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July 22, 1972 - Image 11

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Michigan Daily, 1972-07-22

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Saturday, July 22, 1972
Starr calls it
GREEN BAY, Wis. (A - 1960s, had announced July 1 he
Bart Starr, most accurate would play a 17th season de-
passer in National Football spite slow recovery from two
arm operations which had
League history, finally sur- caused him to miss all but the
rendered to five years of in- last four games of last season.
juries yesterday and an- But Starr told a news confer-
nounced h i s retirement ence in the Packer offices the
from the Green Bay Pack- pain in his throwing arm per-
erm ho Gsisted and he decided Thursday
' ers. night to retire. He said he has
Starr, who quarterbacked no immediate plans except to
Green Bay to five NFL and six spend the next few days with
divisional championships in the his family.
Pro athletes' salaries
freed, from controls


Page Eleven

of Living Council exempted the
salaries of professional athletes
from wage controls yesterday.
The council said the total im-
pact of the exemption on the
economy is expected to be slight
since the total average yearly
costs of pay to all players in
football, baseball, basketball and
hockey roughly equals the re-
venues of companies earning be-
tween $50 million and $100 mil-
In announcing the exemption,
one of the few granted from
wage controls, the council said
it was attempting to correct in-
equities "which arise from im-
posing controls on the s h o r t
earning lives which professional
athletes experience relative to
wage earners in other sectors of
the economy."
Unlike other wage-earners, the
council noted, many professional
athletes ale normally restricted
by contract from changing jobs
to obtain higher salaries.
"Some sports teams, such as
hockey, are located in foreign
countries, and it was recognized
that control on U.S. players
could result in confusing wage
negotiations and inequitable pay-
ments being made to players on
domestic compared to foreign

teams," the council said in a
The exemption also extends to
the pay of team managers and
coaches employed by professional
sports organizations whose pay
characteristics are similar to
those of professional athletes, the
council said. It said the Pay
Board made this recommenda-
DURING THE Korean War,
coaches and managers also were
included with professional ath-
letes in that wage-price control
But still covered by the con-
trols are the pay of other work-
ers employed by professional
teams - trainers, ticket cash-
iers, and front office personnel,
such as general managers or
personnel who serve as agents or
managers for individual players.
Prices charged for tickets to
professional sporting events re-
main under control. The exemp-
tion does not cover them.
In a related matter, the coun-
cil announced that $18,900 in
civil penalties, plus court costs,
had been levied against t h e
Chicago Black Hawks' hockey
team for increasing the price of
its hockey programs in violation
of guidelines.

"After 10 days of consulta-
tion with doctors, 'the should-
er problem continued and was
aggravated by throwing," he
said. "It was continually ag-
gravating with the throwing
Inotion. When it stops being..
fan, it's time to take another
look at it.
There was speculation Starr
might rejoin the Packers in an-
other capacity, and he said he
has not ruled out staying out of
football this year.
Asked about a coaching posi-
tion, either here or with some
other pro team, Starr said, "I
know that would be a great
challenge - I know coach De-
vine would tell you that - but
I really haven't given a great
deal of thought to it."
Dan Devine, head coach and
general manager, s a i d he
would "like Bart to take a good
look at what he wants to do,
and we'll discuss the matter
STARR, 38, reading a pre-
pared text, said that, when he
had' announced his earlier de-
cision to continue playing, "I
did notrknow what this team
would look like."
"But after being with this -Asslaed ress
team the past week and seeing YANKEE SECOND BASEMAN, Horace Clarke, turns the trick
the talent available and the the hard way in completing a double play against the California
Dmeticulous preparationvinced the Angels in last night's opener. Behind excellent pitching, the
Green Bay Packers are going Yanks swept a pair from Cal, 6-0, 3-0 to again reach the .500
to be an immediate winner" plateau.
Lolich twarts Texas
By The Associated Press major league lead in that de- four-hitter, leading New York's
ARLINGTON - Mickey Lolich partment, too. 6-0 victory in the first game.
became the winningest pitcher in Lolich allowed seven hits, " a
the majors with his 17th victory walked two and struck out five,
and Dick McAuliffe and Norm enabling him to overtake Cali- Gibson growls
Cash powered home runs last fornia's Nolan Ryan for the ATLANTA - Bob Gibson re-
night as the Detroit Tigers corded his 11th consecutive vic-
downed the Texas Rangers 3-1. Magic number: 69 tory and belted his fourth home
It was the 17th complete game run of the year as the St. Louis
for Lolich, 17-6. giving him the Cardinals ed ed the Atlanta

Smt COPSDavis win
SANTIAGO, Chile (P) - Club, had a difficult time at ity. Heavy rain on Thursda
Stan Smith of the United States first against Pinto Bravo who drenched the court. But unus
defeated Chile's Jaime Pinto 6- was playing exceptionally well ually warm and sunny weath
1, 7-5, 6-2 yesterday in the op- before a partisan crowd of 5,000. er yesterday helped dry it o
ening round of the American Pinto Bravo caught him sev- for play.
Zone finals of the Davis Cup eral times out of position with The day's second schedule
tennis tournament. precise, forehand shots and de- singles match between Harol
;The hard-fought victory by ceptively soft lobs. Solomon of the Silver Sprin
the 25-year-old U. S. Army cor- Smith, of Pasadena, Calif., Md., and Patricio Cornejoc
poral and 1972 Wimbledon missing some easy shots, took Chile was held later.
champion over Pinto, 32, Chile's several games to accustom Smith and Erik Van Dille
best tennis player, gave the U.S. himself to the exceptionally were scheduled to play in dou
a 1-0 lead in the best-of-five slow playing surface of the bles tomorrow- against a still.1
matches. court, be named Chilean team. Tw
Smith, playing on an unfa- The match was delayed while more. singles matches a r
miliar clay court of the subur- captains of both teams in- scheduled for Sunday betwee
ban State Francais Country spected the court for playabil- Smith - Corne and o omo


Professional League Standings
American League National League
East 4East
w L Pet. GB W L Pet. GB
Detroit 50 36 .581 - Pittsburgh 54 32 .628 -
uatimore 49 37 .5701 New York 48 36 .571 5
Boaton, 44 39 .5301 41/2 St. Louis 45 45 .5239
New York 41 41 .500 7 Chicago 46 A2 .523 9
Cleveland 36 48 .429 13 Montreal 37 46 .446 15 f
Milwaukee 35 49 .417 14 Philadelphia 30- 55 .353 231/
Weat Ws~et
oakland 54 34 .664 - Cincinnati 54 32 .628 -
Chicago 46 41 .529 71 Houston 49 41 544 7
Kinn at 4 42 .50i0 La Angeles 45 .523 9
Kansa City 43 44 .494 10!/_ Atilata 40 49 .449 i15j
California 38 51 .427 160 San Francisco 39 51 .433 17
Texas 36 52 .409 18 San Diego 32 53 .376 21
Yesterday's Results Yesterday's Results
New York 6, California 0, 1st Cincinnati 11, Pittsburgh 5
New York 3, California 0, 2nd St. Louis 2, Atlanta 1
Boston a, Oakland 4,14 innings Chicago 11, Houston 3
Milwaukee 2, Minnesota o Montreal at San Diego, inc.
Baltimore 7, Kansas City 6 Philadelphia at Los Angeles, inc.
Detroit 3, Texas 1 Today's Games
Cleveland 8, Chicayo s Sate Louiy (G, ibson, 10-5) at. Atlanta
Tday's Games (Keliy, 56), night.
California (Ryan, 11-7 and Rose. 1-4 Chicago (Reuschel, 3-3) at Houston
or Clark, 4-9) at New York !Kline, 9-4 (Wilson, 5-7), night.
and Gardner, 1-0), 2. Montreal (Morton, 4-8) at San Diego
Oakland (Hunter, 1?-4 and Horlen, 2- (Corkins, 1-5), night.
2) at Boston (Tiant, 4-3 and Siebert, Philadelphia (Champion, 4-10) at Los
8-5), 2, day-night. Angeles (Singer, 3-8), night.
(Colbrn 2-i). New York(Matlack,9-5 orMAndrew
Binne, ta(Corbin, 5-3) at Milwaukee 6-3 t San Fr ncisco (Reberg, A-0)
Baltimore (McNally, 10-7) at Kansas Cincinnati (Simpson, 6-3) at Pitts-
City (Splittorff, 9-5), night. burgh (Moose, 5-5), night.

Pinto Bravo.
Winner of the final faces the
winner of the European Zone
final between Spain and Czech-
oslovakia being played simul-
taneously in Barcelona.
L.A. cuts
~ " io e .
LOS ANGELES (VI) - Knuckle-
baler Hoyt Wilhelm, who h as
pitched for nine teams during
a 20-year sojurn in the major
leagues, was given his uncondi-
tional release by the Los An-
geles Dodgers yesterday, f i v e
days before his 49th birthday.
The Dodgers got the veteran
reliever, the only man ever to
pitch more than 1,000 games in
the majors, in August of 5 a s t
year. from their Spokane farm
club in the Pacific Coast League
after he had been cut loose by

American League lead in strike-
out with 156.
MceAuliffe's fourth homer of
the season came with two out
in the fifth and tied the game
at 1-1. Cash's 18th homer, with
one on and one out in the sixth,
made it 3-1.
Both Detroit homers came off
Texas starter and loser Pete
Broberg, 5-8, Broberg pitched
seven innings in his eighth un-
successful bid to post his sixth
victory. He permitted seven hits,
struck out seven and walked
Birds blast
KANSAS CITY - Boog Powell
slugged a 450-foot home run as
the Baltimore Orioles took an
early seven-run lead and sur-
vived a Kansas City rally for a
7-6 victory over the Royals in
an American League last night.
Powell's blast, his 10th, open-
ed the third inning and came
off Bruce Dal Canton, 5-4. His
single in the first drove in Don
Buford, who started the game
with a single, for the first of
three runs in that inning.
Bobby Knoop's error paved
the way for the other two first
inning runs, both unearneed. Don
Baylor grounded to Earl Tay-
lor, whose throw was dorpped
by Knoop, loading the bases.
After a forceout, Dave John-
son drilled a double just inside
the third base line, scoring
Powell and Baylor.
Yankees sweep
NEW YORK-Mel Stottlemyre
fired a four-hitter and Johnny
Ellis slammed a two-run homer,
powering the New York Yankees
to a 3-0 victory over the Cali-
fornia Angels and a sweep of
their twi-night doubleheader yes-
Bobby Murcer, Ron Blomberg
and Johnny Callison crashed
home runs in the fifth inning
and Fritz Peterson pitched a

Braves 2-1 in National League
baseball last night.
Gibson's homer, the 21st of
his career, was a 420-foot blast
over the center field fence that
staked the Cardinals to a 2-0
lead in the sixth tuning,
Gibson, 11-5, then saw his
streak of 23 scoreless innings
against Atlanta end in the sev-
enth when Darrell Evans smack-
ed a home run over the right
field fence, his 13th of the sea-
Three lead.
Akron gol--f
AKRON, Ohio () - Rookie
Steve Melnyk struggled through
sweltering heat yesterday, shoot-
ing a two-under-par 68 for a
share of the second-round lead in
the $150,000 American Golf
The 25-year old Melnyk, a
former American and British
Amateur champion, had a 36-
hole total of 137, three under
par on the wet Firestone Coun-
try Club- course.
He was tied for the top spot
with former Professional Golf-
ers Association champion R a y
Floyd and Bert Yancey. Yan-
cey had a 68 while Floyd's 71
was one over par on the 7,180-
yard layout.
Lurking just off their should-
ers was the menacing figure of
Arnold Palmer, the 42-year-old
master who is seeking his first
victory of the season.
Palmer scrambled to a 70 de-
spite some erratic driving - he
hit only' five fairways - for a
138, just one stroke off the pace.
He was tied with big Jim Wiech-
ers, who had a 68.

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