Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, July 22, 1972 Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, July 22, 19T Complete cast piocked for All Star classic Here is the list of men who Scheotinm.Ka nsas City, Lou PinieIto, will hit, pitch, field. call them Kansas City; Ants Otis. Kansas City, Carlos May, Chicago: Joe Radi, Ohk- balls or strikes, fair or fool. land. and decide whether cer tamn plays CATCHEROS HtBi FeehanDe- merit errors or safeties Ifos the troit; Carltoiskh.Rastan; ElieRod- riguez, Milwaukee All-Star game July 25 at Atlanta. PITCHERS- ayIsrd Pery, Clee AMERtiICAN LEAGUE 1uad; in Paloor, Baltimore;Miey INFILDES -Dic AlenChiago Lih.hDetrsit; NolanRyantsCalifornia: NF LDCash. Derish od altewhoMgn- Wibur WodChicago;PPatIDobsott ntecota; Cabie Roast, Konsas City;Baltimreiaveo Mcahld ltmoe Hroaks Rohinon i, Haltimorte: Sa1Han- e otmn aln;Jm"a do Oaklatnd; Rert Catmpneris Oak- Hos(bta land; Taby Harrah,'Txas; NATIOsNALtLEAGU OUTFIE.LDERS - Reggie Jackson INFI1110 i Le MyHIpsSi Oakland; Cotl V'sttziasks BtoatiNate Caotbert, SanDiggo; JoMorgan Hhhby tre,NwYark; RthsitaCicisatis J'oae re.St:Louts;Rtoa Sa to.Cecgao: Do Kssnger,Chi- cao; CisSpeier,SanFeanscisco. OI"rrt'Ei.OERS - Henry Aaran, At- lanta; Rito tCletmente, Pittshbtrgh; Wilt'Stargelt PittsbhctB itty Wil- las.Cliicato; Lot, Brock, St. Lous; CesarCedeno. Hosons; Willie Mtays, New York; Al Oliove, Pittshstrgh. Vincent1Canby, N.Y. Times: CATCHERKS - Johnsny,itn- "Fritis aforcry from Dsney. inolati; SMotny S aillen, Pitts- It is an inteliigent soeci satiret" hburgh; Ted Oilmmlls, St. Lousi. PITCHERS-StevotBHaes, Pittssrgh; FeguonJenkins, Chicago; StveCerl- "Fritz is a bail for theopen tonPhiladelphia; Hoh Gibso, St. mind." Judith Chit Losis; Tug MGraow, NewYokTam SeaerNe EYok;Dots Suttona o 0 Angsgt; Hill Steatns, SMonsteal.Clay ti CarollCinscinnti.t INROUCING ty UPIRES Slt a tides(NL) - htoleplate ao Dmuo(AL) -first has'. Lee Wee NL)- secondhbase,Jtery Neu- dekr(AL) -tshied bho.,Jerryi)ale . (NL) left feld, tillKKunktl (AL) - starihltfield. e . l OFFICIAL SC'ORERS Jath Lang (Lane Islanid Ptess)t,Six Nsis(Misnneapolio Star), Wayne _____________________________Mishew (Atlanta Cotnstitution). MICHIGAN REPERTORY '72 TONIGHT -8 P.M. sha icespe0 re's LOVE'S LABOUR'S LOST 4?%. .1+additional performancss July 26 and 28 S'S 5 ~ Individual Tickets $2 and $3 IN THE AIR-CONDITIONED POWER CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS Boxofofice open 12:30-8:00 Mon.-Fri.-Phone 763-3333 JOIN US ON THE "POWER CENTER FRONT LAWN AT 7:45 FOR DANCING AND BADMNTON. STUDENT RUSH TICKETS AVAILABLE TillRO. Iqtuartt of(elt ta right: et'terfelictdr Ama: Oitis, right fielder Richie 'Scheinbium', tell fieder Lan Pinielia, and secondbaseman Cooakie Kojas lokan attentively as (hey art about ta re- ceive a Western Unito Candygram ins~tuctiag thins ta be in Atlanta, the tight iof the 25th. Current- ly, lbeautfield trioaore the batting leaders in tbe American Leaaue, IULLBOAIID West inks pact for $600?,000; Plenty at goad seals left for th etot insCevln Police arrest Kiticks' Reed in Ann Arbor August 20th. Get tickets at Ticket Office at corner of State and Hoover. EUROPE $130 Two full months of un- limited student Eurailpass travel. Nat. Bank of Ypsilanti TRAVEL. BUREAU 611 W. Cross 5i., Ypsilanti PHONE 483-8556 tU FRESHMEN Can You Breathe?) Like to travel free across time USA ? PaAB aealCan you even write a little? Enjoy sports ? If you cafl answer YES to any one of these questions the IAt J SPORT'S STAFF - is for you BipT't*ssoaecldPeess 0 LOS ANGELES - Jerry West - the chamupion ao Angeles Lakers' "Mr. Clutch" - joined thc ranks of thec highest paid ath- lefts in sports history yesterday witht a new two year contract for an estitmated $300,000 a year. Exact terms of the agreement were not disclosed. Pete Newell. the National Siasketball Association cluihs general manager, said only. "we have an agreement. ft's for two years. "It's not signed yet, bttt thaI's jutst a formality."lite added. It was known that West. who had said at the endh of he Lakers' fantastic season that, at 34, he would take his contracts "one year at a time," wanted at least $300,000 a season for what he felt woold he his last years as a player. Siefore the season started. he said it might he his last. * NEW YORK -- Willis Reed of pro basketball's New York Knicks said yesterday lie was cursed and threatened hy a gun- wielding off-duty policeman after their cars almost collided. Reed made the statement at a news conference he called as a resttlt of the incident Thursday night which led to Heed's arrest on charges of reckless endangerment, menacing, harassment, imper- sonating an officer and a traffic violation. A hearing is schedutled for Aug. 3 Free A rt Fair SAL.-Stone School. Road 8-12 People's Plaza Everyone Welcome! GRAD COFFEE ( IRA (Jj HOUR Wednesday, July 26 \~fj~fJ~i8-10 p.m. 4TH FLOOR, RACKHAM Fun, Food, People NEW PEOPLE WELCOME! Drop in any time of day or night at 420 Maynard, second floor in the back between the Mastodon skeleton and the autographed frog. sports editorY Hats- Strops -- -