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July 15, 1972 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1972-07-15

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MiSU salary release bares sex bias

University administrators have
refused to disclose detailed.
salary information in recent
months. Ninety miles away in
East Lansing, Michigan State
University is preparing to re-
lease its second and more de-
tailed salary list.
MSU first released the closely
guarded secrets of academic pay
in January when the Trustees
voted on a motion by trustee
Patricia Carrigan to make public
the salaries of faculty members
by name ,rank, title, sex and
years of professional service.
MSU was the first university in
the state to do so.
After six months of observa-
tion, pronounced effects are clear
in a number of job areas. Prof.
Bob Repas, head of the Commit-
tee for a Rational Pay Policy,
a group of faculty who fought for

the pay information releases,
said the disclosure demonstrated
"There was systematic discrimi-
nation by sex."
As a result the MSU Trustees
have established a special fund
of over $200,000 to correct in-
equities in the system. Also MSU
professors will receive, pending
Trustee approval, an across the
board four per cent raise.
According to Repas, the salary
disclosure also pointed up some
shady footwork by department
heads. One professor reported to
Repas that his department head
told him in confidentiality that
he was the highest paid professor
in the department. The professor
was asked not to tell anybody,
supposedly to prevent bickering.
Following the disclosure, sev-
eral professors in the same de-
partment reported that they
were told identical stories. Re-

pas says, "This shows how a
policy of secrecy can lead to in-
equities. The system allows de-
partment heads to keep it (any-
thing) from any of the peasants
The salary disclosures also re-
vealed a number of "dog house
cases" as Repas terms it. Some
professors' salaries bore no re-
lationship to their length of serv-
ice or competency as recognized
by colleagues. In some cases,
Repas says, it was due to per-
sonal grievances between faculty
and department head.
Racial discrimination has not
yet been detected. Until the new
salary lists are publicized with
more complete information, it
will be difficult to evaluate min-
ority status. The salary list from
January does not reveal the race
of personnel.
See SEX, Page 9

Fleming to discuss 'U' salary
release with Regents, lawyers
President Robben Fleming initiated.
will discuss with University at- The request was based in part
torneys and the Regents this on a recent court ruling in
week the possible disclosure of which Bay County Circuit Judge
the University's salary schedule, Leon Dardas ruled that Sagi-
Fleming informed The Daily naw Valley College - as a tax-
yesterday. supported institution - must
Responding to a letter from disclose salaries of paid admin-
Daily Editor Alan Lenhoff istrators, faculty, and staff.
which requested the salary list- The ruling, Lenhoff contend-
ings of all University employes, ed, sets a clear precedent for
Fleming wrote "we will con- the salary disclosures of all
sult our counsel and the Re- state colleges and universities.
gents and give you an answer Specifically, Lenhoff's letter
as soon as possible." requested the nane, sex, minor-
Lenhoff's letter, written with ity code, salary, years of serv-
the support of many Daily staff ice, and job title for all admin-
members, said that should the istrators, faculty and staff of
University not comply with the the University.
request, legal action would be See FLEMING, Page 9

ZS r e , irl ig tn tti1


Vol. LXXXII, No. 42-S

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, July 15, 1972

Ten Cents

Twelve Pages

S. Viets battle
for Quang Trn;
dikes bombed
SAIGON (R) - Severe fighting raged around Quang
Tri yesterday and South Vietnamese troops advancing from
the northeast were reported within 500 yards of the pro-
vincial capital.
Meanwhile the official Vietnam News Agency in a
broadcast monitored in Tokyo said U.S. planes "in many
waves" bombed dikes on the Red and Tra Ly Rivers, as well
as several villages in Thai Binh province yesterday and
Thursday night. The North Vietnamese agency said six
persons were killed and several others were wounded.
Military sources said North Vietnamese gunners shot
down a helicopter, killing Col. Nguyan Trong Bas, chief of
staff of the airborne division making the advance from the

-Associated Press
Why are these men laughing?
President Nixon and former Secretary of the Treasury Johri Connally joke with reporters as they
pose for pictures at the Western White House yesterday. Connally reported to Nixon on his recently-
completed trip around the world.
Regents to face new plans
on fhousing

Eight South Vietnamese also
were wounded when the heli-
copter crashed outside Quang

In a year marked by a lack of
campus activism, possibly the
most controversial issue was the
proposed Afro-American and Cul-
tural Living Units for the resi-
dence hails.
The Regents rejected this pro-
posal in March, stirring up bit-
terness among those students
who had worked on the project.
But that rejection did not kill
all the support for the units.
An ad hoc committee, com-
missioned by the Regents has
since formulated several "alter-
native proposals" to the units,
subject to the Regents' review
at their July meeting.
The committee's report, how-
ever, strongly emphasizes that
the units are "the most effec
tive way of meeting the serious
problems confronting the stu-
dent population" and a "means
of reducing racial tensions and
promoting cultural understand-
ing among all ethnic groups."
Meanwhile, the Housing Policy
Committee at a recent meeting
drafted a resolution directing

the French, German and Slavic
language departments to under-
take affirmative action programs
in the language houses. If such
programs are not employed to
discontinue the segregation found
in those houses, the committee
resolved t h a t t h e language
houses be closed.
The language houses were
found to be segregated for fall,
by a housing office investiga-
"The policy committee is try-
ing to embarrass the Regents.
They're saying, in effect, if you
tolerate the language houses,
why not the Afro - American
unit," says Housing Director
John Feldkamp, a member of
the ad hoc committee.
"The Regents made the mis-
take of looking at the units as a
racial situation, rather than a
cultural situation" similar to the
language houses, according to
Phil Cherner, a policy commit-
tee member.
The Regents turned down the
units primarily on the grounds
that the housing might be seg-

Despite the policy and ad hoc
committees' strong support for
the units, both groups admit
that establishment of the hous-
ing for this fall is no longer
"The sponsors of the units
thought they were sabotaged.
We might have lost all the good
will and impetus and I don't
think it can be recaptured.
Many people were totally em-
bittered by the Regents' deci-
sion and no one really knows
what to do," Feldkamp says.
The ad hoc committee also
concludes in their report that
"none of the alternatives ex-
plored capture the student self-
generated interest and support
that is so vital to the establish-
ment of a program that is to
have a significant impact on the
problems currently confronting
our campus."
The report of the seven-mem-
ber committee proposes:
-Reorganization and staffing
of the Special Programs Unit of
See REGENTS, Page 9

The Saigon command said its
troops had not entered Quang
Tri, but paratroopers closing on
the northeastern sector of city
claimed they engaged commun-
ist troops only 500 yards from
the city limits. They claimed
to have killed 18 North Viet-
It was reported from the task
force headquarters that govern-
ment marines fought a series of
engagementshless than three
miles from the city.
The marines claimed they
killed 69 communists and found
the bodies of 48 killed by air
strikes. They reported one ene-
my tank, four trucks and a cap-
tured U.S.-make 105mm howit-
zer were destroyed. Marine
casualties were put at three
killed and 18 wounded.
Paratroopers within a mile of
the southern and southeastern
edges of the city were shelled
and engaged by communist
troops but claimed they killed
19 communists while losing
four killed and four wounded, a
spokesperson said.
In the air war, the U.S. Navy
announced it had introduced a
new television - guided, 2,000
pound bomb that scored direct
hits against its first six targets
in North Vietnam.
The bomb, called "Fat Al-
bert" by Navy aviators, was
called an improved version of
the "Walleye", a 1,000-pounder
guided to its target by a tele-
vision camera in its nose.

charged with
Six antiwar activists were indict-
ed by a federal grand jury yes-
terday on charges of conspiring
to disrupt next month's Repub-
lican National Convention by fir-
ing rifles and exploding bombs
in the streets of Miami Beach,
The indictment came only
hours after the Democrats, on
the last night of their national
convention, passed a resolution
which condemned the Nixon ad-
ministration for attempting to
"intimidate and discredit" the
Vietnam Veterans Against the
War (VVAW).
The six, all VVAW members,
were accused of plotting to
launch attacks on police s t a-
tions, patrol cars and stores
"with automatic weapons f i r e
and inceniary devices."
John Kniffin, of Austin, Tex.,
Peter Mahoney of New Orleans;
and Scott Camil of Gainesville,
Fla. were held under $25,000
Camil, Florida coordinator for
the organization, also was in-
dicted on charges of instructing
in the use and application of in-
cendary devices and possession
of a chemical bomb.
A fourth, Alton Foss of Miami,
was being held in custody by
U.S. marshals in Dade Counly.
The other two, Don Perdue of
Fort Lauderdale and Wilhiam
See GRAND, Page 9

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