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July 22, 1972 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1972-07-22

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Vol. LXXXII, No. 47-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, July 22, 1972 Ten Cents Twelve Pages
Brown book' to have little impact

Daily News Analysir
Yesterday's decision by the
Regents to releasekthe Univer-
sity's "Brown Book" of salary
statistics may cause a few rip-
ples in faculty circles, but hard-
ly compares to the potential
impact of a complete release of
all University salary data.
The booklet, officially titled
"An Analysis of Salaries Paid to
The University of Michigan
Teaching Staff 1971-72," was
previously a confidential docu-
ment prepared by the University
for its own use, and the use of
several other agencies and or-
It lists the median and mean
salaries at each professorial
level paid by each school and
college of the University. It also

charts the minimum and maxi-
mum salaries paid by each unit
at the various teaching levels.
It does not, however, disclose
individual salaries, nor does it
give departmental salary break-
In addition, the booklet in-
cludes no data on the numbers
or financial status of women or
blacks. Thus, it provides no clue
as to whether the University's
affirmative action hiring pro-
grams and salary equalization
attempts are actually working...
Most of the information had
- been made public before. The
booklet has been published for a
number of years and has been
made available to Senate As-
sembly's Committee on -the
Economic Status of the Faculty.
That committee makes an an-

nual report which is mailed to
all faculty members. The most
recent report includes the me-
dian salaries for professors, as-
sistant professors and associate
professors in each school and
college of the University.
The report also contained a
section comparing the salaries.
of men and women at each fac-
ulty level, concluding that wom-
en professors make an average
of 16.5 per cent less than their
male counterparts.
The findings of this report,
based upon the "brown book"
were distributed to each of the
2,700 members of the Faculty
Senate, which includes teaching
personnel, researchers and li-
brary staff members. The re-
sults were also published in The

Furthermore, much of the
"brown ook" information was
publicly available through the
American Association of Uni-
versity Professors (AAUP), a
faculty lobbying group that
compiles comparitive statistics
or faculty remuneration on col-
leges nationwide.
The only potentially signifi-
cant revelation from the
"brown book" that has not al-
ready been widely circulated, is
its listings of salary distribution,
by unit.
These tables, while providing
no names, tell how many pro-
fessors are at various pay levels
in each unit. For example, the
Law School lists one professor
making $36,000-$36,499, six pro-
fessors making $34,000-$34,499,
and so forth. This information is

provided for each professorial
While previously disclosed in-
formation has allowed faculty
members to roughly compare
their own remuneration with
that of their colleagues, this in-
formation will allow them to pin-
point exactly where they stand
in their unit's pay scale.
Of potentially greater signifi-
cance, is that the distribution
lists will allow some identifica-
tion of faculty members and
their respective'ssalaries.
This is possible because in
manysdepartments, one or two
top professors are making
$5,O-$10,0emore than their
closest rival.
For example, in the School of
Education, the highest paid pro-

0 pen salary

list reJete
Regents vote 6-2 to
refuse Daily request
The Regents yesterday voted 6-2 to reject a request by
The Daily that University staff salaries be released, along
with corresponding names, sex, race, length of service and
As an alternative, The Regents voted to release a
heretofore confidential booklet entitled "An Analysis of
Salaries Paid to University of Michigan Teaching Staff,
1971-72." The booklet contains statistics on the mean and
median salaries of academic personnel by unit, but does
not list individual salaries or names (See related story
Daily Editor Alan Lenhoff had requested that full
salary data be made pub-
lic, basing his request upon RJ7O
a ruling by a Bay County egenhs OK
judge that Saginaw Valley
College should disclose its
salary data. The case is new program
currently under appeal.
Mated Press For a partial text of Fleming's blacks
il in Stra- recommendation, see the Edi- The Regents yesterday ap-
oming the torial Page, proved a series of programs
aimed at helping black stu-
The salary disclosure had dents. The programs were of-
been ardently opposed by the fered as a substitute for a pro-
Senate Advisory Committee on posal for Afro-American dor-
University Affairs (SACUA) - mitory halls which was rejected
1 3 the top faculty body - which by the Regents last March.
maintained that publicizing The new plan calls for:
salaries would be a violation of -Afro - American cultural
the faculty's right to privacy, lounges and libraries to be es-
Lenhoff yesterday called the tablished in South Quad and
Regents' action "an attempt to Stockwell Ball. Also, facilities
hide the University's failure to at Trotter House - which pro-
provide equal opportunities for vides counseling, tutoring and
Lediate new women and minorities," and social events for minority stu-
A terrorists, said he is investigating the dents - will be expanded; and
ader of the possibility of a lawsuit to force -The initiation of "Project
Vanguard disclosure of the salary data. Awareness", a training pro-
d that the Before the vote yesterday, gram in black awareness and
an imme- President Robben Fleming re- race relations, which will be
nst the IRA commended to the Regents that given to housing office staff
m of "mas- the salary lists be withheld. members. The training will be
Fleming argued that disclosure directed toward establishing
.nt leader. See OPEN, Page 2 See REGENTS, Page 7

A YOUNG MAN carries a coffin containing the body of his five-month-old son at a funera
bane, Northern Ireland yesterday. The baby was killed in an explosion Wednesday, bec
youngest victim, so far, of violence in Ulster.
IRAguerrillas kil
In Belfast bo-mb bla,


BELFAST (P) - Guerrillas
launched an intense bombing
attack on civilian tagets in the
heart of Belfast, N. Ireland yes-
terday, killing 13 persons and
leaving dozens wounded in de-
bris-littered streets.
Two men also died in shoot-
outs between British troops and
gunmen of the Irish Republican
Army. (IRA) Fighting raged
late into the night.
The army said at least 13
persons died in 20 explosions
that rocked the city for 11/
UGLI sizzles
The Undergraduate Library
(UGLI) will be closed this
weekend due to a breakdown
of the air conditioning. One
worker reported temperatures
reached 90 degrees in the build-
ing yesterday.
The UGLI will re-open Mon-
day morning at 8 a.m.

hours. About 130 persons were
taken to hospitals, many seri-
ously wounded. More than 20
children were among the in-
jured, who also included two
72-year-old women.
Responsibility for the bomb-
ings was claimed by the Belfast
Brigade of the IRA's extremist
Provisional wing.
A gun battle developed late in
the evening between troops and
terrorists in a predominately
Roman Catholic area of Belfast
known as the Markets.
The bombs hit at midafter-
noon, striking only civilian
targets. They shattered three
bus stations, two railroad sta-
tions, a bar and a series of
. "The city center is nothing
more than a disaster area," a
police spokesperson said.
William Whitelaw, the British
administrator of Northern Ire-
land, reacted to the carnage by

announcing an imm
drive against the IR
William Craig, lea
militant Protestant
Movement, demande
British army launch
diate campaign agai
and begin a prograr
sive internment."
Another Protesta
the Rev. Ian Paisley
army to "beat the b
to the ground.
Prime Minister Jac
the Irish republic
guerrilla attacks"
vile" and urged tt
in London and Bel
his earlier proposal
way talks aimed a
peace in Northern I
The deaths repor
day by the British
to 466 the number
known killed sincet
started in 1969.

, urged the
iombers in-
ck Lynch of
called the
savage and
hat leaders
fast accept
for three-
t restoring
'ted yester-
army raised
of persons
the fighting

where aret

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