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May 16, 1972 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1972-05-16

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. X N. -i hig Ty ,Cent

Vol. LXXXII, No: 5-S

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, May 16, 1972

Ten Cents

Twelve 'Pages


LAUREL, Md. T( - Ala-
bama Gov. George Wallace
was shot yesterday and pos-
sibly suffered permanent
partial paralysis shortly
after finishing a presiden-
tial campaign speech at a
local shopping center.
Witnesses said Wallace had
just finished a 30-minute speech
to a crowd of about 1,000 and,
as is his practice, began shak-
ing hands with the persons in the
A man wearing Wallace but-
stuck a gun in the governor's
tons pushed through the crowd,
stomach and fled. Wallace was
hit four times.
Randy Bauer, a Wallace sup-
porter, said the governor fell
backward to the ground after he
was shot. "Everybody was grab-
bing at the man who shot htn,"
Bauer said. "A lot of scuffling
and fighting broke out nearby."
Police immediately arrested a
young white man, identified as
Arthur Herman Bremer, 21, of
Milwaukee, who suffered minor
injuries when he tussled with
Wallace rooters following the
He was quickly under both fed-
eral and state charges. A U.S.
magistrate in Baltimore ordered
Bremer held under $200,000 bond
on charges of shooting Wallace
and a Secret Service agent.
Also injured were an Alabama
state trooper and a woman
campaign worker.
The Justice Department ac-
cused Bremer of assault on a
federal officer and violating the
1968 Civil Rights Act by assault-
ing a candidate for an elective
office. The assault on a federal
officer charge stems from the
wounding of a Secret Service
agent, one of three persons shot
with Wallace.
The shooting came shortly be-
fore 4 p.m. as Wallace was cam-
paigning for votes in today's
Democratic presidential primary,
which he is favored to win.
Sen. George McGovern, in
Kalamazoo, suspended his pres-
idential campaign after "this
savage act."
Sen. Hubert Humphrey also
dropped his campaign and went
to the Holy Cross hospital in
Silver Spring. where his political
rival was taken and underwent

ALABAMA GOV. George Wallace lies on the ground after being shot at a political rally yesterday in Laurel, Md. Cornelia Wallace
crouches over her husband.
6-5 MARGIN:.
City Council passes $5
fine ont" pot use or sale

City Council last night passed
what may be the most liberal
marijuana ordinance in the
country. By a vote of six-five,
council approved a fine of five
dollars for the fine or sale of
The ordinance, which will be-
come effective in about 13 days
because of legalities, sets the
minimum penalty under state
law.. The fine of five dellars in-
cludes judgement fee and court
costs. Four dollars will go to
the state-as with all fines-
and one dollar to the city.
The new ordinance also calls
for a summons procedure rath-
er than arrest for violators of
the new law. The procedure
will be similar to that used for
parking tickets and building
code violations.
The new ordinance also sets a
five-dollar fine for the sale of
marijuana. The city attorney
will have the discretion to turn
the case over to county officials
if the sale is considered as
"commercial distribution." The
definition of the term is ex-
pected to be handled on a case-
by-case basis.
The new ordinance is an
amendment to the old law. Pre-
viously, the city penalty allowed
for a maximum $500 fine and
up to 90 days in jail for posses

sion and non-profit distribu-
tion. It had no provision for
The state law has a maxi-
mum penalty of a 90-day jail
sentence and $100 fine for
"use" and one year sentence,
and a $1000 fine for possession."
The penalty for sale of mari-
juana under the state law is a

maximum four years in jail and
$2,000 fine.
Both City Attorney Jerry Lax
and Police Chief Walter Krasny
have agreed that the "police will
come to the city attorney first"
to decide under which law a case
will be prosecuted.
The council room was crowded
last night with youthful support-

ers of the new law who cheered
and clapped when the new ordi-
nance was passed. Both the
Democratic and Human Rights
Party council members-who al-
lied to pass the bill-seemed
pleased with the new law.
Council member Jerry DeGrieck
(HRP-First Ward) called the
See COUNCIL, Page 7

Chisholm: 'Unbought, unbossed'

Special To The Daily
DETROIT-Rep. Shirley Chisholm (D-
N.Y.Ja, fighting an uphill battle against
high - budgeted, well - known campaign
rivals, stormed through the Detroit area
yesterday and Saturday asserting that she
is a serious - and controversial -- candi-
date for the presidency.
"You know me. You know I've been
controversial," Chisholm told supporters
at Kennedy Square in Detroit Saturday.
"I'm not espoused by special interest
groups in the government, and I'm the
only unbought and unbossed candidate for'
the presidency."
Chisholm squelched rumors that she
was planning on dropping out of the

campaign and giving her votes to Mc-
Govern, stating, "I'm in the race all the
way to California and' the convention in
Following a tight campaign schedule
i'n an attempt to reach as many voters as
possible, Chisholm was on the campaign
trail from early Saturday morning until
late in the evening. She left Michigan
Sunday, but returned yesterday for a last
minute appeal to voters.
On Saturday she spoke at a Welfare
Conference, a rally of the Michigan Youth
Caucus, a press breakfast of Theta Sigma
Phi (a women's journalism society), a live
radio program, and a supermarker rally
in Inkster. Despite the rain, Chisholm
shook hands on Detroit's east side, waving
See CHISHOLM, Page 2


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