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July 12, 1972 - Image 9

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Michigan Daily, 1972-07-12

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Wednesday, July 12, 1972


Page Nine

Wednesday, Juty 12, 1972 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nine

Drug abuse program funded
WASHINGTON OP) - The Jus- staff said one-year grants of controlling these drugs at the
tice Department announced yes- about $300,000 would be offered level of the manufacturer and
terday a three-state pilot pro- to each state willing to join distributor, while state agencies
gram" to train state and local the program in the future if it have assumed enforcement re-
law officers to combat diversion proves successful. sponsibilities at the retail level,
of legal drugs into the illegal Ingersoll said i wascrch thst that it, at pharmacies, physi-
drug market. the states would assume r h e clans and hospitals.
John Ingersoll, director of the cost of continuing the program .But Ingersoll said there acre
Bureau of Narcotics and Danger- themselves, beyond the f r.,,t virtually no funds for proper
ous Drugs, said $1 million will be year. training and education of pro-
divided among Michigan, Missis- secuters and investigators at the
..He said drugs such as imphet- state level.
sippi, and Texas for the fii r t amines and barbiturates are the sae level.
yearof he rainng rogam.Warner said trainting uinder the
year of the training program. main ones subject to diversion new program will teach enforce-
He adde that the depatmnt's from legitimate medical use in- ment officials such techniques as
Law Enforcement Assistance Ad- to drug abuse. the proper handling of inform-
ing has set aside an additional There are some 5,000 hand- ants, undercover drug purchas-
$1 million ta continue the pro- lers of these drugs from the es and criminal investigation.
$a another year. manufacturers down to the phy- Officers will also be taught ac-
ram sician or pharmacist," he raid. counting methods necessary to
Emmitt ;Warner, chief of the The bureau, by agreements detect shortages in legitimate
bureau's federal-state elations with 44 states concentrates cn drug stocks.
'Orange' Overrated dud

(Continued from Page 2)
At best, Clockwork Orange is
vague and boring. The fii 1 m
never really defines its purpose
beyond a superficial and amoral
level. Kubrick's highly stylized
characters invite no identifica-
tion or offer any tangible ante-
cedent condition for their behav-
Clockwork merely explores
Stanley Kubrick's view of a par-
ticular social condition and any
of the allegorical or metaphori-
cal aspects of the film can only
be transplanted partially and
he Daily Official Bulletin is an
official pubcation of the Univer-
sity of Mich igan. Notices shold be
sent in TYF2WRTTEN FORM to
409 E. Jefferson, before 2 p.m. of
the day preceding publication and
by 2 p.m. Friday for Saturday and
Sunday. Items appear once only.
Student organization notices are
not accepte for publication. For
more information, phone 764-9270.
Aduio-Visual Films: "H igh School,"
and "Inside Out," Ad. 4, MLB, 7 p.m.
Co-Rec Family Night: for faculty/
staff, IM Bldg., 7-10 pm.
"China: Three American Views" -
slides, films & lecture by three mem-.
bers of the Committee of Concerned
Asian Scholars, recently returned from
the Peoples' Republic, July 13, Rm 200
Lane Hall, 8:00 PM.
Slides, films and lecture
by three members of the
Committee of Concerned
Asion Scholars, recently
returned from the Peo-
ple's Republic.
July 13, 8:00
$1 contribution

with great effort into reality.
A Clockwork Orange is a fai-
lure cinematically, also. T he
unimaginative use of the cam-
era is amateurish at best. Too
often Kubrick pnust resort to
gimmicks like the accelerated
lovemaking done to Rossini's
William Tell Overture and throw-
ing a camera out a window to
simulate Alex's suicide attempt.
Kubrick not only stutters cine-
matically but literaly slobbers
all over the celluloid.
The first half of the film is
composed of long, drawn out
scenes of beatingand killing -
unimaginative violence in differ-
ent settings. After the first ten
minutes of it, the audience finds
it tedious.
Just as in 2001, Kubrick relies
heavily and excessively on plas-
tics (flashy sets and assorted,
ultra-modern gadgets) to hold
the audience's attention. While
the camera work and editing
may have been trite, Kubrick's
unusually and highly stylized
sets, such as the nightclub with
nude statues as tables and re-
cord bar, are one the film's few
saving graces.
The film is filled with tech-
nical flaws which might be deem-
ed tolerable in a film of less
noble pretensions and a smaller
budget, but inexcusable in A
Clockwork Orange.
Kubrick is supposed to be a
perfectionist, yet the film suf-
fers from color changes within
the scenes. There are mistakes
in continuity. Alex says he's
been sentenced for fourteen years
while a prison official says forty.
Moreover, it is hard to believe
that the bum who had been beat-
en by Alex and his droogs would
recognize the unmasked Alex
several years later.
Kubrick wastes a lot of time
with scenes which aren't parti-
cularly relevant or necessary,
The scene of Alex checking into
the prison could have been ab-
breviated as it was not even in
Burgess' book. Likewise, t h e
shots of the comic ward officer
are not needed.
There is a completely useless
shot of Alex pissing, one of the
few times Kubrick lets the aud-

fence know that his character
might really be human.
In light of Clockwork's mal-
formed theme, criticism of the
film's cinematic foundation are
minor; yet, they give insight
into the level on which Kubrick
The music of A Clockwork
Orange is one force that holds
the film together. The arrange-
ments of classical music done by
Walter Carlos .set the mood and
characterize the scenes. Elec-
tronic Beethoven played in .t h e
drug store lends Alex a perver-
sity otherwise lost in that se-
quence. And yet, the same piece,
altered lightly gives the crip-
pled writer and his accomplices
a sinister quality as they drive
Alex to his suicide.
In a scene such as the choreo-
graphed rumble against Billy-
boy's gang, the music seems to
become the total justification for
the action. The music s a. v e s
Clockwork from becoming an in-
tolerable film.
It is extremely difficult to
evaluate acting in a film that is
so highly stylized. Characteriza-
tion and scope of development
are totally subject to Kubrick's
direction. Malcolm Macdowell's
performance as Alex, in spite of
this handicap, is both excellent
and enthusiastic.
The rest of the acting, how-
ever, from the highly grotesque
and gargoylish writer to the in-
significant role of the father, is
designed to be so charicatured
thatait would be impossibleafor
an actor to demonstrate any
ability or skill.
Stanley Kubrick is proud of his
film and it is clear that he con-
siders it to be a work of art.
But A Clockwork Orange falls
short of even what he defines as
Says Kubrick: "A work of
art . . . must either make life
more enjoyable or endurable -.-
it is always exhilarating and
never depressing, whatever its
subject may be."
How does a film of violence
which offers no cause and no
cure make our lives more enjoy-
able or endurable? If anything,
A Clockwork Orange is depr'es-
sing and tiresome - a failure by
anyone's standards.

Far from the wadding crowd
Senator Edward Kennedy takes a boat ride at Hyannis Port,
Mass., this week. He and 17 other members of the Kennedy clan
were enroute to his new 54-foot sloop 'Patricia' for a sail.
Officials ask court
to halt Roth orders

LANSING (P)---Gov. William
Milliken and State Attorney
General Frank Kelley yesterday
said they have made an "emer-
gency application" to the U.S.
Court of Appeals to stay Feder-
al Judge Stephen Roth's orders
that the state pay for buses for
a Detroit area school integra-
tion plan.
Milliken and Kelley also said
they are asking for an emer-
gency stay of Roth's order on
June 14 creating an 11-member
panel to implement a cross-dis-
tricting busing plan that could
involve 800,000 children.
If the court grants a stay,
Roth's orders would be nullified,
Kelley said.
Kelley also said he would file
an appeal with the U.S. Appeals
Court from both orders by
Judge Roth, adding he expect-
ed a decisiondbysthe courts in
"a matter of days."

Roth's order to buy the buses,
at an estimated cost of $3 mil-
lion, requires the state "to
take actions for which there is
no basis in state law," accord-
ing to a joint statement issued
by Milliken and Kelley.
If the appeals court does not
render a "timely decision," the
statement said, they will take
their case to the Supreme
Milliken said yesterday there
is "no question" that segrega-
tion exists in Detroit schools,
but said there is a "serious
question" about intentional
segregation by state officials."

Daily Classifieds Wed., July 19
We have compiled over 20 items helpful to the homebuying
newcomer to Ann Arbor. Call or write Peter Allen, 769-2606 for
this housing portfolio - yours without cost or obligation.
2310 W. Stadium
(See our ad in the Ann Arbor News)
338 S. STATE
We specialize in REAL
Italian PIZZA and Homemade SPECIALS
Try us for the ULTIMATE in Dining Pleasure!

Lveryone Welcome!
Wed., July 12
8-10 p.m.
Fun, Food, People

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