Tuesday, July 11, 1972 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Sever Tuesday, July 11, 1972 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven The people hit the streets (Continued fromtPage 1) As the march moved unhin- dered down Espanola Way to- wards the ocean, the streets were lined with old people, some standing on their steps and others peering out from be- hind iron fences and closed windows. At about 6:30 they reached the hall, which with its vine covered fences, batteries of floodlights and makeshift tow- ers resembled a hibiscus-cover- ed concentration camp. Inside the compound, only a token number of Miami Beach police could be seen. As the non-delegates made camp and settled down for speeches, their legitimate coun- terparts were just arris ing for the evenine ,session. The two groups returned stares as the credentialled Democrats f i 1 e d through the gate and into the hall. By quarter to seven, dark, menacing clouds hung tow in the pink-streaked sky behind the hall. Overhead, an observa- tion helicopter hovered induc- ing jeers and clenched fists from the assembled crowd be- low. As the speakers began their raps, the hawkers started mov- ing through the crowd, pushing their own special causes. SDSers and other sectarians pushed newspapers and pamphlets, two Jesus freaks carried a cross down the street, offering salva- tion, and one lone soul just walked back and forth carrying a sign pushing Fr ancis Farengold-unsuccessful candi- date for the Democratic gub- ernatorial nomination in Texas -as a vice-presidential pros- pect. Beulah Sanders, national chairperson sf NWRO opened the evening teling the crwd "This is your convnotion. Whir< ya gonna do about it?" "Unless the Democratic Par- ty represents us," she said, "There will be no Democratic convention. This convention will disrupt itself." NWRO, which held its cenven- tion here last week, has been negotiating with the Democratic Party to secure 750 convention floor .seats for its representa- tives. Thus far, a number of compromises have been offered, but none accepted. ClO-OP LIVING CENTRAL CAMPUS $45/month/double room (room only) $50/month/single room (room only) BOARD IS AVAILABLE. Pick up a contract in CC office, 3-N Michigan Union (or call 662-4414). Indian Sume r Natural Foods Restaurant Fresh Food Carefully Hand-Prepared Grains Fruits Vegetables Salads Juices Baked Goods and more 315 South State Street 8:30 A.M.-9:30 P.M. The speeches contirued with talks by uch movement uni- ries as Dr. Benjamin Spock and Gloria Stenem, and by 7:15 p.m., the clouds stopped threatening and it began to rain. Undaunted an hour later, the demonstrators also s t o p p e d threatening. Led by NWRO lead- er George Wiley, they started to. move along the fence, shout- ing 'Open the doors." They tried to force their way through a gate by the corner of Washington and 17th Street, butt the police quickly moved up and at the urg i ag of demionsitration mashalls, the crowd brke up and moved further down the street. Incredibly, a gate just around the corner of 17th street had been left open and those in the front of the march started cautiously moving into the com- pound. Al the critical moment, however, they hesitated. In a rsh, s e c u r i t y forces-Dade County men with riot helemtst and two foot trunchoens-moved up and the intruders were forced outside. Once again, the mar- shalls convinced the crowd to move on- A few more brief confronta- tions broke out at the gates. The marchers would stop, and sud- denly batteries of TV lights would come on, revealing dens- onstrators hurtling themselves into fences and riot police jab- bing them with sticks through the fence length. Eventually, most of the dem- onstrators moved off Meridian St. heading back for the park. It was a long, violent retreat through town as lightning flash- ed eerily in the dark blue night sky. By 8:40 p.m., most of the demonstrators had filed back in- to the park, returning to their tents, singing, smoking dope, talking to octagenarian visitors, and generally relaxing. The air began to fill with tihe rapid clcking of the park per- ple's favorite toy, a device wit two plastic balls on the end of strings which is swung to pro- duce a loud noise. One older mal with an American Civil Liberties UnionObserver arm band, com- mented, "It's just like a cirusr except for the riots." New Freshmen! Po you want money, a draft deferment, leadership and management training, self-confidence? If your answer is yes, then invest 1/ hour of your time to find out how you obtain the above by attending the Army ROTC orientation at Room 200 in North Hall at 3:30 p.m. every day. McGovern. California (Continued from Page ) ) delegates could not. The vote to sustain O'Brien's ruling was 1,689.52 yes to 1,162.23 no. "I am gratified but not sur- prised that the rule of law and the rule of fairness have been upheld " said McGovern, who captured the winner1take-all Cal- ifornia primary June 5. The Democratic Credeni1ss Committee later ruled that thn 271 delegates should instead be apportioned among all the pri- ry entries, a decision over- irrned last night. "Americans simply refuse to believe that the rules of the aae should be changed after the game is over," McGovern said in a statement. "It would now seem that the nomination victory we have an- ticipated is within our grasp." A top McGovern aide, Frank Mankiewicz, working the con- vention floor, was more suc- cinct. "That's the ballgame," he said. When New York cast 267 votes for McGovern's side of the California case, the convention hall erupted into cheers. These votes put the McGovern tally past the majority level. And when Bie forced the ap- peal roll call, McGovern parti- sans erupted into chants of, "No, no, no." McGovern's strength on the California test pushed far past the 1,509 majority it will take to name the Democratic nomi- nee. The Associated Press count of his delegate committments for regains delegates the nomination, including Cali- fornia, stood at 1,485.35. Earlier yesterday, a peace move by Edmund- Muskie fell flat as battling Democrats headed into the start of their 1972 nominating convention split down the middle over the California delegations. Setting himself up as a con- ciliatorthi Maine senator in- ,'ilcdoil eiht declared candi- dates tr the prsirdiential normi- naton to sit ers I fogether in advance of the certarn raising and comvprtomitise the fractious dispute aic 151 contested dele- gates. But the front-running George McGovern saw in the offer traces of a stop-McGovern move and boycotted the ses- sion when he could not get it opened to the press and to dele- gates. "Z see little to be gained in locking the doors with the six stopMcGovern candidates and then trying to reach a compro- mise on California," the South Dakota senator said. McGovern rejected any closed- door meetings, although he said he might attend a candi- date conference open to the press and the whole California delegation. But he said, "Of course there can be no compro- mise on California." Only three other contenders, Sens. Hubert Humphrey and Henry Jackson and former Gov. Terry Sanford of North Carolina appeared and Muskie called the meeting off. Miami women lack unity (Contiuedto ae 3) deals. We should try to organize against him." Rep. Bella Abzug (D-N.Y.), a McGovern delegate r e p 1 i e d forcefully, "The question of guidelines is what we're sup- porting. . . the right of women to be represented. We have made no deal. We here (NWPC) are addressing ourselves to what women are doing across candi- date lines." Speeches to the group by San- ford and Humphrey provoked little reaction. However, Chis- holm's arrival at the conference sparked off cheers and hisses. Many applauded her as she emphasized her importance as the female candidate. "If women of America are going to unite, I'm an instrument for uniting womanhood. If you are talking about a woman who's become a political force to be reckoned with, you've got one." When Chisholm implied that the delegates should vote to up- hold the rulings of the creden- tials committee on California, however, she provoked angry talk in the crowd. Shirley MacLaine muttered, "She's not telling them that the California cost us 75 women, 17 blacks, and 17 Chicanos . . . she's a very integral part of the Stop McGovern campaign." McGovern was enthusiastically applauded when he arrived. Liz Carpenter, former press svcre- tary to Lady Bird Johnson, com- mended him on his role in re- forming the democratic party guidelines. "We know we wouldn't be here if it hadn't been for you," she said. "George didn't just talk about reform, he did something about it." McGovern told the NWPC that "this is the most open represen- tative convention any political party has had in years." He asked the women, "to forget about all the candidates-no one of us is at issue tonight-the issue is whether it's fair to change the ground rules after the election." Several women yelled to him, "What about abortion," but the senator made no reply. During his arrival and depar- ture the meeting erupted into a shouting match between Chisholm and McGovern sup- porters. Gloria Steinem closed the morning's conference by dis- cussing the Feminist Party (an- other national women's rights organization) demands for lob- bying seats at the convention. "The National Welfare Rights Organization asked for 750 seats and they got 60. We're only ask- ing for 500," said Steinem. You mean there's a restaurant called the ia/'d~e it? Had a good taco lately? We've got the best in town at the Garbage Pit, as well as other fine, fine, superfine food. Honest Elmer, our quality chef, brews a special delight for every day of the week. Or how about some banana pud- ding, cheesecake, hot chili, or Chinese eggrolls, We have something for every- one. When your friends ask where you're going for dinner, tell them the Garbage Pit. izza Bbs is delivering one more time. We haven't delivered si nce 1969, when three cars were wrecked in one week. Undaunted, we're try- ing again, bringing those oh, so good pizzas and submarines to your doorstep. Minimum order is $2.00, and the boundaries for delivery are Seventh Street on the west, Stadium-Washtenaw on the southe US-23 on the east, and Plymouth Road on the north, Just call 665-4517 after 6 p.m. THIS WEEK ONLY! M 91 E Magnetic Cartridge Was $49.95 NOW $29.95 5/HF1 BUYS $ay~e $20.9 o 618 S. Main-769-4700 Comprehensive Repair Service Available r..,..,.--.,,.,,..,,, -....--