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July 20, 1972 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1972-07-20

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How to save your bike

It's 10:17 p.m. Thursday, June
28. and Jim Hutchinson is hard
at work on the sixth floor of
the Graduate Library. He gazes.
out the window, and sees two
figures kneeling by his ten-
speed bicycle.
He races downstairs, runs out
to the bike rack. Too late. his
bike is gone.
What can Jim do? If he'calls
the police, he will find he is
one of ten people to have' their
bikes stolen that day in Ann
Arbor --- one of about sixty-five
people to have their bikes stolen
that week.
Sgt. Harold Rady of the Ann
Arbor , Police Dept. estimates
that between fifty and seventy
bikes are stolen in Ann Arbor
each week. Including expensive

ten-speeds, which average about
$125 per bike, that represents
about $6250.
Many of the stolen bikes are
expensive ten-:speeds, which are
taken out of Ann Arbor and re-
sold in other locations. Some are
changed beyond recognition -
serial numbers are erased and
replaced. So the ordinance re-
quiring Ann Arbor bike stores
to file a report on any used
bikes they buy does not help.
According to Rady, the police
are just beginning to realize
the extent of the problem and
the size of the loss. The num-
ber of stolen bikes could dou-
ble or even triple in the fall.
Bike racks are under heavier
surveillance and the police dE'-
partinent is investigating means
of prevention and detection.

"We need citizen involve-
ment," says Rady. "It is only
logical the bike riders should
seek their own means of theft
If you ride your bike in Ann
Arbor or on campus and must
leave it unattended, always
lock it, Rady says.
The best type of chain, ac-
cording to Chuck Gilboe, of
Schlenker Hardware Store, is
made of case hardened steel,
one-half an inch thick, Most
riders lock their bikes with
chains that are one-quarter to
three-eights of an inch thick.
because one-halt inch chains
are heasv and cumbersome. A
chain with links less than one-
half of an inch thick can easily
be cipped with a fifty-dollar
See STOPPING, Page 12


Thursday, July 20, 1972

News Phone: 764-0552

BICYCLES provide one of the major modes of transportation in
the city-especially for students. Lately, 'however, they have also
become a prime target for rip-offs. All too often even a chain
and lock are not enough to discourage thieves from riding off on
your bike and selling it.

Egypt's Sadat to male
statement; Russia replies

By The Associated Press tions. The Soviet Union provides
President Anwar Sadat will massive economic and technical
make a major speech Sunday, assistance to Cairo, and is
and it is possible he will en- Egypt's major trading partner.
large upon his decision to send In the first statement since
home Soviet military advisers Sadat's announcement, the So-
and technicians. viet government yesterday de-
Sadat will be speaking on the clared that Russian military
20th anniversary of the start of
Gasnel Abdcl Nasser's Socialist. person-eltrill be withdrawn
GrevAtuo n 's from Egypt because they have
revolution. . finished teaching the Egyptians
In announcing his decision
Tuesday, Sadat stressed that how to "master Soviet military
it was riot a rupture in rela- equipment.'
al officials to film

New leader speaks
Japanese Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka speaks d
conference in Tokyo yesterday. In his first appearai
press since taking office two 'weks ago, Tanaka sai
will remain under the U.S. nuclear umbrella.
SEPT. 8, 9, AND JO

The Ann Arbor Blues and
Jazz festival has been revived
this year and top talents will
be playing on the Otis Spann
Memorial Field on Sept. 8, 9.
and 10.
Sponsored by the Rainbow
Corporation, UAC, and Project
Community, artists Miles Da-
vis, Otis Rush, Archie Shepp,
Dr. John, Muddy Waters, Sun
Ra, Charles Mingus, Jr. Walker
and the All-Stars, Freddie
King, Luther Allison and many
others will be kicking off the
first weekend of the school
year with a five concert series.
Promoter Peter Andrews ex-
pects no problem in selling the
necessary 6,000 - 7,000 tickets
needed to break even, and ex-
pects that the concert series will
be sold out easily.
"We're gearing this concert
to the people of Ann Arbor, and
our major advertising effort is
in this aity," said Andrews.
"We're sending a mailing out for
25,000 student, telling them that
this is their opportunity to get
tickets. We don't want them to

come back in th.
that everything's
especially since
partially sponsor
sity groups."
Andrews said I
ning on doing an
Detroit or in nati
azines, "because
festivals going o
and people wo
Movies of the c
radio specials an
cast of the cone
"The productio
is at a much m
level and it's ea
book talent"
"We've been able
drawing talent
within our budg
Andrews feels
festival was bot
time - in compi
Goose Lake f
that its August
energy", causing
In reviving th
drews expects t
annual event ag

Assrcited Press
A i-z- hoing of
uring a press Is response to mounting cri-
ticism of conditions in the coun-
d his country ty jail, the Washtenaw County
Sheriffs Department will now
film and record the arrival, un-
loading and booking of all pri-
soners at the facility.
The move was announced
yesterday at a press conference
set held by Capt. Chester Wilson of
the department.
According to Wilson, the jail's
e fall and find present television monitoring
5 been sold out, -system will be used for video-
the festival is taping. The changeover will not
'ed by Univer- cost additional tax dollars, Wil-
son added.
he wasn't plan- The jail at present has a
y advertising in television viewing system de-
onal rock mag- signed to allow jail officials to
there's no big keep the entire facility under
n this summer observation. Two cameras in
uld overwhelm the booking and unloading area
will be used for the filmings.
concerts, tv and Much criticism has been di-
d a live broad- rected of late at jail conditions
certs are being and especially at the physical
safety of the prisoners.
in of this thing One class action suit has been
ire professional filed against the jail alleging
asier for us to unfair administrative practices
said Andrews. and inadequate facilities.
to get better Another suit was subsequent-
and still keep ly filed following the alleged
;et." rape of a 17-year-old in pri-
that the 1970 son for breaking and enterting.
oked at a bad Capt. Wilson said yesterday
etition with the the purpose of the filming is to
estival - and protect police officers from
date was "low- false charges of brutality as
it to lose $30,- well as protecting the prisoners.
"We have gotten a number of
ie festival, An- complaints from some prisoners
-o make it an -not more than usual," Wil-
uin. son, "That's why we are putting

in the film - because film re
cords the truth."
"The film will show if the
prisoner is hurt or bleeding or
drunk when he comes in or
whether he is in fine shape.
We've discussed this with the
area judges and prosecutor and
they think it is a fine idea,"
Wilson added.
At present two other coun-
ties in the state - Lenawee
and Bay - have put such a
system into operation. Accord-
ing to Wilson both have re-
ported good results.

The statement, reported by'
the government news agency,
Tass, was the first time the
Russians have officially admit-
ted that Soviet armed forces
advisers were operating in
The statement by Tass car-
ries complete Kremlin sanction,
and ranks only below an of-
ficial Soviet government pro-
The agency omitted reference
to specific numbers of Russians
in Egypt or how long they had
been training the Egyptians.
The statement indicated that
Moscow had been aware of the
situation in advance of Sadat's
Meanwhile, British authorities
reported yesterday that Egypt
has been checking prospects of
buying arms from Britain, pos-
siblyto counterSoviet cutoff of
modern offensive weapons.
The informal inquiries by
Egypt began some weeks ago,
sources said, when it became
clear the Soviet Union and the
United States were limiting
shipments of war goods to the
Arab countries and Israel.
British officials linked this
exercise of Soviet - American
restraint to President Nixon's
talks in Moscow last May.
Egyptian interest in British
See SADAT, Page 7

Regents to consider pay
lists, Willow Run today

The Regents will tackle a
number of questions ranging
from disclosure of salaries to
the status of Willow Run Lab-
oratories in their monthly meet-
ings tomorrow and Friday.
President Fleming's office will
ask the Regents to discuss
whether the salaries of Univer-
sity personnel should be open
to the public:
The discussion comes in the
wake of a request by the Daily
for a salary disclosure. In a
suit brought by the Bay City
Times recently, Delta College
and Saginaw Valley College
were ordered to make salary
figures public. The case is cur-
rently under appeal.

The salary discussion is sched-
uled for 11 a.n. on Friday.
Also under discussion will be a
number of legal matters involved
with the University's plan to
divest itself of the controversial
Willow Run research facilities.
The Willow Run labs are 'the
site of 90 per cent of the Uni-
versity's classified and military
A new structure for student
government fee assessments will
also be considered by the Re-
gents who meet in a conference
room on the first floor of the
Administration Bldg.
In a departure from the prac-
tice of recent months, there will
be no open meeting on Thurs-

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