE1 F F IT yo'eadeont btlng. Call Robert, Puie 6-22 111 a J FF- L _.rt_. oat66-184_.S MUSICAL MDSE., Spritual Reder TRANSPORTATION RADIOS, REPAIRS and Advisor RIDEWANTD t St.Loui fo wee- aRe. Saly petahes, teahes, and, RId.ExcWAnDtconvestioaisfottk63-125 CLASSICAL recod abumt fr sale. heals by the power at faith. Let to.121 lctaot dotlnaio.70-Ecel.tatd U Towet, 9L, 769-728. Re. Sally hlp you find hlp 6200217X511 tod happiness. Re. Sally to a{ RIDE NEEDED to Baltmort on week- prtuoa edet and adioor tnd of Agust 5. 62-4134. 97051 HR AI IA TDO 1 577 N. Maple Rd., Folk, clasialinsteaments, foegc MISCELLANEOUS cndodomostia Molt,6et-a0 ,repirsAnn Arbor __ 0 .S~,05~~,10-0 p.m. 663-298 KEEP TRUCKIN'. Odd job, corinaXt 8 haulng, ar-tndin, anlimt602-Opeto tery day iclodn0 7720. 3 a-tnig ayie60541 FOLKLORE CENTER ) Sunday 9 am- p.m 0.304Used and oldtstring instruments, Re- Ftc WANTED DESPERATELY: tutot to re- palms. 516 E. William, abae Campus ------ -- ----- slew ih shool chemistry Call 1 lie. 62-031.c tcl TENNIS LESSONS-Fotmet UM player, Btcky, 71-9453.,18151 ; - ----- - Contry club pro, Individual or - - -- ---O-- GITARS AMPS, PIANOS. Feder, group. 65-4720. eFto FO AEHoher, Maestro, Gbson, Martin, WEDI- NVIATON-Mo rTa FOR SALE I ~~Guild. One-sop enter. AoloMusic, WEDINIVTAOS-oorr- USED BIKE-Gilso3 -speed, goad con- 322 5. Mai, 79-1400. eXto na tle ci 6-94 ntme dto.4543. - 5B2APOLLO DRUM CENTER. Drum sets,WATRPES heYoRtseo SOLID STATE portable Manaso ove 20 sottoin stck Rogers, Sonar,WAyT. APStafahVenanouWaRfsktof stereo. In god rand., with 10 ohm Ludwig, Gretch, Slngerland Prced-PaTxefoVitmWrAkDftE speakers and total of 20 watts with tight deals. 322 S. Main, 761-1400 Draft7944 Counseling Ta Center,- 502 7-9 diamond needle. Automatic record . Xtct.t10-nan,794. 10Tb4aF25179 changer and shut off. Multiple jak -.- ___ autlets in bato ols.facctssory com- PERSONAL HEDONISTS! Avoid the hassle. Let ponents. Call 665-083 after 530 p.m. . ___-. Saturday Night Inurance Gond you 54B52 NEED A PLACE to work on your ar dates, 6-1 p.m. 663-1392 eFr - -or ycle? Advie, tools, and spae-- -- - - LANGE FAMILY TENT. 2 enclosed avalable WHEEL WORKS, 125 Depot. XEROX AND OFFSET sleeping rooms, enlosed kitchen and 7698493. tF70 Fslwes ulcto poio area. $200 or best of fer. 71-_ 434, 41852 THE DISTINCTION of being South U' COPY QUICK - ___-only drugstore belong to The Village 1275.Upvrlti6106 HARVARD CLASSICS, 5 ft. Shelf, 51 Apothecary, tFt e~ books; Harvard Shelf of Fiction, 19 ---- _.v books. 665-532. 4352 GET COOL-GET A HAIRCUT XEROX COPI ES LARG SELCTIN ofinfnts'and UM .BARERS, MICHIGAN UNION LARE ELETIN o Ifans'and- F2 WHILE YOU WAIT boy's clothing. New born kosiale 2. AMl - Thesis quolity reprodutons - pictures name bands, ecelent ood. High COLORADO-MONTANA. Dy wants pastel papers-plus full color repro- chair, 2 crtsats, other baby items. company, irs, guys, or mixed for 3- ductions on T-shirts and tank-tops of Very reaonable Call 91-7755. week trip with new car and travel any design you choose for $4.99. 23c3 trailer, Share groceries yaur only ost ____-Leave July 29 eturn August 19. Call IMPRESS AMPEX COMBINATION AM/FM HADIO Hart, weekdays 37-5006 Detroit, 524 E. William 665-4321 -CASSETTE PLAYER, WILL ALSO RE- 27F51 cFtc CORD OFF RADIO OH ANOTHER STEREO. GREAT CONDITION, ONLY ___________________________ 10 MOS. OLD, WAS $100.00 -NOW $6 C LL SALLY ATFR,65-068., 0~d51 DOUBLE FEATURE WED. thru ST COOL OFF those hot summer nights with a 3/4 ton ar-condtioner Hardly "Exrml eter used, just cgleaned. $130. Karen,y- 764-0557 at 665-6631. dB48 Wel-made! is impeccable!" Production and direction is "STACY KEACH first-rate" FROM OUR ---- "A Cinematic Assault!" "WILDLY FUNNY!" -WffS.Jaeoo1 "ONE OF THE BEST YEARS!" -BaowMnanst.,,. 00 STACY IVU ---,,JAWS ARLNE 1 Te odf te Rad-at,OHN 5517T! IC LOS '-STACY KEACH "End of the Road"-7:lU0 parrs "~Traveling Executionert-9 " " :" for th0e pbi oodtt 0si1' n tau nLtsttasts New Freshmen!- Do yotwatmotnet,0 draft defert'esfacdership asd managcmettrOwning9 self-toefidenct? If yourar isesoctthes inocst 11a hour of youo tomt to fisd oaf how yau ahtaov the abooc hy offending thc Aemy ROTC oretatiov of Room 2001 is NortohHallsO O rd e r Y ,u Subscription Today 764-0558 '1 3 i MICHIGAN REPERTORY '72 TONIGHT -8 P.M. sha kespea re's { LOVE'S LABOUR'S -LOST -f a.r , additional performances v< July 26 and 28 to' 4r i ;" Indttodaal Tickets $2 snd $3 IN THE AIR-CONDITIONED POWER CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS Boa offic opcn 12:30-$:010 Mtas.-Fro.-those 763-3333 SJOIN US ON THE POWER ,CENTER FRONT LAWN AT 7:45 FOR DANCING AND BADMINTON. STUDENT RUSH TICKETS AVAILABLE [ U EnbwCatnin arbato r t BUS& JAZ rfesival 1973 MILES DAVIS OTIS RUSH BOBBY "BLUE" BLAND ARCHIE SHEPP DR, JOHN MUDDY WATERS SUN RA SEIGAL-SCHWALL BLUES BAND CHARLES MINGUS JR. WALKER & THE ALL-STARS FREDDIE KING LUTHER ALLISON HOUND DOG TAYLOR & THE MOUSE ROCKERS MIGHTY JOE YOUNG with LUCILLE SPANN & many other Blues & Jazz Artists 3 DAYS - 5 SHOWS" FridaySalorday-Sunday September 8-9-I10 OTSSPANN MEMORIAL FIELD (oet to HtoHigS ShoA nnA tborMchp SERIES TICKET 019.00 ALL SHOWS TICETOUTLETS-ichian Uniona5lvatiotnReaotds(330lMayoardd1tt3aS.aaniery.t ed's Book (pit),andobyemailfromAnnroB ues Jazz estivl,Bo38, AnA rbr, Mic. 48107 WE EXPECT TO SELL OUT! BUY YOUR TICKETS NOWT r r r a Limited timer of fer. Ticket sales awill be linoited to Wash- * tenaw County area until Anogastt . Only $95 series; Stickets 10ill be avail able util that dale. r r r r r *Number, of series tickets at $15S per ticket -._ r r r r "Total enclosed_ n n I *NAME_ r r ADDRESS __I_ r r rCIlTY STATE ZU? r j mail to: Ann -Arbor Blues & Jazz Festival n - P.O. Box 381r r r *Ann Arbor, Mich., 48107r 'Setnd certified check or ttooney orderr *NO CASH PLEASE e -M- - .- - - - -