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Vol. LXXXII, No. 43-S Ann Arbor; Michicjon-Tuesdoy, July 18, 1972 I en t.,ents cigni ruges
Vol. LXXXII, No. 43-S
Ann Arbor; Michigan-Tuesday, July 18, 1972
Ten Cents
Eight Pages
bias case
won; back pay
appeal granted
-Associated Press
The pride of Chicago
Chicago's Mayor Richard Daley said yesterday that he "will
support every candidate on the Democratic ticket, federal, state,
and local." Daley said he sent a telegram to the Democratic
presidential nominee Sen. George McGovern (D-S.D.) expressing
his support for the entire ticket. McGovern responded that it was
"a magnanimous move on your part and I am very grateful."
overnor ends riot
at state penitentiary
BALTIMORE, Md. (R) - Gov. Marvin Mandel calmed
rebellious inmates at Maryland State Penitentiary yester-
day in the second such incident at a state facility in two
days, but he ran into opposition from prison guards.
The guards walked off their jobs briefly, contending
the governor's actions would lead to further trouble. Man-
del met with the corrections officers for about an hour.
Some 75 of the 750 inmates at the penitentiary at the
fringe of the city's downtown. area seized four hostages
yesterday and blocked firemen's efforts to put out a blaze
in the facility's vocational
training buildings. Iainl
The inmates released the hos- F ed eral
tages and returned to their cells
after meeting with Mandel.
Rep. Parren Mitchell, (D-
Md.t, the state's only black OVL. in s
congressman, was at the peni-
tentiary yesterday. He and
Mandel met with prisoners
Sunday morning after a riot at u s
the Maryland House of Correc-
tion in suburban Jessup.
"They're pacifying those pris- WASHINGTON W ) - The Jus-
oners!" one guard shouted as tice Department joined the
the guards left their posts to state of Michigan yesterday in
gather in a recreation room. an effort to block the school
"There's going to be no pun- busing program ordered for the
ishment or anything else," he Detroit metropolitan area by a
said. U.S. district court judge.
Mandel said the guards The department's Civil Rights
"were unhappy about the total Division filed a friend-of-the-
situation here, and I don't blame court brief in the U.S. Court of
them." Appeals for the 6th Circuit in
The governor said Robert Cincinnati requesting a stay of
Lally, head of the state public the district court order.
safety department, would meet The brief asked that a stay
with the guards today, be ordered so the appellate
Mandelindicated his person- court can "hear and determine
al intervention would end.
"I'm not going to be on 'will questions relating to the con-
call' for the prisoners," he said, stitutioamerits" of the case.
"We made no commitments to The hearing en the appeal, by
the inmates, but we said there Michigan Gov. William Milliken
would be no physical or mental and state Atty. Gen. Frank
reprisals," the governor told Kelley, for a stay or suspension
newsmen. of forced busing orders by U.S.
At least seven prison em- District Court Judge Stephen
ployes, including three guards, Roth was scheduled by the 6th
were hospitalized with injuries circuit court later yesterday.
Monday. See JUSTICE, Page 8
Cheryl Clark, the first
woman in the nation to de-
mand back pay from a uni-
versity on grounds of sex
discrimination, has won her
request in the test case of
the University's new com-
plaint appeal procedure.
The decision, according to law
Prof. Harry Edwards, Clark's
lawyer, is important because
now "once a disparity in salary
(between men and women) is
shown in a given case, it's up to
the University to prove that it's
hased on criteria other than
"The ruling confirmed what
we had argued. The University
had not developed a clear set of
criteria for establishment of
salaries. Women were always
paid less," said Edwards.
The unanimous decision of
the three-member complaint ap-
peal panel also reaffirms state
law which stipulates that dis-
crimination need not be inten-
tional to be unlawful.
In the case, the University
argued that the discrimination
was not intentional and there-
fore did not constitute discrim-
Clark a research associate in
the University's Highway Safety
Research Institute, will be
awarded a minimum increase of
$1 320 yearly, retroactive to Jan.
26, 1971.
"I'm very pleased. It was al-
most anticlimatic. I thought we
would lose," said Clark yester-
President Robben Fleming de-
clined to comment yesterday on
the case.
"This shows that the com-
plaint appeal procedure is dif-
ferent than the regular pro-
cedure. I hope that its essential
fairness will encourage more
women to come forward with
complaints," said Zena Zumeta,
former University Women's
"If salaries are made public,
that will give women a better
idea of their relative salary po-
sitions and they can decide
whether to complain," said
Clark filed an original com-
plaint in Jan. 1971, charging
that she was receiving a lesser
salary than a man with the
same job.
After this complaint, heard
through the standard procedure,
was denied Edwards charged
that the procedure denied a
complainant due process of law.
The Commission for Women
and the University's executive
officers subsequently formulated
the new complaint appeal pro-
cedure to be used in casesrof
alleged discrimination.
In each case, the complainant
and the University each choose
one member of the board.
The chairperson is chosen by
the other two members from a
slate selected by Fleming.
--aily--ennyG ainer
JARVIS TYNER, the Communist Party's vice-presidential nomi-
nee, speaks before an estimated crowd of 75 in the Union Ball-
room yesterday evening.
VP hopeful presents
CommunHist patfor-m
Communist Party vice-presi-
dentia candidate Jarvis Tyner
is campaigning for the office "by
putting forth the most advanced
people's program" in an effort to
put pressure on Democratic pre-
sidential hopeful Sen. George
McGovern (D-S.D.).
In a press conference yester-
day afternoon, Tyner outlined
the Communist Party platform
which calls for an immediate
withdrawal of troops from South-
east Asia, a minimum income of
$6,500 per year for a family of
four and a new tax system to
"put the burden on the rich and
super rich."
"If McGovern wins," Tyner
said, "we have to make sure
that he keeps his promise to get
American soldiers out of Vietnam
90 days atfer his inauguration."
"McGovern is half-stepping in
reversing Nixon's policies," lie
continued. "We're very concern-
ed about what happens in the
elections in regard to issues, not
Tyner has been travelling
around the country recently seek-
ing votes for himself and Coin-
munist Party presidential can-
didate Gus Hall, and attempting
to get the party on various state
ballots. "In '68 we were on the
ballot in only two states," Tyn-
er said, "but this year we're
aiming for 27 states."
"Things are different in this
country now," Tyner added, "and
the reception I've gotten f r o m
people has been very 'arns and
interested. We had Wallace peo-
ple sign our petition to be on
the ballots because they f e e 1
that we have a very progressive
program for the working class."
Tyner, a former shop stew-
ard in the Teamsters Unitn,
who's worked as a lithographer
and furniture assembler, thinks
there's "an immediate important
need for a third people's party
consisting of working people .. .
and other oppressed groups." He
envnsions the Communist Party
as a part of this party, although
not necessarily dominatin it.
"As far as bringing about re-
volution," Tyner said, ... "we'll
need a socialist ownership of the
means of wealth . . . 'sod when
the majority is prepared, we'll
move towards that."