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July 20, 1972 - Image 11

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Michigan Daily, 1972-07-20

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Thursday, July 20, 1972


Page Eleven

Thrdy ul 0 92 H IHGA AL ag lvn

Tribe's Per

From Wire Service Reports
KANSAS CITY - Cleveland
Indians' pitching ace Gaylord
Perry pitched, fielded, and hit
his way to his 16th victory last
night, defeating the Kansas City
Royals, 6-1.
Perry, who is now tied with
Detroit's Mickey Lolich for the
major league lead in victories
raised his record to 16-7 and
matched his win total of last
season by scattering seven sin-
gles against the hard-hitting
In making his 16th route-going
performance Perry Also tied

Lolich for the major league lead-
ership in that category and low-
ered his league's best earned
run average to 1.71.,
Cleveland broke loose against
the R o y a l s' 'Dynamic' Dick
Drago with four runs in the sec-
ond and added two more in the
ninth. Perry figured with key
hits in both of those rallies.
After singles by Graig Nettles
and Chris Chambliss started the
Tribe's second, John Lowenstein
advanced the runners to second
and third with a successful sac-
rifice and Nettles scored and
Lowenstein was safe when Dra-
go threw wildly to third.



Sports of The Daily


Of a fighting con ...
... Eagleton and Al
THURSDAY, JULY 13, in the pallor of Miami Beach, a
woman from South Carolina took the microphone to announce
the vote of her state towards the Democratic nominee for
Vice President of the United States. As she received the okay
from the chair, she gave a spiel about her state. Not one of
those South Carolina the home of corporations, charisma and
character speechs, not one of those South Carolina, the state
that steadfastly supports bedbugs or whatever states do these
days when they are not in debt.
No, this woman, part of the original delegation, had a
simpler plea. South Carolina, the nation was told was the state
that wanted to send Bobby Hunter to the Olympics.
Bobby Hunter has spent the last decade behind an elabo-
rate subtrefuge. Merely 5-6, one would wonder why South
Carolina would want to send him to the Olympics, instead of
boycotting lettuce.
Bobby Hunter is, as most newspapers will tell you, a
convict. Sentenced to jail, Hunter found a new lease on life
when he donned a pair of boxing mitts. In a week which
has seen prison uprisings in both the Maryland and Attica
State prisons for the second time. each, Bobby Hunter's
desire for rehabilitation seems rare.
Hunter, making the most out of an awful situation, has
managed to earn the respect of most of the people of South
Carolina, people incidentally who locked Bobby Hunter away
for their own protection.
But that is not the main topic of this column. Rather the
official reaction to the drive to allow Hunter to play in Munich.
Sparked by a Sports Illustrated story and a CBS newscast, the
drive to allow Hunter to participate reached Movement pro-
Did the U.S. Olympic officials, realizing the sacrifices
Hunter has made by training allow his participation? Did
those men who puffed on the stoogies while others were spend-
ing their energies send out any sort of compassion for a man
who has demonstrated his desire for rehabilitation? Did any
sort of acknowledgement come from high up for a minor
miracle. Was there any recognition that the friendship between
Hunter and his white guard-trainer was one of depth and rare
in these times of racial strife.
Come, come, dear friend. Reform and good will was
confined to the new Democratic party and not any existing
Olympic official Willi Daume responded by maintaining
that Olympic athletes should be an inspiration to youth and
Mr. Hunter, alas, did not qualify.
What I like about this country is its inate ability to always
rise to the bottom of things. Speaking as an ex-youth, I can
say that Bobby Hunter's participation in the Olympic games is
about as corrupting as wine with dinner.
With the addition of Senator Eagleton to the Democratic
ticket, Sen. McGovern has balanced himself with baseball
fans. Eagleton, exercising the height of patience, was a
St. Louis Browns fan, which as everybody knows demands
the highest of patience.
Having once had his emotions subjected to the owner's
whims, speculation was great that the Missouri lawmaker
would be most severe with American League president Joe
Cronin over the Senators' exit from the capital city when
Cronin testified before a Senate committee. Not so. Cronin was
an idol of Eagleton and Eagleton related the time that he
caught three fouls off the bat of the former shortstop.
Cronin claims not to remember the incident.
Although beaten by Joe Frazier last year, Muhammed Ali
retains a good deal of skill and even more respect. Ali is con-
stantly aware that boxing can be overly brutal.
Unlike Smokin' Joe who seems to have an insatiable
need to maim his opponents, Ali exerts himself just enough
to win and refrains from doing unnecessary dbmage to an
A case in point was Ali's romp over Jerry Quarry. Qurry,
fearful of injury to his eyes was hopelessly outclassed but Ali
with a wink to sportswriters did nothing to maim or cripple
his adversary.

r f glides
A sacrifice fly by Ray Fosse
scored a second run and then
Frank Duffy snashed a triple
to score Lowenstein. Perry fin-
ished the scoring by singling
home Duffy.
Kansas City got to the Indians'
ace for one run in the fifth on
pinch-hitter Steve H o v 1 e y 's
ground out following singles by
Ed Kirkpatrick and Cookie Ro-
Rojas accumulated three of
the Royals' hits but never again
in the game did a Royal runner
advance past second.
Perry also was his own field-
ing star as he handled eight
ground balls hit up the middle
and speared a vicious line drive
by league-hitting hitter Richie
Scheinblum in the eighth which
he proceeded to turn into a dou-
Cleveland's final two tallies
came off Tom Burgemeier when
Duffy and Perry again came
through, this time each with a
bases loaded single.
Tigers, O's lose
TEX.-Both the Detorit Tigers
and their pursuers in the Ameri-
can League East's title chase,
the Baltimore Orioles fell by 3-2
counts last n'ight. The Tigers
were victimized by Chicago's
Wilbur Wood who recorded his
14t victory of the season at.
their expense, and Baltimore lost
when the Rangers rallied for two
runs in the bottom of the
Detroit's loss was only its sec-
ond in the last 11 games and the
Oriole loss reduced the Tiger
magic number to a scant 71.
Rick Reichardt's two home IKE BROWN
runs spelled defeat for' the Ti- foul pop up
gers. His first blast. came off White Sx. T
Tiger starter Tom Timmerman Carols May b
in the fourth and remained as
the games' only run until the
Tigers tied it in the seventh. a 13-3 America
But a two-run smash off Fred over the Minn
Scherman (3-1) gave the White Blomberg's 1
Sox their winning margin in the second, a sho
eighth although Detroit did man- field bullpen, w
age one more run in the bottom ahead of him..
of the frame. homer of the y
* * * White lashed
Twins trounced of the year in
stnsin thc
NEW YORK-Two-run homers Bobby Murcer,
by Ron Blomberg and Roy White a triple.
paced a 12-hit attack for theatikeK
New York Yankee yesterday for Mike Kekich
____________________paw, recorded
against eight1
was Jim Per
ninth defeat a
Pirates win Miwaukee
By The Associated Press Caton Fisk
CHICAGO - Bobby Tolan de- run homer ani
livered a tie-breaking single with and Doug Gr
two out in the sixth inning and doubles yes
Tony Perez drove in two runs Bobtons yReds5
with a single and a double tot ry er on e
lead the Cincinnati Reds to a Flry vir
6-1 National League victory over The victor
the Chicago Cubs yesterday. fourth straight
With one out in the sixth, Milt to Lynn Mc
Pappas, 6-6, hit Pete Rose with a ' P.-
pitch. Rose took second as Joe
Morgan grounded out and scored Profe
on Tolan's single. Johnny Bench
then walked and Perez singled Ameri
Tolan home., ,
HOUSTON-Rick Wise pitched satimore
a eight-hitter and batterymate Boston
Ted Simmons slammed a three- Ceelandk
run homer, leading the St. Louis Milwaukee
Cardinals to a 6- triumph overv
the Houston Astros last night. Oakland
Wise (10-9) had to pitch out of Minnesota
trouble in the fourth inning and Kansas city

preserved his shutout when he California
induced Tommy Helms to fly out Texa d
with the bases loaded. Boston s, Californi
The Cardinals jumped on Hous- New York 13, Minn
Oakland 9, Milwau
ton starter Larry Dierker (8-6) Cleveland 6, Kansa
for two runs in the first inning Texas 3, Baltmore
on a walk and singles by Ed Chicago 3, Detroit
Crosby, Bernie Carbo and Joe Today
eMilwaukee (Parson
Torre. (Byleven, 9-11)
* * * Oakland (Holtzma
PITTSBURGH-Willie Stargell, 2-5) at Boston (P
Gene Alley and Richie Hebner (CulIp, 5-8) (2), r
California (May, 3-
each drove in two runs to lead (Peterson, s-11),
a 13-hit attack as the Pittsburgh Baltimore (Palmer,
Pirates d o w n e d the Atlanta City (Nelson, 2-4
Detroit (Slayback,
Braves 8-3 in a National League (Stanhouse,0- )
baseball game last night. Only games schedu



, Detroit first baseman, dives unsuccessfully for a
in yesterday's Tiger game against the Chicago
The ball, at left, was later caught off the bat of
y a fan from Breckinredge, Mich.

in League victory
esota Twins.
blow came in the
it into the right
hich scored White
It was his seventh
d his fifth homer
to the right field
e sixth, scoring
who led off with
, New York south-
his ninth triumph
losses. The loser
ry, suffering his
gainst seven vic-
Rookie catcher
lammed a three-
d Tommy Harper
iffin hit two-run
day, leading the
ox to an 8-2 vic-
California Angels.
y was Boston's
and was credited
Iothen, 3-2, who

scattered eight-hits in going the
Fisk walloped his 15th homer
in the fifth inning after Carl
Yastrzemski singled and Reggie
Smith was hit by a pitched ball.
The home run boosted Boston's
lead to 6-2.
Angel wings clipped
MILWAUKEE-Reggie Jackson
drove in four runs including
three with a bases-loaded double
that capped a six-run rally in
the seventh inning to lead the
Oakland A's to a 10-6 victory
over the Milwaukee Brewers in
American League baseball action
last night.
The uprising broke a 3-3 tie
achieved on a three-run homer in
the sixth by the Brewers' Ollie
Brown. It was the sixth straight
victory for the A's Blue Moon
Odom, 9-2.
Mike Epstein opened the A's
seventh with a walk and Sal
Bando was safe on Rick Auer-
bach's error. Angel Mangual's
triple scored Epstein and Baudo
with the decisive runs.

";{;.ti>" yiY.{{;tianS:S y:;St ::rl? ;: Ci;:.4v"..i:::rrti r' :".""i r' i. p: "::ig s?:":{;{r.'.{ .:%
ssional League Standings
an League National League
w L Pect. GB East
41 36 .571 -
47 37 560 5 W L Pet. GB
41 39 .513 5 Pittsburgh 54 31 .635 -
39 41 .409 7 New York 47 35 .573 S%
35 41 42 12% St. Louis 44 4 .524 9Y2
33 49 .402 14 Chicago 45 42 .517 10
vest Montreal 37 46 .446 56
34 31 .635 -Philadelphia 29 55 .345 24%
46 40 .3 81/West
42 40 .512 101Zs
43 42 .506 11 Cincinnati 53 32 .624 -
38 49 .417 17 Houston 49 40 .551 6
36 50 .419 11% Los Angeles 44 40 .524 8Y
ay's Results Atlanta 39 48 .448 15
asl San Francisco 39 51 .433 16/z
esota 3 San SDies 32 52. .381 20%
kee 6
s city 5 Yesterday's Results
2 Cincinnati 6, Chicago 1
's Games Pittsburgh 8, Atlanta 3
s, 7-7) at Minnesota St. Louis 6, Houston 0
Philadelphia at San Diego, inc.
n, 12-7) and (Blue, New York at Los Angeles, inc.
Patin, 7-8) and Montreal 3, San Francisco 2
-7) at New York Tonight's Games
, 13-4) at Kansas St. Louis (santorini, 4-7) at Atlanta
), night (Hardin, 2-0)
3-3) at Texas New York Gentry, 4-6) at Los An-
dnight geles (Downing, 5-5)
tled Only games scheduled

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