Vol. LXXXII, No. 46-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, July 21, 1972 Ten Cents Twelve Pages SETS APPEAL DATE Court stays bus purchase 1.6 ~ CINCINNATI, Ohio () The 6th U.S. Circuit Court :yfof Appeals ruled yesterday - that the Detroit Board of Education must delay the Y court-ordered purchase of 295 buses. The court sched- x tuled a hearing next month 3for an appeal of a desegre- ' gation order which the buses are to help implement. The appellate court acted only three hours before the deadline set by Judge Stephen Roth of U.S. District Court in Flint. That rider had directed the schools to p chase the buses by 5 p.m. 'eteday. The Circuit Court, headed by { Circuit Jade Harry Phillips, rseugt . 24 to hear an appeal rf Judge Roth's integration plan, W'hich could mea the coes-city " f hosing of as many as 40,000 Daily-Denny Ganer students in order to achieve rac- ial balance in the Detroit area N $ schools. No appeal of that plan was pos- sible until yesterday morning, when Roth formally filed certifi- cates defining details of his find- ings that Detroit's schools are segregated by law and that only a metropolitan desegregation plan can correct that situation. In setting the appeal date, the Circuit Court said, "an imaned- iate appeal may materially ad- vance the ultimate termination of the litigation." The court also ordered a halt in all but the planning proceed- ings involved in implementing Roth's integration plan. It said the 11-member panel set up by Roth to draw up details for in- tegrating schools could coninue 3< - '. to function in a planning capac- 4 In the meantime, this panel NI..{ decided yesterday that some 20 -Daily-Denny Gainer per cent of the teachers in all The Observer Detroit area elementary schools A skeptical little girl watches a magician perform a magic trick should be black.utrsR ' at the Ann Arbor Street Art Fair yesterday. (top) But she isn't recommended minimum that at fooled at all by his tricks and offers her considered judgment of least ten per cent in each school his performance. (bottom) should be black. AUG. 8 PRIMARY Ju ship up f grabs By RALPH VARTABEDIAN As the Aug. 8 primary nears, five candidates are competing in the non-partisan race for two seats on Washtenaw Circuit Court. Judge Patrick Conlin, Judge S.J. Elden, Judge Edward D. Deake, City Attorney Jerold Lax, and Shirley Burgoyne, an attor- ney, have announced their can- didacy. The p r i m a r y election will eliminate one of the candidates from the field for the general election in Noveober. One vacancy will result from the retirement of Judge John Conlin in December. The other open seat was recently created by the State Legislature because increases in the population of Washtenaw County has led to an increased case load. Circuit Court is a county -wide court dealing with felony cases. Four judges, elected for six year terms,'will serve on the court in the 1973 term. The Daily recently interviewed the candidates on a variety of issues. Patrick Conlin says he intends to make attempts to reform the present bail bonding system. "It needs some sort of formula that takes the intuitiveness out of the system," he says. In 14th District Court, where Conlin currently sits, he is over- seeing the institution of a bail- bond system designed by the Washtenaw County Bar Associa- tion. The system rates the re- liableness of arrestees on a point basis, taking into consideration the length of community resi- dence, work history, marital status, family ties, and other in- formation. A certain number of positive points enables the de- fendant to be released on recog- nizance. Conlin does' not, however sup- port the complete elimination of professional bondspersons. He says, "Different practices in dif- ferent parts of the state would make it difficult to institute." Conlin was asked what role the court should take in the controversy o v e r "victimless crime" laws. He said, "Just as the court took a strong stand on marijuana, .I think the court should take a role in this. I don't think it's good for society to dictate morality." Judge Edward Deake current- ly sits on the 14th District bench. Deake foresees drastic reforms overtaking the bail-bonding sys- tem, however says he needs fur- ther study on the issue of elimi- nation of professional bondsmen. "A lot of victimless crimes will be taken out of the criminal code," Deake claims. He points out that drunkeness is no longer regarded in a criminal vein and that drug use is recognized as a "mental illness." On the penal system,, he ad- mits that there exists "a lot of bad conditions." He continues that "any judge should keep abreast with what's happening. It is important to have trained men on the bench, who know the law and can apply it fairly in these times of social change." Jerold Lax has been city at- torney since July, 1969. On bail-bonding Lax says there exists "considerable room for innovation in reviews of defend- ant's backgrounds for recogni- zance or low bond. Incarcera- tion is not the prefered course." Lax is the only candidate with a position amaible to the abolish- ment of private bondsmen. Lax says, "If it were administra- tively feasible for the govern- ment to handle the work load of See CIRCUIT, Page 12 Apres le deluge William Jayne, an 81 year old resident of Wilkes Barrie, Pa., pauses to survey his property while hosing down his front porch. The American flag was one of the few belongings he salvaged after water rose three feet into the second floor of his home during the flood night on June 23. NIXON OUTDONE: Top minimum wage passed bySenate WASHINGTON (I)-The Sen- now prevent many groups of ate last night passed a bill which workers from getting overtime would raise the minimum wage pay. from $1.50 to $2.20 an hour- The House measure provides the biggest increase in history- for a $2 minimum wage in two after rejecting President Nixon's steps but has no new coverage $2 recommendation. The vote on and no repealers of overtime passage was 65 to 27. exemptions. The key test in the debate on Democratic managers of the the heavily disputed bill came in bill made an all-out effort to the tight 47-46 rejection of a defeat the Nixon plan, which Republican substitute embodying was strongly opposed by the Nixon's proposals. AFL-CIO. Democratic presidential nom- They said privately they were inee George McGovern flew here determined to try in this way to from South Dakota to cast his soothe some of the labor leaders- vote against the substitute and unhappy about the Democratic in favor of the AFL-CIO posi- national 'convention. tion. After the defeat of the sub- The labor group strongly sup- stitute, however, the managers ported the Democratic version accepted some amendments of the legislation. which cut back the scope of the The Senate vote sent the bill bill somewhat or delayed ef- back to conference with the fectiveness of some provisions. House which passed May 11 a Sen. Harrison Williams Jr., tD- measure closely in line with the N.J.) chief sponsor of the bill, President's view. contended that the Nixon-basked The Senate bill would bring $2 minimum would not e v n 7.4 million additional workers provide a poverty-level income under the wages and hours law for a breadwinner for a family and repeal exemptions which of four. ROTC aims ~,~.~ - ' for freshmen See story, Page 3