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July 12, 1972 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1972-07-12

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President MCGovern??
Frank Mankiewiyz, Sen. George McGovern's political director, speaks to a meeting
at the floral Country Clob near Miami Beach ye sterday.

More clashes
!eared during
BELFAST, Northern Ireland (U) - Four men died yes-
terday in shooting incidents on the eve of today's big Pro-
testant parades that threaten to touch off widespread
clashes between Protestant and rival Roman Catholic
Police banned all traffic from the center of the capi-
tal and cordoned off downtown streets in an attempt to
head off bomb and gun attacks before today's 'traditional
As a further precaution, the British garrison holding
-ie line between Catholic and Protestant private armies
was reinforced by the arrival of 1,200 more troops, includ-
ing two elite armored units, They brought the total of
sso:iated Pres. British soldiers in Ulster to
17,000, the highest in three
if POW wives years of sectarian battles. r s, e s
Two young civilians ait a Priso iers
British soldier were slain in
sporadic outbreaks of gunfire. .5
The fourth victim, hit by snip- r 11111011
er fire Sunday, died Monday in
a hospital. Two bomb attacks
in Londonderry damaged prop-
erty but took no casualties er oruptizi
Bombs and gun battles erupt-
ed across Belfast and other
towns in the province less than By DIANE LEVICK
24 hours before the scheduled Charging that their labor is
start of the parades celebrating exploited, inmates at Jackson
historic events in the centuries and Marquette state prisons are
of Protestant-Catholic warfare attempting to organize unions,
Page Three in Northern Ireland. but claim that blatant union-
The slayings raised the numn- busting tactics by prison offi-
ber of known dead in three cials have dampened their suc-
years of provincial violence to cess.
417. This year alone, 209 have Believing that prison labor is
perished. part of the nation's general
The hooded body of a man in labor pool and thus part of the
his 20s was found near the cen- general economy, inmates be-
n ter of Belfast, apparently the gan procedures early this year
victim of a guerrilla execution which could establish the first
squad. Later in the day a 17- officially recognized prisoners'
year-old youth was found in union in U.S. history.
the city, the victim of a single Inmates and Detroit attorney
gunshot wound in the head. Larry Farmer have drawn up
The British soldier shot in petitions stating the union con-
Londonderry was the first stitution, including the following
ar and other trooper killed since the Irish resolutions:
, while the Republican Army (IRA) called -To improve the conditions
is heavily in- off their cease-fire Sunday. The of its members:
ing electronic trooper was shot in a Catholic . --To equalize to the fullest
which help area where he was investigat- extent possible the rights, priv-
nes evade the ing an earlier bombing inci- leges, and protections of prison
g systems of dent. labor with those of free labor
ground. With police and part-time everywhere;
iring the time soldiers, the security force in -To advance the economic,
decision, these the province numbers a record political, social and cultural in-
ing four classi- 31,000 men. Their immediate terest of the prisoners at the
rojects worth job is to head off clashes when State Prison of Southern Michi-
tens of thousands of Protestants gan.
at the volume march today in annual celebra- Signed petitions go to the
d, although it tions of the battle of the Boyne. Michigan Employment Relations
ng guidelines. To Protestants, these mar- Commission (MERC), the usual
sition to the ches symbolize their determin- procedure for an organizing ef-
n is Dr. Wil- ation to stay British and pre- fort. If at least 30 per cent of a
tor of Willow vent a united Ireland. Most prison's inmate population signs
Catholics regard the marches them in declaration of support,
'd about Uni- as a provocative display. an election can be held to deter-
s' connection William Whitelaw, the Bri- mine whether the inmates want
r, Brown re- tish administrator in Northern the union to represent them.
lities are what Ireland, returned to Belfast Prisoners claim that harass-
well it doesn't yesterday to oversee the security ment by prison officials has pre-
it to use them. build-up for the marches. vented them from collecting sig-
in principal Both government and IRA natures. Inmates at Jackson
" sources discounted a report he Prison have filed in Federal
There's no law had renewed talks with IRA District Court for an injunction
's transfering leaders aimed at resurrecting against the Department of Cor-
i ^ n^c .^ ^u,^k

'*"Wednesday, July 12, 1972

News Pho to: 764-0552

Loan guarantee begi
'U'- WiIlow Run brea

A $2 million loan guarantee
from the state has become the
first step toward the University's
avowed goal of disengaging it-
self officially from large scale
classified research.
Under a plan adopted in prin-
ciple by the Regents in Feb-
ruary, the University is attempt-
ing to divest itself of its Willow
Run Laboratories, which per-
form about 90 per cent of the
classified research done on the
The loan guarantee. approved
by the State Legislature as part
of the Higher Education Bill,
will provide Willow Run with
funds to weather a transitional
period during whirh it will leave
the auspices of the University to
become a non-profit corporation.
Specifically, the loan will
allow the labs to meet their
financial commitments during
the first year. This is essential
because all government classi-
fied research work is done on a
reimbursement basis-with pay-
ment often coming following the
completion of the project.
Previously, the University had
paid the Willow Run bills until
the federal funds arrived.
The plan under which the
University will dispose of its
controversial role in secret war
research dates back to last
February. Regentsrejected at
that time proposals by the Sen-
ate Assembly and the Student
Government Council to end all
research, "the results of which
would not be published after one
The Regents in a 7-1 vote
called for the separation of
Willow Run Laboratories as an
alternative to an out-right ban
on such research.
Several issues involved in what
is officially termed "the orderly
total separation" cloud the ul-
timate relationship between the
University and the Laboratories.
Specifically, five professors
currently working at Willow
Run might want to transfer
their projects to the Engineering
College labs in order to retain
their University teaching ap-

Vice President for Research
A. Geoffrey Norman emphati-
cally -claims such project trans-
fers "will not be allowed if they
involve a classified project."
Norman is adamant in dis-
avowing any suggestion that the
separation is a symbolic gesture.
"If this is to be a separation
then it will have to be a real
separation. Our relation to Wil-
low Run will be no different than
our relation with Bendix. Parke
Davis or other local research
corporations," he says.
According to Norman, Uni-
versity professors will not be
allowed to hold major respon-
sibilities at Willow Run and still
retais their tenure.
The disengagement of Willow
Run Laboratories will not elim-
inate all classified research at
the University. Both the Cooley
and Radiation Laboratories con-
duct secret research under con-
tract by the Defense Depart-
Most of the work at the Radi-
ation Laboratory is being done

on perfecting rad
tracking systems
Cooley installation
volved in devisi
missiles and play
electronic trackin
opponents on the
In February. du
of the Regents'c
labs were performi
fied research p
about $336,000.
Norman says th
has not mscreaser
could under existi.
In direct oppo
posture of Norma
li.n s Brown, direr
Run Laboratories.
When questione
v'rsity professor:
with Willow Ru
plied. "If our faci
somebody- needs.
make any sense nc
Everybody agrees
what will happen.
Brown added "I
against professor
their projects."



Non-delegates split
over protest tactics

Special To The Iaily
night, as candles flickered its
Flamingo Park, the "non-dele-
gates" sat in small groups dis-
cussing their need for unity.
But as the day ended the en-
campment inhabitants were
more divided than ever.
In all, sixteen separate events
planned by the park's inhabi-
tants took place yesterday.
Each segment of the park com-
munity went off on separate
paths, and the only attempt at
unity - a march down to the
convention hall-flopped,
The march began with an
SDS rally early in the evening
at Flamingo Park. And as the
crowd began to move out into

the streets, marshals from the
Vietnam Veterans Against the
War (VVAW) directed the flow
in a highly disciplined fashion.
1 f111141Oc ratd/its
"Surround the crowd, link
arms, and don't let anyone in or
out," one marshal barked to
his comrades.
Armed with walkie-talkies,
they moved quickly around in
front of the crowd, directing the

A MEMBER of the Students for a Democratic Society who
crashed a fashion show in the Americana Hotel is ejected by a
policeman yesterday. The show was for wives of delegates and
party officials.

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