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July 19, 1972 - Image 12

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Michigan Daily, 1972-07-19

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Page Six


Wednesday, July 19, 1972

Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, July 19, 1972

Fashion Shoes in Sandal-Dress Sport Styles
Spring &, Summer
Mid-Short-Flat Heels $690$
$390 $490
-400 PRS-
Boot-Slip-on-Sport Styles-by Dexter, Bostonian, Imports
$990 $1290 $1590
REG. 17.00 TO 35.00
304 S. State St.

Local galleries cater
to various art tastes

There is more art in Ann Ar-
bor than people know about.
Once you've wandered through
the art museum and the exhi-
bits listed in the University Re-
cord, there is still a great deal
of interesting art to contem-
plate in galleries that support
themselves by selling what they
The newest gallery in Ann Ar-
bor is the. University Activities
Center (UAC) Art Gallery in
the Michigan Union. It has an
atmosphere of determined con-
fusion. Not all the art is that
good, but there are a surprising
number of very striking pieces,
and there's so much art, in so
many different forms and styles,
that it gives the exciting feeling
that you might discover some-
thing by accident.
The gallery started because
the professional galleries didn't
want student art. Even if it was
good, they felt it represented too
experimental a stage in the ar-
tist's development. They wanted
are that reflected a body of
work, and the student, in trying
various media while developing
a style, is not that consistent
Anybody can submit art to the
UAC gallery, although student
work has some preference. There
are three different review pan-
els, and work rejected by one
panel may be resubmitted to the
other two. All the people who
work at the gallery are volun-
teers, except for the director
Don Mattson, an energetic man
who adds to the atmosphere of
constant activity.
Any kind of artistic endeavor
fits into the gallery. They have
had workshops, craft demon-
strations and poetry. I recently
saw a girl wandering around
looking for a quilting bee. Matt-
son was preparing for the spe-

MARANTZ Model 1030 Stereo Console Amplifier
30 Watts RMS

cial "children's art exhibit," and
showed me some of the work.
"It's very up-to-date. That's
what the modern artists are do-
ing. They're just learning how
to be children." The pleasure of
the gallery is in its unrestricted
creative effort.
On Julie Forsythe's desk there
is an abstraction in a glass box,
which, a note explains, was cre-
ated when her grandson drop-
ped his model car on the stove.
Forsythe owns the Forsythe
Gallery, upstairs above the Post
Office in Nickels Arcade, the
oldest gallery in Ann Arbor.
There is a certain conservative
quality about the gallery, al-
though it is true, as Forsythe
emphasizes, that works vary
from "the realistic to the non-
objective." The gallery has more
variety in media than most pri-
vate galleries, in town: photo-
graphy, ceramics and sculpture,
as well as painting and prints.
Neverthless, with the possible
exception of the model car, I
didn't see anything there that
would have been called daring,
and probably wouldn't have con-
sidered that a virtue anyway.
Forsythe stressed that the gal-
lery was "very much interested
in draftsmanship and crafts-
manship" as well as creativity.
A child can make a good work
of art, she said, but it's an acci-
dent. Art shown must be good,
Mich. artists
to show work
at Raekham
Tomorrow marks the begin-
ing of the University's 20th an-
nual Michigan Invitational Ex-
ibition in the galleries of the
Rackham Building.
The art show and related art
conference tomorrow, which are
sponsored by the College of
Architecture and Design and
the University Extension Ser-
vice, "give the pulse of what is
happening in Michigan for ser-
ious part-time artists," says
David Rubello, who installed the
According to Rubello, the ex-
hibition and conference draw
people of all ages and artistic
backgrounds who "just want to
know something about ar.
People who come may be in-
terested in buying a painting or
just keeping informed as to
what is happening among Mich-
igan artists.
This year's exhibition, termed
"one of its kind" by Rubell,
is composed mostly of the works
of exhibitors who are new to
the Rackham galleries.
Many of the participating ar-
tists have been active in other
art exhibitions around the state
and have won regional and local
awards. Some will also be ex-
hibiting their work at the Ann
Arbor Street Art Fair.
Works in water color, oils and
acrylics have been combined in
a "well-rounded" painting ex-
hibition, according to Rubello.
Highlights of the conference
include demonstrations by ar-
tists who are well known in
their fields. Fred Leach, a na-
tionally known water colorist,
and Mustafa Naguib, an inter-
nationally known sculptor, are
two of the artists who will dem-
onstrate their techniques and
give their audiences a chance to
see how, a professional artist
Richard Muhlberger, who was
recently appointet Chairman of
Education at the Detroint In-
stitute of Art, is also scheduled
to speak in the opening session
of the conference.
The exhibit runs through

August 4. The gallery will be
open from 10 am. t 10 p~m.,
Mondaythrough Friday, and
from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Satur-

Power Output: Total RMS continu-
ous power, both channels driven,
at rated, distortion, from 40Hz to
20kHz. 30 Watts into 8-ohm (15
Watts per channel) Total Harmonic
Distortion: At or elow rated power,
d4lfo to l2ls~z. 0.5% (lernm aux in-
put) Intermodulation Distortion: At
or below rated power, for any com-
bination of two frequencies, 40 Hz
to 20 kHz. 0.5% (from aux input)"
Frequency Response: plus/minus
2dB, 20Hz to 80kHz; plus/minus ldB,
20Hz to 20kHz Power Bandwith:
15Hz to 40kHz Basic Amplifier Input
Sensitivity: 1.0 Volt (into 47k-ohm)
for rated output Damping Factor:
Greater than 45 at 8-ohm.
MARANTZ Model 110

Phono Input Characteristics: Sensi-
tivity: 21 mV for 1 Volt output.
Dynamic Range: 93dB. NOTE: Phono
input impedance is 47k-ohm. Dy-
namic range is ratio in dB of phono
overload (100 mV) to equivalent in-
put noioe (2.2 uV).
Microphone Input Sensitivity: 2.1
mV, (47k-ohm). NOTE: Usable with
any igh-quality low impedance dy-
namic or condenser microphone.
High Level Input Sensitivity: 150
mV, (100k-ohm)
Output Level and Impedance: Pre-
amp: 1.0 V into 47k-ohm; Recorder:
0.775 V into 47k-ohm; Headphone:
0.7 V into 8-ohm Crosstalk: 45dB
Filters: High: 5kHz/6dB per octave;
Low: 100Hz/6dB per octave Tone
Controls: Treble: plus/minus 12dB
at 15k~z; Bass: plus/minus 12dB at
AM/FM Stereo Tuner

Combination Sale,
starts July 15
For a limited time we will be offering
the Marantz.1030 Console Amplifier
along with the Marantz 110 Tuner
at a considerable savings to you.
These units normally fist for $329.90
together, but are ON SALE FOR
$299.95, a savings of $29.95.
For a Demonstration !
Ann Arbor's Hi-Fi Headquarters
since 1945,

FM Quieting Slope: 30dB at 1.6 uV; 53dB at 5
bV; 57dB at 10 uV; 63dB at 50 uV Capture
Ratio: 1.6dB Frequency Response: plus/minus
ldB; 20Hz to 15kHz Selectivity, Alternate Carrier:
60dB Image Rejection: 80dB Spurious Rejection:
95dB; IF Rejection: 90dB Stereo Separation:
42dB at 1kHz; 26dB at 10kHz Total Harmonic
Distortion: Stereo-0.30%; Mono-0.15% Quad-
radial Output: 300 mV, 15 k-ohm FM Antenna
Impedance: 300-ohm balanced; 75-ohm unbal-
anced AM Sensitivity: 20 uV AM Antenna: Built-
In Ferrite rod with terminals for external AM
antenna Semiconductor Complement: 37 tran-
sistors; 30 diodes; 1 integrated circuit Power
Requirements: 120 Volts, 50/60Hz (Adaptable to
100, 200, 220, or 240 volt operation) ODmensions:
141p"Wa Aws4y" Ho C12" DUnit Weight: 17 lbs.
OptionalAcressory: WC-10 Walnut Cabinet.

Hrs. 9-5 Mon.-Thurs. 9-8 Fri. 9-5:30 Sat.

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