a1ret rii i
Vol. LXXXii No 41-S
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, July 14, 1972
I en Lents
iwelve rages
leton Selecte
- as Dems nominee
or vice presiden
-Associated Press
SEN. THOMAS EAGLETON of Missouri emerges from his Miami
Beach hotel yesterday after Sen. George McGovern selected
him for the number two spot on the Democratic Party ticket.
VS etsbattle
for uang T
SAIGON (") - South Vietnam-
ese marines battled communist
infantrymen yesterday in a third
day of heavy fighting north aid
northeast ef the city ef Quang
Tri, field reports said.
The marines claimed they kill-
ed 118 communists and knocked
out five tanks in a series of
clashes several miles outside the
northern provincial capital.
Ranking military sources on
the northern front said the 2,-
000-man government drive in7o
Quang Tri Province has made
some progress during the p a s t
week but conceded the eon-
munists remain in control of the
"Indications are ,hat t h e
North Vietnamese are going to
defend Quang Tri right down to
the wire," one source said.
Capt. Gail Furrow, a p a r a-
trooper adviser at the front on
the southern edge of Quang rri,
WNRZ to air
free concerts
The free Sunday concerts put
on by the city's Community
Parks Program and the Rain-
bow People's party will be broad-
cast live over WNRZ, 103 FM
from 3-6 p.m., beginning July 16.
This Sunday's concert, coming
from Otis Span Memorial Field
near Huron High School,. will
feature the Sunday Funnies,
Ruby Dee, Chip Stevens, and the
Disc jockeys for the WNRZ
concert airing will be members
of Ann Arbor Tribal Council's
People's Communications Com-
mittee. Special interviews are
planned for the concert breaks.
said that progress has b e e n
slow but measurable.
Every day, Furrow said, his
battalion takes a few more bunk-
ers, a few more houses, and kill';
60 or 70 communists.
But the North Vietnamese are
putting up stiff resistance des-
pite constant pounding by air
strikes and artillery.
In the air war, American fight-
er-bombers and B52 Stratofort-
resses pounded North Vietnam
Wednesday in their heaviest
raids in more than a week, leav-
iog fuel depots, pipelines a n6
warehouses in flames.
The U.S. Command reported
more than 340 fighter-bomber
strikes were flown against t he
North, some of them within a
mile of the port city of Hai-
Meanwhile, the 1,505th session
of the Paris peace talks between
the United States and N o r t h
Vietnam were held today.
The talks produced no signi-
ficant results. Both parties are
believed to be waiting for ano-
ther session of secret talks be-
tween Le Due Tho and Henry
In a sideline development, mil-
itary officials disclosed yester-
day that some American heh-
copters are now carrying tear
gas canisters to prevent panic-
stricken soldiers or civilian re-
fugees from dragging them
down in efforts to scramble on
The spray-type canisters of
gas were authorized because of
the recent crash of two helicop-
ters caused by desperate civil-
ians and soldiers trying to climb
Special o The Daily
1972 Democratic Convention
last night voted to approve
presidential nominee Sen.
George McGovern's choice
for running mate, Sen.
Thomas Eagleton (D-Mo.).
Before the final vote came,
however, the convention consid-
ered several other possibilities,
from TV's Archie Bunker to Mao
Tse Tung.
In a more serious vein, femin-
ist Gloria Steinem, leader of the
National Women's Political Cau-
cus, nominated Rep. Frances
Sissy Farenthold (D-Tex.). "She
changed the face of Texas poli-
tics, Texas will never be the
same again," Steinem said.
Eagleton, McGovern's third
choice for running mate, is a
Catholic, with strong labor ties
and a graduate of Harvard law
school. A long-time foe of the
Indochina war, he has been a
leading spokesperson against in-
creased defense spending.
The announcement caused a
stir among the press who had
expected the nominee to be Gov.
Patrick Lucey of Wisconsin.
"Eagleton is not Southern
enough, nor is he moderate
enough to help McGovern much
this fall," said one reporter.
Frank Mankiewicz, McGov-
ern's senior campaign advisor,
said, however, that Eagleton
would "compliment the ticket
very well."
"Be is an attractive man, a
vigorous campaigner, and his
views are very similar to Mc-
Govern's," he said.
Mankiewicz announced t h e
Uemocratic nominees choice at
a press conference at the Doral
Hotel which had been postponed
twice during the afternoon.
Eagleton, who supported Eu-
gene McCarthy in 1968, arrived
at the Doral shortly after the
"I was flabbergasted," he said.
"It was late in the afternoon,
well past the time I thought the
decision had been made when
they called me. I thought the
job had gone to someone else."
When asked what he felt the
role of the vice president was,
he responded, "The role of the
vice president is as important
as the president wishes to make
Top McGovern aides drew this
picture of the search for the run-
ning mate:
By 1ta.m. yesterday, Mc-
Govern and his top aide had
Secluded themselves in their
penthouse suite atop the Dral
Hotel with a list of seven can-
Under consideration were
Rep. Wilbur Mills (D-Ark.),
Gov. Reuben Askew of Florida,
Sen. Abraham Ribicoff (D-
Conn.), Mayor Kevin White of
Boston, United Auto Workers
head Leonard Woodcock, Mayor
Moon Landau of New Orleans,
and Eagleton.
Working for hours, Mc-
Govern and his aides narrowed
the list to two names: White
and Landau.
Top party and labor leaders
were polled to get their opinions
See EAGLETON, Page 9
George McGovern
Me(;overn calls for
. .
unity in party, nation
MIAMI BEACH, Fla (M - George McGovern (D-S.D.)
accepted the Democratic presidential nomination yesterday
with a promise to unite the country by campaigning in all
parts of the nation, and to end the war and rebuild Ameri-
ca after taking office.
Calling his ascent to the top of the party "a nomination
of the people," the South Dakota senator said the United
States is "entering a new period of important, hopeful
change comparable to the political ferment in the eras of
Jefferson, Jackson and Roosevelt."
McGovern, whose nomination was viewed by many in
his own party as a threat to Democratic candidates
throughout the country, was highly conciliatory toward
on Vietnam
EDITOR'S NOTE: The following
statement was issued by Sen.
George McGovern Wednesday as a
elariication of his stance on viet-
"I intend to implement the
followingepolicy immediately
upon my election as President
of the United States:
1. All American bombing in
Indo-China would be imme-
diately stopped - with no pre-
2. All Amuerican ground for-
ces would be withdrawn from
Indo-China within 90 days -
with no preconditions.
3. All military assistance to
the Thieu regime would be im-
mediately terminated with no
These three steps would end
all U.S. participation in Viet-
nam war. Under no circum-
stances would I take any fur-
ther action on behalf of the
Thieu regime or any other gov-
See McGOVERN's, Page 9
his opponents.
The Senator, who has been
widely criticized by fellow
Democrats for his proposals to
cut the U.S. defense budget, at-
tempted in his speech to reas-
sure them that he would not
play into the hands of an ene-
"It is necessary in an age of
nuclear power and hostile
ideologies that we be militarily
strong," McGovern said. "Amer-
ica must never become a sec-
ond-rate nation."
But McGovern hit hard also
at the issue which launched his
candidacy a year and a half
ago and has continued to sus-
tain it ever since: the Vietnam
"Within 90 days of my in-
auguration, every American
soldier and every American
prisoner will be out of the jun-
gle and out of their cells and
back home in America where
they belong," he said.
Turning to domestic issues,
McGovern promised, "whatever
employment the private sector
does not provide, the federal
government will either stimulate
or provide itself. Whatever it
takes, this country is going back
to work."