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July 12, 1972 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1972-07-12

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Vol. LXXXII, No. 39-S

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, July 12, 1972

Ten Cents

Twelve Pages




Wallace's challenges
lose overwhelmingly
MIAMI BEACH, Fla. (A)-Sen. George McGovern (D-S.D.)
strode without major challenge toward the Democratic presidential
nomination early today after Sens. Hubert Humphrey (D-Minn.) and
Edmund Muskie (D-Me.) bowed to his towering national convention
strength and quit the race.
Despite a dramatic, personal appeal from Alabama. Gov. George'
Wallace, still a candidate, the Democratic National Convention
shouted down his proposals by overwhelming voice votes to write
more conservative terms into a liberal party platform tailored to
McGovern's views.
Amid waves of cheers from the convention minority supporting
his candidacy, the crippled Alabama governor came to the conven-
tion in a wheelchair to argue for his views of what the platform
should say.
The minority that cheered for Wallace provided the only support
as eight Wallace planks, including a demand that the Democrats
call for an end to school busing for racial balance, were rejected.
The platform committee had endorsed some busing as a tool to
improve educational opportunity.
It called also for immediate, complete withdrawal of all U.S.
combat forces in Indochina,. while the rejected Wallace plank set
the release of American prisoners as a condition for a pullout.
The debate on the Wallace package alone occupied three hours
before any votes could be taken. Argument was interrupted
periodically by appeals from the chair for restless delegates to
return to their seats and cease milling about and talking in the
It was Wallace's first appearance before a large crowd since
he was shot in a Laurel, Md., shopping center May 15, the eve
of Maryland and Michigan primaries-two of six that he won.
In his speech, Wallace denounced "the asinine, senseless bus-
ing of little school children." His supporters cheered, but there
were boos elsewhere on the convention floor.
"I am here because I want to help the Democratic party,"
Wallace" said, "I want it to become again the party of the aver-
age citizen as it u d to be and not the pa y of the pseudo-intel-
lectual snobbery that it has come to be."
The Democrats also voted last night to continue the delegate-
selection reforms that marked their 1972 convention, and added
some new ones, including a requirement that from 1976 on a wo-
man chair every other convention.
Delegates chosen in winner-take-all primaries such as those
.now in effect in California and several other states could be suc-
cessfully challenged in the 1976 convention.

-Associated Press
SEN. EDMUND MUSKIE (D-Me.) announces his withdrawal from competition for the Democratic
presidential nomination yesterday in Miami Beach. Muskie's wife, Jane, and his daughters, Martha
and Melinda, listen to the speech.
6-5 VOTE:
City Council passes HEW's
anti-discrimination proposal

City Council voted Monday
to outlaw discrimination against
persons on the basis of their
"sexual preference, marital or
educational status." The amend-
ment to the City Code, intro-
duced by council members Jerry
De Grieck (HRP-First Ward)
and Nancy Wechsler, (HRP-
Second Ward), prohibits dis-
crimination against male or fe-
male homosexuals, bisexuals as
well as heterosexuals.
Discrimination against full-
time students, married, single,

divorced and widowed persons
is also barred under the new
The amendment, approved 6-
5, provides that violations of
the new law be prosecuted as
criminal offenses. The u s u a l
procedure is to handle discrimi-
nation cases through the city's
Human Rights Department.
De Grieck told council that
defining such cases as misde-
meanors will cause the law to
be taken more seriously both by
potential violators and by the
targets of such discrimination.

Controversy continues
over airport expansion

A plan before City Council to
expand the city's Municipal Air-
port has generated controversy
among many community mem-
The expansion plan, which in-
cludes the construction of a new
540 foot runway, the paving of
an existing cross runway, the
construction of new hangars
and the purchase of land for
use as a clear zone, has run
into some strident opposition.
Residents of the area say that
private jets using the new run-
way will greatly increase the
noise level around the airport.
Supporters of the plan argue
that actual jet use will be min-
imal and that because the new
runway will be set farther back
thar the old, the actual in-
crease in noise is debatable.
City Council is scheduled to
vote on the plan Monday, but
action may be deferred pending
noise tests and further negotia-
Mayor Robert Harris, a prime
supporter of the plan, contends

that rejection of the expansion
will result in budget cuts. City
funding of day care centers,
Free People's Medical Clinic,
emergency housing, Ozone House
and many new experimental
programs may be drastically
cut, according to Harris.
According to council member
Jerry De Grieck (HRP-First
Ward), the threatened cuts are
an attempt to "blackmail" coun-
cil into voting for the plan for
budgetary reasons "rather than
the merits of the program it-
Although he says that any
cuts should "be made elsewhere,"
he admits that there is a "de-
cent chance" that they will
end up coming from the pro-
At its present level of opera-
tions the city-owned airport does
not pay for itself and must be
subsidized out of the city's gen-
eral fund. Last year costs were
over $30,000.
According to Harris, the ex-
pansion plan will make the air-
See COUNCIL, Page 7

The Human Rights Party's
proposal sought also to bar
discrimination against persons
practicing transvestitism; and
transsexuality, but in a surprise
move preceding the final vote
Robert Faber (D-Second Ward)
persuaded council to exempt
such cases from the city's juris-
Asserting that he strongly
supported the rest of the
amendment, he said he was not
convinced that "these prac-
tices are legitimate differences
in lifestyle" that should be pro-
tected by law. While he said he
would do nothing to further
discrimination a g a i n a t the
group, he argued that persons
renting rooms in their own
homes should be allowed dis-
cretion in such cases.
After defeating a Republican
attempt to exempt rooming
houses and apartments with
less than 5 units, HRP and the
Democrats combined to pass
the measure over Republican
In other action, council
agreed to vote next week on an
HRP proposal to force a mora-
torium until Sept. 30 on fur-
ther action by the city's Cable-
casting Commission, whose ac-
tivities were allegedly "cloak-
ed in secrecy," according to
HRP member Frank Shoichet.
The 5 person public commis-
sion was appointed by the may-
or two years ago and oversees
the development of the pro-
poseCd city cable TV system.
Thedcommission has the auth-
ority to grant franchises to
commercial broadcasting com-
panies and will also regulate the
use of 4 public channels that
will be available for use by
community groups, out of 24
proposed channels.
Speaking before council, Shoi-
See HRP, Page 7

SEN. HUBERT HUMPHREY (D-Minn.) hugs his wife, Muriel,
yesterday in Miami Beach, after announcing his withdrawal from
the race for the Democratic presidential nomination.

The Uonventio'n,
From the outside
(See story, Pae3)

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