Saturday, July 15, 1972 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven 13rot hels spring up near McGovern pi'cks woman reopened Thai air base By SNG HUP KEE EDITOR'S NOTE: Mr. Sng is aipthNw evc Singapore - based contributor to DNS. lie is currently traveiling in ' Thailand and covering events there. TAKHLI, Thailand - "An army that goes to war also goes to bed," or so the saying goes among many soldiers. This is also true of pilots in a mod- ern air farce, for whom some of ,the realities of war are kept at 'a distance by sophisticated technology. But technology isn't the only )sophisticated thing in Takhli. Within' days of the opening of the air base here, which was closed in 1971, over 30 bars and brothels have mushroomed in the town. To date, 1,000 girls in the area have registered at the local V.D. control unit. In recent weeks, more than 245 cases of V.D. among GI.'s have been reported. A new strip tease establish- ment called the "Crazy Horse" opened in late June. Its hostess- cs and dancers are required to have venereal diaease checkups. At the "Crazy Horse', scantily clad 'Thai dancers can be seen performing to an intent audi- ence of G.I.'s and CIA men. Less than two months since Takhli re-opened, the base is already flying the largest num- ber of missions in Thailand. Prostitution, bars, massage parlors are all part of the local cultural milieu that has recent- ly flourished. Additionally, fath- erless Amerasian children are often sold because of the sup- posed superiority of mixed blood. to take- tJ'IIins piace MIAMI BEACH, Fla. (A') - In a major break with tradition, Democratic presidential nominee George McGovern chose J e a n Westwood yesterday to ssucceed L~awrence O'Brien as the party's national chairperson. Westwood, 48, hecame the first women to take the top national committee post in either m a j o party. She co-chaired McGovern's pri- mary campaign and was a key figure in the pivotal California credentials contest victory. O'Brien, who had chaired the party since March 1970, resigned from his post despite urgings from McGovern to stay on. McGovern said O'Brien cited personal reasons for his resigna- tion. The Sooth Dakota senator spent several hours conferring with O'Brien in what he said was a final attempt to persuade h :m to stay. "I respect his wishes." Mc- Govern said, "I respect it. hut I regret it." The selection of Westwood, which was unanimously ratified hy the national committee, be- gan McGovern's reshaping of Democratic party machinery f or his campaign against President. Nixon. Westwood - has been reported as the likely successor to O'Brien for several weeks, starting wi',h a McGovern statement that if O'Brien did resign the U t a h woman would be high on the list of replacements. O'Brien and McGovern a p0- peared together at a delayed -es- sion of the Democratic N itisnsl Committee to make the an- nouncement. In introducing McGovern, O'Brien, former presidential campaign manager to Lyndon Johnson and Hubert Humphrey, slowly and somberly implored the committee members to work hard for the party this year and run a positive campaign. "If we engage in an anti-Nix- on campaign," he said, "vwe will have failed." O'Brien then introduced Mc- Govern as "the next presidTent of the United States." McGovern answered, "if that prediction becomes fact there is no one in the party who deserves any inure of the credit than the man who just introduced me, Larry O'Brien." Basil Paterson of New Turk was chosen for the national com:- STAM~ kIIRISICS OPEN 0 0 !1:15 Shows as 1 :30 * . 4 P.M. 6:30 9 P.M. 231 S. STATE ST. DIAL 662-6264 _ r _4 w ® " - =''Y al:, 4 F ' " t 5 < [[jam^ Q } ' 4 1 maittee's number two post -.l though he was nt Moverns choice. McGovern had suggested his aide and former White House press secretary Pierre Salnr be named the deputy chairper- But Salinger withdrew h is name after Paterson, a former New York senator, was nomiinat- ed from the floor by a commit- tee member who said a black should have a role in the party's high command. McGovern said either man ws perfectly acceptable. "I sense the feeling of this committee," he said. O'Brien, who broke in as a tsp campaigner for the late President John Kennedy, s erve two terms as chairperson a n d was postmaster general1 during the Johnson administration. O'Brien presided over t he Democratic National Consention that nominated McGovern, and the nominee calld it "the best convention of any political party in the history of this country." "I want to do everything I can to be a reconciling and unifying force in the Democratic Party," McGovern told- the nationl com- mittee yesterday: He said he believes O'Brien will play a part in the csupagn ahead. Come to a RALLY AGAINST War, Racism, & Repression FOR Peace, Equality, Justice H EAR JAR VIS TYNER Communist Party cndi- dote for Vice-President ond chirmon, Y o u n g Workers Liberation League, who recently re- turnod from Hanoi and Haiphong. -ALSO- Speakers from Council on B I a c k Concerns, Blck Student Union, the peace and labor movements. MONDAY, JULY 17 Michigan1 Union Ballroom :30 P.. AUSPICIS: Yosuang qWokers lios with Hall-Tyner csmpsaisn committeec ycab oeindrug l:awsadjutce i nea 66 ye7a senten c r osein.'of5a:anin,. InSpan,,,,,,. enset enced,: a, , y roufortheh ss gWex a c..1 -! UsI : 1 ep ortofdu ' 6to15eas i mm5 ccI earsI U. . mbssycDg ammrsjodsAll.2cNssa, ahma drp charsscan exp~u. a U. S. Embas:5: I 305SCloi: a uuhemcccx _Tat 511-799l Spain.Peat eed nqatt of drugsinvolved. Less'than 50gamcaabi:5.s, ad exuso.More thac 50 U. S.PEmb:assy: Mard SMacc T. 27-3 L------d U a. . masscy:,-,cc V ia Veneto 5,c, det and fine of 3~,0 id U. Sc,. 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