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July 13, 1972 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1972-07-13

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Mc Govern meets 'em in the

SpecIal To The Daily
MIAMI BEACH - Only hours
before his nomination 1 a s t
night, Sen. George McGovern
faced a crowd of about 250
demonstrators in perhaps the
most difficult appearance of his
Angered by reports that Mc-
Govern had weakened his stand
on an end of military involve-
ment in Indochina, a large
group of SDS members, Viet-
nani Veterans Against the War
and others camped in the lobby
of McGovern Doral Hotel cam-
paign headquarters, demanding

to speak to the candidate.
After nearly six hours of sing-
ing and chanting by the group,
McGovern appeared and calmly
answered questions for a half
hour - evoking noisy mixtures
of boos and cheers.
The confrontation capped a
day in which McGovern tried to
unite not only the party regu-
lars behind his candidacy, but
also a group of McGovern vol-
unteers concerned with - the
possible weakening of his posi-
tion on many issues.
Much of the dissent was
sparked by a statement made by
McGovern Tuesday night in
which he pledged to maintain
a residual force in Thailand and
the South China Sea until such
time as U.S. prisoners of war.
are released- and those missing
in action are accounted for.
Confusion in the McGovern
camp apparently arose over the

use of the term "Indochina."
McGovern aides yesterday ex-
plained that neither Thailand
nor the South China Sea are
part of Indochina. Indochina is
simply another term for North
and South Vietnam, said the
Yesterday morning, a group
calling itself Concerned Mc-
Govern Volunteers held a meet-
ing in the Starlight Room of
the Doral.
Most of those present ex-
pressed dismay at the state-
ment, and one angry volunteer
said, "If he is going to leave a
residual force, then I'm packing
up and leaving right now."
In an attempt to smooth the
rift, Gary Hart a top McGovern
aide was dispatched to speak to
the dissident volunteers.
Hart's talk, which consisted
largely of praising their hard
work during the campaign was
less than satisfactory to the

volunteers. One called it the
"Pious platitude," and they
decided to meet this morning
with Hart to discuss what Mc-
Govern's positions will be for
the November election.
Shortly after the meeting a
group of 250 demonstrators push-
ed their way into the hotel. Then
suddenly a squad of riot-equip-
ped police entered the lobby.
There was an angry confron-
tation with demonstrators call-
ing the police "McGovern's
However, Fred Dutton, a Mc-
Govern aide, soon convinced the
police to leave and no trouble
developed. The group then set-
tled in the lobby and demanded
to speak with the South Dakota
For roughly five and a half
hours, they waited there shout-
ing, chanting, and singing. The
McGovern staff offered a num-
ber of compromises including a

news release clarifying his posi-
tion on the war. In the state-
ment, McGovern claimed he had
been "misunderstood by. the
"I stand as I have stood
throughout the campaign for an
immediate halt to American
miltary activities, withdrawal of
all American forces, the com-
plete suspension of military as-
sistance to the Thieu regime,
and the negotiation of the
prompt release of American
prisoners of war," he stated.
The protestors,*however, were
not satisfied with the statement.
They demanded to confront the
senator himself on a number of
issues including abortion reform,
legalization of marijuana and
SDS's anti-racism bill which
calls for measures aimed at
ending oppression of minority
At roughly 8 p.m., McGovern
See McGOVERN, Page 8

page three, ASI I!b U

Humid, chance of
News Pho ie: 764-0552

Thursdoy, July 13, 1972


Group proposes
w/om-en's studis
dpto Flem g
With a creative multi - media presentation, 15 members
of the Committee for Women's Studies illustrated for President
Robben Fleming yesterday the need for changes in curriculum
concerning women.
The women's committee, which includes about 35 students, faculty
and staff, presented a recorded tape designed to help Fleming
understand what female students experience at the University.

Yuck, yuck, yuck
Who would have thought five months ago that George McGovern would be posing with plush
animals, grinning like a Hollywood star? But last night was George's and tonight he can take this
little donkey home with him and dream of capturing the kingship.
Orange Day protests rock
Belfast; 6 ersons shof ead

BELFAST tP)-One British sol-
dier and five Irish civilians
were shot d e a d yesterday,
including a 15 year-old mentally
handicapped boy, raising t h e
death toll in three years of sec-
tarian strife to at least 423.
Elsewhere thousands of Orange-
men marched to commemorate
the 17th Century battle that es-
tablished Protestant power in
Northern Ireland. A huge Brit-
ish security operation kept the
marchers from erupting into
clashes with Roman Catholic
In Londonderry, a 200-pound
gelignite bomb blasted dozens of
shops and offices in the down-
town area. British troops defus-
ed another of equal size..
Police identified two shooting
victims as Paul Beattie, a Pro-
testant who was riddled by auto-
matic rifle fire as he walked in
a park in Portadown, and David
McClennan, a Catholic. Mc-
Clennan, described by police as
mentally handicapped, w a s
gunned down by four masked ex-
ecutioners who burst into his
home in Belfast's Old Park dis-
trict. They also shot his mother

in the hand.
Police said an Ulster Defense
Association assassination squad
was responsible for the attack
on McClennan.
The third victim, whose hood-
ed body was discovered in a
Belfast stream, was thought to
be a young Protestant.
Gunmen shot a British soldier
dead last night in the Catholic
Falls district of Belfast. In Port-
adown, a mainly Protestant town
in County Armagh, two men
were shot dead .in a bar. Police
said one was Protestant. the
other Catholic.
In Belfast, troops and guer-
rillas traded fire in a series of
The Protestants ignored a per-
sistent downpour to parade
across the bloodstained p r o-
vince on the day marking t he
282nd anniversary of the Battle
of the Boyne where William III
defeated the Catholic legions of
James II in 1690.
They marched with thumping
drums and piping flutes to mass
rallies, and then gradually dis-
The British army, fearful that

the parades would spark a vio-
lent confrontation between t h e
two sides, sealed off the centers
of Belfast, Londonderry and Por-
tadown. Catholics hate the
Orange demonstrations as a
flaunting of Protestant ascend-
Troops in full combat armor
and equipped with high velocity
rifles manned the parade routes,
but they were stationed inside
cross streets to avoid provoca-
In Belfast, a six-mile-long pro-
cession of Orangemen - ranks
swollen by contingents of Pro-
testants from Scotland, Liverpool
and Toronto - snaked through
the city.
The march skirted Roman C -
tholic enclaves and their ha en;
for gunmen of the outlawed trish
Republican Army without trou-
The column included, military-
style vehicles manned by mask-
ed members of the extremist Ul-
ster Defense Association. They
were clearly prepared to deal
with possible Catholic or IRA

A woman enters the Univer-
sity "where she is faced on
every side, from every academic
discipline, from every counsel-
ing and authority position, by
men . . . a University where
she pursues a degree that docu-
ments her study of men, a n d
where her options in life are dic-
tated and controlled by men."
Fleming called the multi-
media presentation "very inter-
esting" and "very constructive."
Lyn Epstein, Education Change
Advocate for the Office of Stu-
dent Services and member of the
women's committee, said, "It
was clear that he was very im-
pressed. We expeect that he'll be
very helpful to us."
Also at the morning meeting,
four women from various LS&A
departments talked about lack
of course content at the Uni-
versity relating to women, male
research about women, a n d
women's contributions to various
The Committee for Women's
Studies proposed a centralized
multi-disciplinary program with-
in the University to combine re-
sources of different fields.
The committee submitted a
proposal to Fleming for such a
women's studies department but
it was not discussed at the meet-
The proposal calls for a de-
partment which would offer a
major in women's studies and
stimulate the following:
-advance work on women
growing out of interdisciplinary
studies using anthropology, soc-
iology, history, literature, etc.
-information-gathering studies
which focus on the family, sex
roles and attitudes, institutional
structures, and problems of un-
deratanding change.
-coordination and study of
child care research, education
and training.
In addition the women's de-
partment proposal calls for ex-
amination of male dominance
See WOMEN'S, Page 9

Policeman is
dismissed in
j ail inceident
Patrolman James Shantz has
been fired from the Ann Arbor
police force for allegedly strik-
ing a prisoner in one of the Po-
lice interview rooms last month.
The facts of the incident still
remain very unclear and the
Ann Arbor Police Officers As-
sociation (AAPOAt is working
to clear up the matter and get
Shantz reinstated.
A trial board meeting was
held July 4 in connection with
the incident, The members of
the board, 3 patrolmen and 2
command officers, recommend-
ed that the officer not be dis-
missed. The trial board does not
have final say in cases but is
only an advisory body.
Police Chief Walter Krasny,
who snakes the ultimate deci-
sion in these cases, acted to
fire Shantz. When rasny was
asked why he ignored the
board's adviee his only com-
ment was because, "I have all
the faets."
According to Robert Flynn,
AAPOA presidenst, those facts
in no way warrant the officer's
dismsisat. About the trial board
mneetinsg Flynnsssaid, "The in-
plicaioss listthe detustmental
trial board substantiated the
accusations against the officer
is entirely false. The sects
whicer eee establisthedat the
trial board hearing clearly
shsowed that these seas no jns-
tificatioss los fisrisg tiseoffice.'
Concerrning the cvenuts of the
incident Flynnsassid, "it was
shownsthsat the female prisoner
.. hit the officer first, She was
then struck once by the offic-

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