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July 19, 1972 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1972-07-19

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Edited and "managed by students at the
University of Michigan
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individua
opinions of the author. This must be noted in ll reprints.
WEDNESDAY, JULY 19, 1972 News Phone: 764-0552
Shoek treatment
DEMONSTRATING A FLEETING sense of humor, the
State Legislature and the University have changed
the title of Willow Run Laboratories to "The Environmen-
tal Research Institute of Michigan."
Willow Run Labs currently perform about $5.5 million
worth of classified Department of Defense research
annually. And this work is hardly dedicated to the
preservation of the environment.
The laboratories have become famous by developing
electronic countermeasures devices, which confuse the
enemy's radar; infra-red sensors which pick out enemy
troop movements in the dark; acoustic sensors, which
map troop and convoy movements by their vibrations; and
aerial photography surveillance techniques.
But somewhere along the road to World War III, the
National Aeronautics and Space Administration found
out that these same military surveillance techniques
could be adapted for such uses as spotting corn blight and
oil pollution from space, and began to contract with
Willow Run 'for similar research.
But while Willow Run still performs more than one-
half of its research specifically for the Department of
Defense, the University's public relations team is euphem-
istically trying to sell the laboratories to the public as an
environmental research center--something infinitely
more acceptable to the community than a war research
lab in these years of anti-war sentiment.
UNFORTUNATELY, HOWEVER, a skunk by any other
name is still askunk. Putting a new label on Willow
Run can only be viewed as a vain attempt by the Univer-
sity and the state to hide their complicity with this
country's defense establishment.
Enviroumental war?
evacuation missions in the area of besieged An Loc
have been issued electric "cattle prods" to prevent South
Vietnamese soldiers from mobbing the aircraft and at-
tempting to flee the battle zone, military officers said
The battery operated cattle prods were issued to
medics and crewmen flying helicopters into the An Loc
area about two months ago, according to U.S. officers
who served in the units concerned.
It has recently been reported that use of the prods
has been discontinued, ostensibly due to the extensive
publicity afforded the action.
USE OF THE prods began after several American chop-
pers were rushed by dozens of South Vietnamese
troops in and around An Loc during the heavy fighting for
control of the provincial capital, 60 miles north of Saigon.

k-_ _ -

WASHINGTON - Vacation time
is rapidly coming to a close for
the radical movement in M i a m i
The same loosely-organized
group of Zippies and Yippies who
cavorted and sunbathed during the
Democratic Convention are now
holding serious strategy sessions
aimed at embarrassing President
Nixon during the Republican Con-
vention next month.
My source for this information
is my own long-haired teen-a ge
son, Kevin, who infiltrated the ra-
dical movement while I was in
Miami Beach for the Democratic
Kevin tells me that zany Ab-
bie Hoffman, a yippie for all sea-
sons, has held a number of sum-
mit meetings with his unpredict-
able lieutenants.
Kevin was present when Hoff-
nan wassseeking to outmaneuver
federal snoopers. For the bene-
fit of electronic snooping devices,
Abbie and friends would meet in
their gaudy headquarters and lay
out one set of plans. Then, t h e
plotters would slip outside and pri-
vately draw up a different stra-
tegy. '
The basic aim of the radicals,
reports Kevin, is to turn the sob-
er-sided Republican Convention in-
to a carnival of confusion.
-GOP Snoops-
Meanwhile, the Republicans have
done some infiltrating in Miami
Beach on their own. Wandering
through the Convention H a 11
among all the Democrats earlier
this month, I spotted two top Re-
publicans. They were GOP Vice
Chairman Dick Herman and his
asistant, Jim Gale. Posing as ser-
vice personnel, the two explained
they were actually sizing up facil-
ites in preparation for their own
convention in August.

In addition, Florida police have
staked out all the major roads
coming into Miami. They are keep-
ing a running tally of the cars;
buses and campers carrying po-
tential trouble-makers into t h d
-Finger-Lickin' Good-
Fried chicken magnate Colonel
Harlan Sanders, passed out free
fried chicken and paid $35.00 for
wastepaper baskets at the Demo-
cratic Convention. But we hsave
-learned that the old Southern gen-
tleman is a Republican at heart.
Underneath the Colonel's long
coat, he wears a big, gold "Ricl -
ard Nixon in '72" tie clasp. The
Colonel told us he is glad the
Democrats like his chicken. But he
believes the Republicans will do
the mast finger-licking good for
the country.
-Battling Queen Bees-
Although the Women's Caucus
struggled valiantly to present a
united front at the Democratic
Convention, we have learned that
a major power struggle is brewing
inside the women's lib movement
between the Caucus's two middle-
aged queen bees - Bella Abzng
and Betty Friedan.
Militant feminists, who feel they
were shortchanged during the
Democratic credentials and plat-
form fights, are telling insiders
that battling Bella Abzug and glor-
ious Gloria Steinem used old may
chine-like politics to deliver the
women's vote to Mc rovern.
Betty Friedan, who founded the
Women's Caucus two years ago,
is reportedly very upset over Bel-
la's partisan attitude toward Mc-
Govern. Betty has told friends pri-
vately that Bella has failed the
women's cause because she won
few, if any, concessions from Mc-
Govern for her support:. .

ot. 3uunwers;
Political chicken
Both Herman and Gale are wor-
ried about security at the conven-
tion. They have instructed Repub-
lican security agents to work close-
ly with Miami Beach Police Chief
Rock Pomerance, the hefty, jovial
cop who is now intensely evaluat-
ing contingency plans to handle
what looks like a raucous week
with the radicals.
While maintaining cordial rela-
tions with Yippie leaders, Pomer-
ance has kept in constant touch
with the FBI. Pomerance receives
FBI reports from every major city
in the' nation informing him of
known radicals leaving for Miami.

St. Joe's: Why move?

THE LARGEST public hospital
in Ann Arbor now plans to
move to a new site in Superior
And despite a storm of protest
from several local groups, St. Jo-
seph Mercy Hospital states that
its move to a location several
miles east of the city and less
than a mile from the Ann Arbor
Sewage Treatment Plant is "the
best possible action- for all con-
cerned parties."
It appears that the general non-
campus public is not one of those
"concerned parties."
The Ann Arbor chapter of the
Medical Committee for Human
Rights accused the hospital of
"gross negligence in serving real
community health needs" in a
press conference Monday, and
contended that the move to Su-
perior Township is being made
"without any community input,"
among several other charges.
MCHR spokespeople went on to
say that the move "is clearly in-
tended to"avoid that input."
- MCHR IS A growing national
group of medical professionals,
who describe their goal as "mak-
ing quality health care a right for
all people."
St. Joseph's immediately issued
a full denial of the MCHR char-
ges, describing them as "totally
erroneous and irresponsible," but
that didn't quiet a controversy
that has grown steadily over the
last few months.
Several MCHR members were
ejected from a meeting of the hos-
pital's Community Advisory Board
recently when they attempted to
bring up the issue of community
On July 2, 20 groups placed an
ad in the Ann Arbor News ask-
ing, "What are the facts on St.
Joseph Mercy Hospital?" The ad
was sponsored by the Ecology
Center, MCHR, the Human Rights
Party, and others.
The ad called for a public
hearing to "learn more about the
facts concerning this move." The

hospital made no public response
to the request.
MCHR spokesperson Eric Helt.
insists that the move to Superior
Township will "only hurt the peo-
ple who have the greatest need
for a 24-hour a day, seven-days-
a-week health care need.
"THIS MOVE does nothing but
harm those people who can't af-
ford a family doctor and use the
hospital for all their health care
needs," Helt continued in an in-
terview yesterday.
"How can St. Joseph's call this
move 'good for all concerned'
when it means that the average
working family in Ann Arbor has
three times as far to go just to
reach an emergency room?"
MCHR says the only answer it
has received to that question was
a June 17 statement from St. Jo-
seph's Administrator Sister Mary
Yvonne, who said one of the main
reasons for the move was "to
meet the changing patterns of
health care needs in Washtenaw
MCHR has repeatedly requested
an explanation of those "chang-
ing paterns" that would necessi-
-tate a move to Superior Town-
ship. St. Joseph's Public Rela-
tions and Development Director
John Rhude explained that the
move wasn't a response to "any
health needs in particular," but
rather to "a general need to move
closer to the heart of the service
According to Rhude that "heart"
seems to lie next to the Ann Ar-
bor Sewage Treatment Plant.
nied the MCHR charge of lack of
community input. Rhude says ev-
ery decision has been made "in
full consultation with our Com-
munity Advisory Board (CAB)."
Rhude also denies a claim that
CAB isn't representative.

In an interview Monday he said
he felt CAB "represents a very
good cross-section of this com-
munity." Yvonne agreed, saying
CAB had "done a fine job in try-.
ing to represent community
CAB PRESENTLY includes the
following "cross - section": Uni-
versityhPresident Robben Flem-
ing, Chelsea Milling Co. Presi-
dent Howard Holmes ,Chief Exec-
utive Officer Robert Laughna of
American Commercial L i n e a'
Highway Transportation Group,
and a resident of Romulus, Mich-
igan; attorney Peter Forsythe,
Concordia Lutheran College Pres-
ident Paul Zimmerman, Gage
Cooper, Metro Director for the
National Alliance of Businessmen
and a former manager for De-
troit Edison; Robert Johnson, a
partner in the -accounting firm of
Icerman, Johnson, and Hoffman;,
J.C. Peniey Manager Nelson De-
Ford; Eastern Michigan Univer-
sity President Harold Sponberg;4
Robert Aselson, President of Uni-
versity Microfilm, Inc.; National,
Bank of Ypsilanti Board Chair-
man Jerry Gooding; Ann Ed-,
wards, whose husband Joseph is
a former City Council member and
presently is a vice president of
Ann Arbor Bank; Barfield Clean-
ing Company President John Bar-
field, whose firm is an ITT sub-
sidiary; and Keeve Siegel, chair-
man of KMS Industries.
Letters to The Daily should
be mailed to the Editorial Di-
rector or delivered to Mary
Rafferty in the Student Pub-
lications business office in the
Michigan Daily building. Let-
ters should be typed, double-
spaced and normally should
not exceed 250 words. The
Editorial Directors reserve the
right to edit all letters sub-

"Notice, gentlemen, it specifically prohib-
its Congress ... NOT the Supreme Court!"

Today's Staff ..
News; Meryl Gordon, Lorin Labardee, Carle Rapoport
Editorial Page: Alan Lenhoff

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