iset 1jan anus Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of the author. This rust be noted in all reprints. TUESDAY, JULY 11, 1972 News Phone: 764-0552 ROTC: How it survived the stadent ower years Ththe guns and oter things ..1. THE U.S. ARMY's arsenal of weapons in Southeast Asia includes the most sophisticated set of strategic weaoons designed for conventional warfare that the world has ever seen. Tnfra-red, seismic and acoustic sen- sors chart enemy movements by sound, vibrations and smell, day or niht. "Smart bombs" guided by lasers are accurate within 150 feet when dropped from an alti- tude of ovar 10.000 feet. U.S. technology allows the army to defoliate acres of junele to uncover enemy guerrillas, to burn down entire villages from the air with napalm, and to fill a Vietna- mese peasant with tiny steel balls from a fragmentation bomb. And last week, as a chilling aftermath to the reve- lations of American technological powers of destruction, Seymour Hirsch of The New York Times unveiled an ongoing Cantral Intellieence Agency-Air Force opera- tion desind to turn weather into a predictable reliable, weapon of war. THE OPERATION. known to Pentagon leaders as "Oper- ation Poneve ." involved rainmaking missions on North Vietnamese s'nnly rottes in North and South Vietnam, Laos a nd Cambodia. The result was that with some degree of success. the U.S. Command could slow the movement of Communist troons and supplies into the South, and provie U1 S. hombers cloud cover against North Vietnam's SAM missle sites. The cloud seeding proect began in 1963 over the objections of various State Denartment officials and even Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara. It con- tinued secretly, however, and is probably still being used. No one really knows what long-range effects the rainmaking might produce. But ecologists point out that the potential for environmental damage - especially flooding - from an unusual amount of rainfall is multi- plied when the land is barren and has no foliage to nat- urally hold the water. Certainly, this is a very real danger in a land that has largely been defoliated and levelled by bombing. What "Operation Popeye" demonstrates is the clear American commitment to waging a war from the air without ground troops. Large-scale infantry involvement by U.S. troops has been a political thorn in Nixon's side. His solution has been to remove the ground troops while focusing on developing new ways to destroy and harass the Vietnamese peopi from guiltless bombers. WHILE IT IS always discouraging to find out just how little all of us know about the methods of warfare being employed in Southeast Asia, we do know the fol- lowing: -Despite Nixon's formal renunciation of the use of chemical and biological warfare, the present Pentagon budget formula provides for doubling the purchase of these weapons; -Seismic, visual, magnetic, odor, visual and micro- phone sensors are being dropped from aircraft daily, disguised as twigs, animal droppings and rocks, They are either protected by new sophisticated mines, or are geared to explode when moved; -The amount of American airpower available for sorties in Southeast Asia is currently at the greatest level of the war; and -Despite a general concensus among Americans that engagement in the Southeast Asian conflict was a mistake that should be ended immediately, research and development of new weaponry and weapon support sys- tems continues in laboratories across the country-in- cluding at the University's Willow Run Laboratories. Thus, when Secretary of Defense Laird tells Congress that the new SALT agreements cannot be approved with- out a corresponding increase in research and develop- ment funds, the implication is that the administration is determined to develop conventional warfare capabili- ties until its destructive power is roughly equal to (al- though slightly less efficient than) that of tactical nu- clear weapons. ONE CAN ONLY hope that the American public will not be duped into believing the ludicrous philosophy that technologically advanced conventional warfare is some- how more humane than nuclear warfare. -ALAN LENHOFF Today's Staff . News: Lorin Labardee, Diane Levick, Carla Rapoport. Editorial Page: Alan Lenhoff Editor's Notes D spite over- whelming sentiment to abolish ROTC units here and on other campuses, ROTC haso srrvired. The following ar- /icle is Particularly enlighten- in in its descririon of ho college ad/sinistrators across the country adopted similar srate'gies inthfirstsfforft to preser'e ROTC. By HOWARD EHRLICIH Alternative Features Service N THAT the American military' has been a principle agent for protecting the foreign spheres ofr American corporate interests, for suppressing popular rebellins abroad, and repressing disen at home, the abolition of ROTC on U.S. campuses has been an im- portant domestic priority for the antiwar movement since 1965. To an outstanding degree, the anti-ROTC offensive has been over- whelmingly successful across the country. Student participation in ROTC has declined by 67 per cent since the start of anti-war activi- ties on college campuses in 195. in ROTC units across the corntry. By 1971-72, only 87,000 students signed up. The largely successful battle hass served to deny the military osi an extremely economical source of officers. Wherebs West Point costs t h e Army $47,136 per officer, Officer's Candidate School costs between $5,320 and $8,404 per officer while Army ROTC costs are only $4,320. These Department of Defense es- timated costs do not include the costs of post-ROTC training t h a t cadets require after graduation. More significantly, however, .they obscure the contributions made by the universities t he m selves in providing rent-free space and full use of college facilities to these military posts. ihe anti-ROTC offensive chal- lenged the structure of power in colleges ansd universities a s d threatened their military and err- porate sponsors. Where administra- tions held fast, exercising aurthor- irarian control granted by m o s t governing boards, and almost all faculties, students and f a c ui s y shifted from the politics of con- frontation to physical attacks on the symbols and property of the campus military . ROTC BUILDINGS were atack- ed, trashed, and sometimes fire- bombed at a rate of more ttan one incident a day during the peale year of resistance, 1969-70. Ttrat year, the Department of Defene adnitted to $1.3 million in proper- ty danmage. University administrations sought to cool out the opposition by "cam- promising" on the nature of ire program. Although everywhere universities and colleges fii r s t shifted from a compulsory to a volunteer program. When t h at proved unsuccessful, administra- tors began to focus on the aca- demic credentials of the military of ROTC be changed to "Officer Education Programs". One interesting proposal, which tray help explain the receptive- ness of small schools to new ROTC programs, was that the Depart- ment of Defense should take a "first step toward the objective of full reimbursement" by providing schools $500 for each commistoned officer graduated (The full text of this statement is reprinted in the Chronicle 'of Higher Education, June 7, 1971). The Congressional respone to anti-ROTC activities came from the chairman of the House Arm- ed Services Committee. "There will be no defense funds going to any university in this country that doesn't cooperate 1,000 per c e nt with the military," Congressman F. Edward Hebert declared in late February, 1972. Hebert's public pronouncement followed therdisclosure that t h e Navy had barred its officers from doing graduate work at any of the 15 universities which were phasing out Naval ROTC programs. BECAUSE OF THEIR difficulty )T(: The pay's not bad .. . science professors, the pre-pack- aged content of the military curri- cula, and the generally higher grade point averages in, mitsry science courses. Although unconcerned with the academic quality of the programs before the offensive, some admin- istrations attempted to clean 'ip those programs primarily to gain the support of the liberal profes- sor who, often to their own sur- prise, found themselves in agree- ment with the student activs s. BY THE END of the 1971 ca- demic year, six major colleges and universities (including Mich- igan) issued a joint statement on ROTC which was forwarded t ithe Pentagon and Congress. There were some 14 proposals in it, most of them no more important than the recommendation that the name in recruiting and keeping stscete, ROTC subsistence allowances were doubled, and the number of chol arships were increased. The Arm'ry also reduced the active duty time required of about half the cadet officers who were graduating in 1971. AS IN MANY conflicts, straingy evolves over time. The expansion of ROTC bases in the smaller col- leges and the Pentagon propa- ganda campaign may be only hold- ing actions. Thus it will be no surprise to find that as ROTC is driven to refuge on the smaller Southern campuses and as college students grow more critical of the whole program, Pentgon strategists will put more effort in- to recruiting high school s t u- dents. . . and the snazzy clothes are free