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July 26, 1972 - Image 9

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Michigan Daily, 1972-07-26

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Weedneseday, July 26, 1972


Page Nine

> GOP seeks youth, women's aid

WASHINGTON U') -- Republi-
cans are hoping to increase the
participation of women and youth
in the upcoming election by in-
eluding mere women delegates
to the convention and by regis-
tering more 18- to 24-year olds to
vote in November.
President Nixon's campaign
strategists figure most of the
anti-Nixon youths have register-
ed already, so the GOP is going
to go after the rest of the new
potential voters to even the bal-
"We need mfor e of themi regis-
teed, campaign manager Clark
MacGregor said in a news con-
ference Tuesday, "and we're go-
mg to get them registered."
MacGregor said the Commit-
tee for the Re-election of t h e
President already has youth or-
anizations set ip in 35 states
> with 125,000 young volunteers
< orking to recruit young Nixon
voters. He said all 50 states
will be organized shortly.
Pointing to a recent Gallup
Poll, MacGregor said most of the
remaining unregistered 18- to 24-
AP Photo year-olds favor Nioxn over the
Democratic nominee George
orleave a What MacGregor didn't men-
y sterday tion was that the poll also found
that unregistered young people
favor McGovern by an even
greater margin.
The GOP, on the other hand,
either soft-pedaled or has con-
centrated its efforts in ar e as
' ~ where it believed young pen-
p'etould tend to vote Repib-
lican once registered.
Bat Gallup's survey. w h i ch
McGregor said,. "mirrors our
own findings," seems to indi-
cate that the potentially Deno-
.uded the cratic young people were also
is to hold the more activistic and have re-

gistered, while the young silent
majority hasn't.
Concerning women's participa-
tion in the upcoming national
convention, the Republicans ex-
pect to increase the number of
women delegates. However, fe-
male representation is expected
to fall far short of the 50-50 sex
ratio sought by many women.
"If present trends continue,
there is a chance that we will
almost double women's partici-
pation over the 1968 convention,
which was 16 per cent," said Mrs.
Anne Armstrong, co-chairman of
the Republican National Commit-
The party has suggested in vol-
untary guidelines that each state
delegation have an equal num-
ber of men and women, b u t
official slates from 37 states and
the District of Columbia h a v e
disclosed that only 275 women
have been certified.
The big states of California,
Florida, New York, New Jersey
and Pennsylvania, have not yet
been certified and are expected
to boost the total number of wo-
men, A r m s t r o n g said. All
delegates have to be certified
by Aug. 1.
Mrs. Armstrong said she ex-
pects women to have an effec-
tive voice in the convention and
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Booting out Eernidette
An angry trade unionist, right with arm raised, asks B(
Devlin, member of parliament for mid-Ulster at left, t
demonstration outside Pentonville prison in London
while police look on.
Leftist atists me
to discuss stateg

among the key events of the
three-day convention w i 1 be a
"Republican Women's Political
Caucus" to discuss issues of con-
cern to women such as abortion.
The Republicans also will vote
on new rules and guidelines for
their 1976 convention that sug-
gest each state be encouraged to
have equal representation of men
and women. The rules now call
for one man and one woman
from each state on its four ma-
jor committees. If a state doesn't
have enough women, it loses re-
' t
FRI. and SAT.
SIRE Recording

Currently on his second tour
of Latin America, Mr. Hop-
kins is a regular Dispatch
correspondent from Chile. In
this story, he reports from
Argentina, which he recently
A group of revolutionary ar-
tists from every area of Argen-
tina met here recently in an
"underground" conference to
exchange ideas and strategy
for a cultural battle against
"imperialist culture" and the
military regime of President
Alejandro Lanusse.
The four-day meeting of ar-
tists, musicians, poets, actors,
and motion picture producers
included numerous works criti-
cizing U.S. policies in Argen-
tina, the torture of political
prisoners, militarism, poverty,
social injustice, and Lanusse's
"Great National Agreement".
The latter refers to the mili-
tary regime's hope to hold elec-
tions in 1973.
As the first conference of
Argentina's Leftist artists, the
event was described as the
initial step in a long-term
struggle to place artists on the
side of workers and all those
supporting the overthrow of the
present system.

The artists conl
conference with plan

another one later this year, af-
ter extended debate on a "Dec-
laration of the First Confer-
ence of Revolutionary Artists."
Key points in the statement in-
cluded the following:
-'-"Our experience struggltng
alongside the people shows us
that the material of artistic
works serving the revolution
comes from the confrontation
against the system's culture.
and from the working class and
people' struggles.
-We want to transform the
present relation between artist
and public in order to promote
the active participation of the
popular classes in artistic pro-
duction. We want a new art, of
the people, which synthesizes
the experience of struggle, di-
recting it towards the masses
swith their criticism.
'We are opposed to art
which in the name of popular
t' is not critical of wrong
ideas ...
--"Art for us is collective cre-
ation. It is born by life itself
and is a work of constant syn-
thesis and criticism ..
-"We understand art to be a
form of political expression, of
the class struggle

Are we headedt O 80
ultra-violent society
where sex and terror pangs
rule the streets, and whea
law-and-order becomes th0 most
important political issue?
Stanley Kuhrick's amazing film
"A Clockwork Orange" which
rocked the world, and was
voted best film of the year
by the NewYork ilm Criti s,
deals with this question,
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