page three i uCi i!YrnFaai3
Mostly cloudy, chance
of thundershowers
Friday, July 14, 1972 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN News Pho ie: 764-0552
C alley visits father
Lt. William Calley Jr. leaves the Gainesville Veterans Administration Hospital yesterday after visit-
ing his seriously ill father. Calley was flown into Gainesville from Ft. Benning, George, where he has
lived since President Nixon suspended his life sentence for mass murder at My Lai.
Splt showsbetwe en staff
workers i GoverUn" camIp
British leaders
deny clandestine
talks with rebels
BELFAST, Northern Ireland ()It- British government spc.kes-
persons here and in London yesterday denied they have held any
secret meetings with Irish terrorists, despite a 24-hour bloodbath
which has left 10 dead in the province.
Rumors of clandestine meetings between the British and nem-
bers of the Irish Republican Army have been ripe since the IRA
chief in Belfast. Seamus Twomey called for a new truce Wednesday.
Twomey said at the time that his forces might consider rnew-
ing the cease-fire that ended Sunday after 13 days, if British troops
stick to truce terms barring them from arresting IRA members.
Britain's conservative govern-
ment had been -stujected to critic-
ism for sending representatives to I jeal3 *- l
m eet secretly w ith IRA leaders last week
t Wi st ,eel.
But William Whthelaw'. Britain's rl j-j1 pl
adiissratOr for this tinirciy piro----~
vince. defended the meeting as a
chance for peace that had to be 1Hvestigated
tried. 1V i 8 e
Meanwhile, in Belfast yester-
day. a British soldier was kill- By LORIN LABARDEE
ed hy a snipet as he stepped Temte fafre n
from samilitaiy observation post Themother of a former At
in the Ardoyne district of t h e Arbor resident yesterday dis-
city counted the possibility of h e r
He was the fout soldier to son's involvement in an assas-
die in nearto 200 shooting in- sination attempt on presidential
cidents, which also killed six nominee George McGovern (D-
civilians. The violence surround- S.D.).
ing mass parades Wednesday by A car being used by two men
Protestants celebrating a 1690 found loitering near McGovern's
military victory over R o m a n Miami Beach hotel was traced to
Catholics, made it one of the Oliver Taylor. Two guns we r e
bloodiest days in the province's found inside the car.
three years of communal strife.-. Ann Arbor Police Chief Walter
Eleven British soldiers were Krasny says Taylor's w h e r e-
wounded in sniper attacks that abouts are unknown. The mother,
continued until dawn yesterday. Helen Taylor, says that she has
At least 427 persons have lost not seen her son for "two or
their lives in the protracted sec- three months."
tarian fighting. When pressed on the possi-
Also in Belfast, militant Pro- bility of her son's involvement,
testants of the Ulster Defense Helen Taylor insisted that s h e
Association buried a Protestant was "sure" her son was not con-
killed Sunday. About 1,000 nected. She strongly criticized
marchers joined in the funeral recent news article which link-
procession wearing khaki uni- ed her son to subversive aotivi-
forms. Many had face masks, but ties during University demon-
none held arms. strations.
Londonderry businessmen de- The two men who were ar-
manded stepped-up security, in- rested in Miami have been iden-
cluding a ban on all traffic in tified as Wayne Foster and Jes-
the town center, following bomb sie Dixon, members of the Re-
blasts Wednesday that caused an public of New Africa (RNA).
estimated $2.4 million damage. 'RNA is a black separatist organ-
An official of the Chamber of ization.
Commerce estimated total dam- The men have been charged
age to business during the thre° with possession of concealed wea-
years of violence at $24 million. ns and held in lieu of 10'0,-
000 bond.
Special To The Daily
want to be a cog in a machine
which just says 'Get out and
vote for George,"' Kirt West
says, looking up from a cup
of coffee in the basement of the
Fontainebleu 'Hotel.
West is one of hundreds of
young McGovern volunteers who
flocked down here last week,
packing themselves deep in
cheap hotel rooms to work for
the Senator's nomination. "Two
of us sleep in the beds and the
other two on the floor," West
says. "The room is ten dollars
a night - that's only $2.50
West's dedication, however, is
not to a man but rather to
ideals - an end to war in Indo-
china and social justice at
And, like many of his fellow'
idealists he is very concerned
lest his candidate compromise
sote of the stands which got
him to Miami in the first place.
Weekend whirlwind
This is by no means a complete list of weekend entertainment in Ann
Arbor. Anyone with events that they desire to have publicized in the
Weekend Whirlwind can ca the Daily after I P.M. Mon. thru Thu rs.,
a for Lorn,
Campus-Happy Birthday, Wanda June and Bob and
Carol and Ted and Alice
Michigan-What's Up Doc
State-Clockwork Orange
Fox Village-Portnoy's Complaint
Fifth Forum-Z and Gimme Shelter (Fri. only)
Cinema Guild-Foreign Correspondent (Fri. and Sat.)
A-V Center-Brian's Song (Fri. only)
Conspiracy-Breathless and Alphaville (Fri. only)
331 Thompson-Picnic (Fri. only)
Golden Falcon--Wooden Glass (Fri., Sat. and Sun.)
Lums-RFD Boys (Fri. and Sat. only)
Bimbo's-Gaslighters (Fri., Sat. and Sun.)
Odyssey-Sativa (Fri., Sat. and Sun.)
Blind Pig-Rusty Dizz and the Boogie Brothers
Pretzel Bell-Honky Tonk Angels (Fri., and Sat.) RFD
Boys (Sun. only)
Mr. Flood's-Tim Carr (Fri. and Sat. only)
Del Rio-jazz musicians improvise Sun.
Huron Lounge-Puck (Fri., Sat. and Sun.)
Village Inn-Meadowmuffin (Fri. and Sat. only)
Music in the (ountry
Rock Concert-next to Huron High-Sunday Funnies,
Chip Stevens, Ruby Dee and Tasmania
Other Events
Mariposa Folk Festival-Fri., Sat. and Sun., Toronto
Canada, for more info. call 416-922-4871
"If all McGovern gets is Dick
Daley and George Meany on his
back," West fears, "he will bow
to their pressure."
This fear has been felt
throughout the M c G o v e r n
camp in the past few days. The
result has been the formation
of a group called Concerned
McGovern Volunteers which is
determined to prevent the Sen-
ator from "backsliding."
"We have to stay on his ass,"
West says. "He's making state-
ments to test how far he can
go. Then if he gets flack, tue
retracts them."
Two mass meetings and a
number of regional caucuses of
the group have been held, and
West has been named a midwest
coordinator. The avowed goals
of the group are to put heat on
McGovern to stand firm on his
commitment to change, and to
insure that the national cam-
paign will be run as the pri-
maries were - on the grass
roots level.
"Our organization has to
mobilize people around issues at
the local level," West says.
"They (the national staff) have
to realize that the only way to
win is to run an issue-oriented
campaign - that's the way we
won the primaries."
De iitcril 14.
West. a welfare case worker
in Chicago first went to work in
the McGovern Illinois office
last November.
"When I first went to his
headquarters," he recalls, "I
argued in favor of taking on
Mayor Daley. My opinion lost
out. The decision came down
from the national staff. I never
got a reason."
Other things, too, bothered
him about the game of big-time
politics. "They did a lot of
things to raise money like hir-
ing attractive young women to
flirt with rich old drunks," he
says, shaking his head.
On several occasions he left
the campaign in disgust, but he
always returned. "It was still
See McGOVERN, Page 9
Light-hearted terrorist
Japanese terrorist Kozo Okamato (left) shares a light-hearted
moment with one of his guards prior to his trial yesterday in
Lod, Israel for participation in the Lod Airport Massacre May 30.
The military court has ordered a sanity hearing for him.