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July 21, 1972 - Image 11

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Michigan Daily, 1972-07-21

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Friday, July 21, 1972


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Friday July21, 1972 THE MIU-IItsAN L)AILY

Sizzling Sla back slices Texas

elans clash
over meet
Kelly, president of the Amateur
Athletic Union, threatened court
action yesterday in launching a
counterattack in the AAU's con-
tinuing controversy with the Na-
tional Collegiate Athletic Asso-
The latest confrontation be-
tween the giant organizations-
battling for control of the na-
tion's amateur athletes-center
on the United States-Russia jun-
ior track meet scheduled next
Friday in Sacramento, Calif.
Appar-ently at issue is a July
14 letter to the NCAA's member
institutions in which the NCAA
threatened to take away the
eligibility of collegians partici-
pating in this meet.
It also threatened probation-
for schools who allowed their
atheltes to compete. Some 35 of
the 60 U.S. athletes-all under
19 years old-are collegians
Kelly, in his threat of a fed-
eral court injunction against the
NCAA to prevent interference
with the meet,. said the AAU
would ask the NCAA for certi-
fication of the meet,
"We are doing this under du-
ress," he said, "but we feel it
necessary because the Russian
athletes will be arriving in three
Of the stemming feud, Arthur
J. Bergstrom, comptroller of
sports events for the NCAA, re-
portedly said from his Kansas
City office that "it is reason-
able to expect that we'll certify
the Sacramento meet. As a mat-
ter of fact, I've just mailed out
the certification for meet direc-
tor Al Baeta.
The AAU, the only United
States body recognized on an in-
ternational level, has tradi-
tionally. sanctioned international
track and field meets. The
NCAA, which governs most col-
lege athletics in the U.S., has
threatened reprisals if college
athletes participate in the Sac-
ramento meet.

ALL-STAR BACKSTOP Bill. Freehan is out in a close play at
third base. Despite the sloth-like running of Bill, the Bengals put
some shine in their stripes, winning 5-1 and reducing their shrink-
ing magic number to 70. When the number is 70, can the football
season be far away?
Bold, Bobbybo

From Wire Service Reports enough and not quite sure' of
ARLINGTON - Bill Slay- Slayback's brilliance, the Tigers
back, whose rookie pitching popped for two more in the top
performances have been just half of the ninth frame.
superb, did it again. Mixing his Slayback walked only two in
breaking stuff and fastball to going the distance for the third,
perfection, the lanky right- time in his fledgling season.
hander tossed a five hitter and Slayback's performance must
sent 13 Rangers home on strikes have brought smiles to the faces
in the process. The Tigers, of the Tiger brass. No longer a
knowing a gem when they see fluke but an honest to goodness
one, responded offensively by real third starter, Slayback
giving Slayback five runs, bodes well for the Tiger future.
Slayback fanned the side in 'S OSCllat
the first and sixth innings and
was only in trouble in the fifth KANSAS CITY (A') - Merv
when the Rangers struck for Rettenmund delivered a bases-
their lone tally. Joe Lovitto loaded pinch-hit single in te
bunted safely, stole second and 10th inning last night, driving
came around to score on pinch home two runs and helping the
hitter Marty Martinex's two- Baltimore Orioles to a 8-5 vic-
out single. Martinez was just tory over the Kansas City Roy-
acquired from Oakland for als in American League base-
Ranger RBI leader Don Min- ball,
cher. Paul Blair opened the Ori-
The Bengals wasted no time ole's 10th with a wwalk and
in jumping on loser Don Stan- moved up on a sacrifice. A hit
house. In the second, deciding batsman and Johnny Oates pop
discretion was the better part single loaded the bases for Ret-
of valor, the Tigers got two tenmund's decisive hit. Retten-
walks. Mickey Stanley, on a mund scored later in the inning -
short streak after a little jour- on a bases-loaded walk.
nalistic chiding from local The Royals bounced from be
scribes, rapped a single to right. hind to tie the game with two
In the eighth Aurelio Rodri- runs in the eighth and scored
guez doubled and mustacheless two more in the ninth to tie it
Willie Horton repeated the trick again.
giving the Tigers a 3-1 lead. Jim Palmer was nursing a 3-
Never quite knowing what was 1 lead until the eighth when
- ---------- ___- - Steve Hovly opened with a
single and Gail Hopkins walk-
ed. Amos Otis' sacrifice ad-
vanced the runners and Rich-
le Scheinblum's grounder and a
double by John Mayberry tied
S o r s TheOriolesregained the lead
in the top of the ninth with the
help of a two-base error by
The game was still tenable Mayberry. Oates opened with a
for Spasiky, however, until his single but Mayberry booted
final oversight. Necessary was Doyle Alexander's sacrifice.
27 Q-B3. He could then con- Hits by Don Buford and Terry
tinue with B-QB2 and Q-Q1, if Crowley brought home the
necessary; to defend the weak runs, giving Baltimore a 5-3
pawn. edge.
The Fischer Forte Cards decked
ATLANTA - Earl Williams
Spasky-white Fischer-black smashed a two-run homer and
5. P-Q4, slKt-KB3
. P-Q4, P-K3 Ralph Garr a two-run double to
3. K-QB3, sB-K5 power the Atlanta Braves over
4 Kt-3,P-4 - the St. Louis Cardinals -3
5. P-K3, Ktc3 in National League baseball last
6. Bi-Q3, l~xKth night.
7. PxB, iP-Q3
8. P-K4, P-K4 Williams' homer, his 15th this
s. P-Q, lKt-K2 year, sailed over the center field
so. K-a14, P-KR3 fence in the seventh inming
Elapsed time: spassky white, 25 min-
utes; Fischer black, 15 minutes.
11. P-B14, Kt-Kt3 a pop fly single into shallow
12. Kttt, PxKt left.
14. B-, p-K Garr's double to the base of
Elapsed time: spassky white, 85 min- the center field fence in the
sites; Fischer black, 32 minutes. fourth broke a 2-2 deadlock,
5.0-0,-0O scoring Darvell Blanks and
6 P-Q4P-4 Dusty Baker, who both singled.
17. R-KtlB-Q2
18. R- 2, A-Kt5 Baker had singled and scored
19. QR-KB2, Q-K2 on Williams' single in the first
Elapsed time: Spassky white, 85 min- and Marty Perez walked and
uses; Fischer black, 4 minutes. scored on a double play in the
211 B-2, PDt second.
21. B-Q2, Q-K1
22. B-K1, Q-Kt3 The Cardinals tallied twice in b
23. Q-Q3, Kt-R4 the fourth. Jose Cruz doubled
2. asack, KsRd own the left field line and lat-
20. B-Q, Kt-B er scored on a wild pitch by
27. Q-11B2, bxRP Jim Hardin.
Professional League Standings
American League National League
East East

From Wire Service Reports
REYKJAVIK - Bobby Fisch-
er stunned the chess world with
a 26 move defeat of Defending
world champion Boris Spassky
in the fifth . game of their
Championship matches h e r e
The victory knotted the
score at 21/ points apiece.
However because he is reign-
ing champion Spassky needs 2/2
point less than Fischer to retain
his crown.
As Spassky resigned a roar of
astonishment went up from the
crowd in the auditorium.
Spassky's resignation was a
complete surprise. He had been
thought in a slightly weaker
position but nowhere near the
end of the road.
Yugoslav Grandmaster Dra-

Grant inks LA pact

By The Associated Press
LOS ANGELES-The National
Basketball Association champion
Los Angeles Lakers yesterday
announced the signing of their
top draft pick, Travis Grant, who
poured in 4,065 points in four
years at Kentucky State to be-
come college basketball's all-
time leading scorer.
The 6-foot-8 forward signed a
multi-year pact, but terms were
not disclosed.
" Grant had a career average
of 33.6 points per game with an
average of 39.5 as a senior when
he led Kentucky State to its
third straight NAIA champion-
Grant, '22, was among the top
draft choices of the Utah Stars
in the rival American Basket-
ball Association and said he got
"some pressure" to, sign with
the ABA.
He said he decid-ed to sign
with the Lakers "beeause they're
the established, championship
team and its something to be a
"It was a big deciison to
come out here," Grant said.
"And I would like to do every-
thing necessary to make myself
usefeul to the team."
" HOUSTON - Forward Jack
Uarin signed a five-year con-
tract with the Houston Rockets
yeesterday and thanked his new
employers for rescuing him from

"a bad situation" at Baltimore.
Terms of the contract with
the National Basketball Associa-
tion team were not announced
for Marin, who was traded to
the Rockets June 23 for center
Elvin Hayes. Marin did say his
Rocketecontract was for more
than he played for at Balti-
"I was in a position that was
stagnant," the six-year veteran
said. "Our team wasn't going
anywhere. I think we reached
our peak a few years ago."
Marn had his best season in
1971-2, averaging 22.3 points per
game, 15th in the NBA and won
the league fere throw percent-
age by a slinm margin over his
new teammate Calvin Murphy.
. MONTREAL - J.C. Trem-
blay, former all-star defenseman
with the Montreal Canadiens of
the National Hockey League, has
signed a multi-year contract
with Quebec of the World
Hockey Association, it was dis-
closed last night.
Tremblay's decision to jump
to the new WHA was announced
at a news conference here.
Terms of the contract were not
M a k i n g the announcement
were Jean LeSage, a former
premier of Quebec, and Paul
Pacine, the president of Les
Norfdiques, the WHA team.

golub Yanesovic said: "Spassky
made a grave mistake on the
25th move. That had to cost
him the game."
Fischer then played a bishop
move that forced Spassky into
a checkmate.
The world champion leaned
forward and stopped his clock,
signifying resignation.
The spectators rose to their
feet and applauded.
Knowing the intense inter-
est Bobby Fischer has provoked
in the game, the Daily, as a
public service, offers commen-
tary by International Grand-
master Isaac Kashdan.
The fifth game of the world
chess championship in Iceland
was marked by as grevious an
error by Boris Spassky as the
ones that Bobby Fisher com-
mitted in their first encounter.
Spasky had evidently com-
pletely overlooked Fishers reply
when he made his 27th move..
His choice of the square B2 for
the queen was to protect his
rooks pawn for the second time.
Fischer's BxP, based on a keen
tactical point, forced an imme-
diat einroad. If Spassky had
captured the bishop, Fisher
would have followed with QxP.
He would then threaten mate
on the move in two ways, and
there would be no adequate de-
Failure to take theabishop
would also be of no avail to
Spassky. He would have to move
his queen. Fischer would ex-
change bishops, and again QxP
would follow. Spassky recog-
nized his helplessness by re-
signing at once.
Both players followed the
pattern of their first game un-
til Spassky's sixth move. Fisher
then varied. Instead of playing
for a balanced pawn formation,
and a series of exchanges, as in
the first game, Fisher took a
course that seemed inferior.
He exchanged his bishop for
a knight and allow Spassky a
more advanced pawn center.
On the other hand, Spassky's
queen-side pawns wewre sepa-
rated and proved weak.
Spassky's 11th move was pro-
bably an inferior advance,
which caused problems later. It
left his king's pawn backwards,
in a manner similar to the sit-
uation in the third game.
Spassky could not coordinate
.his pieces and his two bishops
wewre ineffective, blocked by
pawns on both sides. After the
rooks wewre exchanged, Fischer
had better prospects.

W L Pct. GB
Detroit 49 36 .576 --
Baltimore 48 37 .565 1
Boston 43 39 .524 4/
New York 39 41 .488 7i/
Cleveland 35 48 .422 13
Mlwaukee 34 49 .410 14
Oakland 54 33 .621 --
Chicago 46 40 .535 7j
Minnesota 42 41 .506 10
Kansas City 43 43 .500 102
California 38 49 .437 16
Texas 36 51 .414 18
Yesterday's Results
Milwaukee 2, Minnesota 5
Boston 2, Oakland 1, 1st
Boston 4, Oakland 3, 2nd, 11 innings
Calitornia at New York, postponed
Baltimore 8, Kansas City 5, 10 innings
Detroit 5, Texas 1
Other clubs not scheduled
Today's Games
California (Allen 2-6 and Rose 1-4) at
New York (Stottlemyre 8-11 and
Gardner 1-0), 2, 5 p.m.
Oakland (Hamilton 0-3) at Boston
(Curtis 6-3)
Minnesota (Blyleven 9-1) at Mil-
waukee (Parsons 7-7), 8:30 p.m.
Baltimore (Dobson 11-8) at Kansas
City (Dal Canton 5-3), 8:30 p.m.
Otroit- Lolichl16-6) at Texas (Bro-
berg 5-7) 8:30 p.m.
Cleveland (Tidrow 6-9) at Chicago
(Bradley 10-8), 9 p.m.

New York
St. Louis


L Pet. GB
31 .635 -
36 .566 6
41 .518 10
42 .517 10
46 .446 16
55 .353 24

Cincinnati 53 32 .624 -
Houston 49 40 .551 6
Los Angeles 45 40 .5298
Atlanta 40 48 .455 142
San Francisco 39 51 .433 162
San Diego 32 53 .376 21
Yesterday's Results
Atlanta 0, 0t. Loumis 3
New York at Los Angeles
Other clubs not scheduled
Today's Games
Cincinnati (McGlothlin 4-5) at Pitts?
burgh (Ellis 8-4)
St. Louis (Durham 0-1) at Atlanta
(Stone 3-7) 8:05 p.m.
Chicagoe -ands 7-7) at Houston (Wil-
son 5-7), 8:30 p.m.
Montreal (Stoneman 8-7) at San
Diego (Caldwell 3-4), 10:30 p.m.
Philadelphia (Reynolds 0-5) at Los
Angeles (Sutton 11-5), 0 p.m.
New York (Koosman 6-5) at San
Francisco (Barr 3-2), 11 p.m.

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