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July 25, 1972 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1972-07-25

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Vol. LXXXII, No. 48-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, July 25, 1972 Ten Cents Eight Pages

Wants more drug arrests
President Nixon is joined at the White House today by Myles Ambrose, his special consultant on
drug abuse law enforcement, and a chart showing 16,144 arrests for drug violations this year, about
double the figure four years ago. The President said he wanted the number doubled again next year.
London hit by wildcat strike;
threat of national shutdown
LONDON (A')-Wildcat strikes country's ports, idled 200 ships, Miners left their pits. Prin-
spread across Britain yesterday and diverted dozens overseas. ters walked out, leaving London
in protest against the jailing of Pressures built up on the giant without newspapers for the sec-
five defiant dockers and raised Trades Union Congress (TUC)- end straight day.
the possibility of a total nation- representing 10 million organ- Workers quit the capital's
wide walkout. ized workers-to call the coun- meat, fish and vegetable mar-
The stoppage, led by 42,000 try's first general strike in half kets. Fisherman refused to un-
longshoremen, shut down the a century. load their catches.
Drivers parked their trucks
up and down the land, warning
4 all would be off the roads in
4 two days. -
The developing crisis was a
further blow to Britain's Con-
servative government, already
fighting high unemployment and
rampant inflation while trying
r to halt turmoil in Northern
TUC leaders trooped into an
<. emergency night conference
with Prime Minister Edward
Heath carrying a demand for
the release of the jailed long-
Significantly, they shelved
- s= . until tomorrow consideration of
x,, . insis'ent calls from member
unions for a general strike.
The five dockers were jailed
during the weekend, nominally
eforcontemptofdcourt. They had
N defied an order to halt un-
official picketing in a dockland
In reality, wider issues were
at stake.
The longshoremen tradition-
ally have leen the most radical
of Britain's organized workers.
For months they have been
squaring off for a confrontation
with the Heath government and
f fits Industrial Relations Act.
This aims at regulating and
modernizing worker-manage-
ment relations. But it is being
fought tooth and nail by the
laboi unions because it con-
tains penal clauses that could
.; put workers in jail and because
they think it undercuts the
right of collective bargaining.
-Associated Press As massive support built up,
across the country for the long-
ResC Je attempted shoremen, the g o v e r n m e n t
Drilling began yesterday in an attempt to reach and communicate sought desperately to cool the
yh in a mttemptoneabcansdomunicae situation. This focuses on the
with nine miners trapped in a mine owned by Consolidation Coal need for the two sides to hit
Co. of Blacksville, W. Va. The 750 foot hole will be used to lower upon some face-saving way of
a microphone to listen for sounds in the mine, having the jailed dockers freed.

Wal eimto
seek halt to
dike raids
and Wire service Reports
United Nations Secretary General Kurt Waldheim has
appealed to the U.S. government to halt reported bombings
of flood dikes in North Vietnam.
Waldheim told a news conference yesterday that he
has received information from "unofficial sources" that
U.S. bombs have damaged North Vietnam's complex dike
system both by direct hits and by nearby explosions.
Waldheim said he could not be sure whether the dike
bombings were intentional, but added that regardless of
intention he was deeply concerned by reports he had
received of damage to the dikes.
Secretary of State William Rogers responded imme-
diately, calling Waldheim's -- --
information "part of a care-
fully planned campaign byF e -
the North Vietnamese and
their supporters to give
worldwide circulation to this
Rogers has asked U.S. Am- a
bassador George Bush to meet e'vote
quickly with Waldheim and
"point out to him that the WASHINGTON (A) - The
information he has received Senate voted late last night to
concerning alleged deliberate kill the $1785-billion military-
bombing to damage the dikes in foreign-aid bill. The action
North Vietnam is false." came after the bill was amend-
ed to provide withdrawal of U.
William Powell told the Daily orcfromIn na in ou
monthsifAeia prsns
last night that the meeting with o American prisoners
Bush would occur immediately,
and that a statement concern- The amendment had been
ing further actions by Waldheim written into the foreign aid bill
would soon follow, earlier by a 50-45 vote. A mo-
Powel sid te Scretry- tion to strike the amendment at
Powell ,said the Secretary- that time was rejected In a 9
General's "information" includ- 46 vote.
ed a report of dike bombing4ve n
from Swedish Ambassador to Republican Leader ugh
the U.S. Eric Erikson which was Scott told the Senate shortly
denied by President Nixon at before the later roll call that he
his June 29 press conference. felt compelled to vote against
Powell said that the question passage after adoption of the
of any contact between Wald- troop-withdrawal amendment.
heim and official sources in He said the bill, as it stood,
Hanoi was "at this time a mat- would "not help the chances for
ter of private information." peace or the negotiations in
According to Powell, Wald- Par
heim's latest information indi- Also voting against passage,
cated that the reported bomb- but for different reasons, was
ings could cause flooding of vast Democratic Leader Mike Mans-
areas and "the loss of thousands field. He said all along that he
and thousands of lives on North was opposed to continuing what
Vietnam's coastal plain." he called a hodge podge for-
Rogers, using unusually harsh eign-aid program.
language in his answer to Wald- ,The authorization bill was a
h ei s "W anner t o nald- first necessary step to appro-
heim, said, "We cannot con- priation of funds to continue
sider helpful any public state- , military aid to friendly nations
ments giving further currency to around the world.
these reports." The troop-withdrawal amend-
Far 'ast specialist Eqbal Ah- ment was written into the bill
med, who recently predicted in the face of claims that it
"genocidal flooding" in North could hurt President Nixon's
Vietnam due to dike bombings, attempts to negotiate an end to
told the Daily he thought Wald- the Vietnam war.
heim's appeal might be the re- The House has not yet acted
sult of information and pressure on a military-aid authorization
from World Council of Churches bill of its own. It cold send the
President Eugene Carson Blake, Senate a measure on which ac-
Ambassador Erikson, and several tion could be taken later,
other members of what Ahmed Or the Senate Foreign Re-
called an "unofficial investigat- lations Committee could bring
ing group" that has gathered in- out another bill for the Senate
See END, Page 8 to consider.
ab ou .

See story, Page 3

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