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July 15, 1972 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1972-07-15

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A BRITISH army marksman stands ready yesterday in Belfast, Northern Ireland as
tinned. Gun battles raged through the night in the city.

S}Nine illed as
fighing rage s
in N. Ireland
BELFAST s-- British troops and Irish guerrillas firing
rockets battled across Belfast yesterday in some of the
heaviest fighting the city has seen.
Nine persons were killed including a woman, four
soldiers and four civilian men. These deaths brought the
three-year toll in Ulster to over 435.
Six of the victims died before dawn and a civilian
man and a soldier were killed yesterday afternoon in a
gun battle. The woman was killed by crossfire between
troops and snipers while she stood in the doorway of her
home in the Springfield Road district.
In London, the Ministry of De-
fense annaouned it was sending
abstansial ncmbsa" of addi-ro
tional armored vehicles to North-
ern Ireland.
The British amy, abandoning
its low profile policy of the past
three months, stormedtheDivisto
Street housing development, half
a mile from Belfast's city center,
searching for arms and gunmen govtst
liarh Irish Repsublican Army
(IRA). Troops stayed posted on
the development's roofs and bal-
sniping con- conies to flush out snipers. La Prof Roger Cramton has
Mre tan 700 troops on the Nixon as assitait attorney gen-
owestern outskirts of the city
foaght a night-long battle with eral in charge of the Justice
gunmen operating from the Ro- Department's Office of Legal
man Catholic area of a modern Counsel. (OLC).
housing development. The nomination, announced
The army claimed 35 gunmen b
'were hit in battles throughout
Belfast. is subject to confirmation by
In London. Defense Secretary the Senate. The post was for-
Lord Carrington told Parliament merly held by William Rehn-
the situation was one of the ut- quist, now a Supreme Court
most gravity. "One can only
hope that the people of North- justice.
ern Ireland themselves realize As head of the OLC. Cramton
Page Three how near they are to disaster," would render legal opinions to
he added. the President on constitutional
...... .........i........... ..., William Whitelaw, Britain's ad- issues relating to powers of the
ministrator for the province, told
the House of Commons that3,000 executive branch of government.
rounds were fired at troops from The nomination is the second
the Divis Street complex. time that a University law pro-
dRockt launchers have also fessor has been selected for a
teu been used in the area by terior- high legal post in the Nixon ad-
ists foi the fleet lime" he said.
Declaring this increased the risk ministration. Law Prof. Thomas
of damage and casualties, White. Kauper was named assistant
law annonced he had ordered attorney general in charge of
the army to 'control the areas the antitrust division last
from which the attacks were month.
ors, was asked launched."
l allegedly ask In Dublin, Prime Minister Jack Cramton. an expert in ad-
nd. she said, Lynch charged the IRA is "cold- ministrative law and conflict of
rders 'from the ly, calculatingly and deliberate- laws, has been a faculty mem-
ly" trying to drive Northern Ir- ber since 1961.
uld not be land "into fullscale civil war.
nent. In one of his strongest state- Before coming to the Univer-
ments to the parliament, he re- sity Cramton was assistant pro-
n's traffic fine jected the claim of the IRA that fessor and assistant dean of the
$35 cash bond It was carrying foward th University of Chicago Law
test the ticket, 1916-1921 battle for independ-
give up with- ence. The IRA, he continued, will School. He is a 1950 graduate of
enforce their get "no support, resources or Harvard College and received
unfair and ii- sympathy from anybody in the his law degree from the Univer-
ll. republic." sity of Chicago in 1955,

'Saturday, July 15, 1972

News Pho ie: 764-0552

Judge's bond policy contes
in suit filed by law student

David Cahill, a University
law student, has filed suit
against District Court Judge
Pieter Thomassen in regard to
Thomassen's policy on jury
trials and posting bond in traf-
fic and misdemeanor cases.
Cahill, in -one part of the
suit, contends that Thomassen
is not allowing persons arrested
on traffic and misdemeanor
charges to post the usual 10 per
cent or $10 bond as stipulated
by state law.
According to the suit Thom-

assen is demanding that indi-
viduals deposit the full bond
amount or appear before him
to contest the policy. Cahill said
that bond in some cases may go
as high as $150.
Karen Chapin, a cashier at
the clerk's office, was mention-
ed in the suit. Chapin allegedly
informed Cahill that he would
have to deposit the full bond
with her office, when he was
arrested for making an illegal
Sophie Carras, a clerk in the
criminal division and one of

Chapin's supervis
why her personne
for the full bo
"Those are the o
Thomassen cc
reached for coms
"When a persoi
is only $16 but a
is required to con
people naturally
out being able to
rights. This is u
legal," says Cahit

Foreign students helped
by International Center

A foreign student probably
finds the University lifestyle of
jeans and Gino's bewildering
when he first arrives. The In-
ternational Center (IC) tries to
make the transition to Ameri-
can life a little easier for stran-
gers in a strange land.
The IC staff is experienced
and capable in handling prob-
lems that may arise with visas
and immigration. They also
act as a clearing house for
housing information.
A unique program sponsored
by the center is an "intensive
three-day orientation to Amer-
ican culture with an emphasis
on life in Ann Arbor," accord-
ing to a newsletter.
The orientation handbook pro-
vides such potentially useful in-
formation as how aggressive to
be on approaching a person for
a date, what it means to "cut"
a class, and other significant
aspects of daily life at the Uni-
The program will be held on
the Concordia College campus

from Sept. 1-3. The emphasis,
according to coordinator Bob
Alexander, will be on small, in-
formal discussion groups.
Some of the topics discussed
will be cultural adjustment, aca-
demics, social issues and atti-
The IC's International Neigh-
bors, and the Volunteers for
International Hospitality also
aid foreign students.
The volunteers conduct shop-
ping tours, informal coffee ses-
sions and discussion groups.
The IC also provides guides
called "professional friends' ."
These volunteers donate as
much time as they desire to help
foreign students get througi
trying times.
Persons interested in becom-
ing orientation leaders are in-
vited to attend the committee
meetings on Thursdays at 4:30
at the IC, 603 E. Madison.
Group leaders are required to
attend sessions once a week
from July through the end of

The Michigan statute stipu-
lating that an individual must
deposit with the court clerk, "a
suns of money equal to 10 pee-
crass of the bail but at least $10,"
is the basis of Cahill's case. He
ts also basinsg iis case on a sism-
ilar suit in Wayne Counaty.
The second part of Cahill's
case is focused on the right to
jury trial regardless of the of-
fense. Cahill says there is no
legal basis for departing from
constitutional law in regard to
right to a jury trial for all
traffic defendants.
Cahill'S intent in the suit,
which has class action status, is
to obtain an "order of superin-
tending control" against Thom-
assen. Under this order all fu-
ture people arrested would be
informed of both their right to
a jury trial and the bond law.
Cahill said, "The constitution,
the legislature, and the higher
Michigan courts all state that
people are guaranteed these
rights. It is bad enough when
a corporation or ordinary public
officials violate the law. But
when the courts don't follow
their own rules, it's really in-
The case has been assigned
to Circuit Judge Ross Campbell,
and a hearing is scheduled for
September 14.

O his iay
Democratic presidential nominee George McGovern waves good-
bye as he hoards a plane for Washington at Miami International
Airport yesterday. McGovern plans to stay overnight in the
capital and then fly to South Dakota,

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