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July 11, 1972 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1972-07-11

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I e t rl ig rt 43att-p

Vol. LXXXII, No. 38-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, July 11, 1972 Ten Cents Twelve Pages
cGovern wins al. seats
South Dakotan close to first
ballot victory; challenges fail

MIAMI BEACH, Fla. A)--Sen.
George McGovern (D-S.D.) re-
7tcaptured his sweep of Califor-
nia's 271 delegates in a feuding,
tumultuous Democratic National
Convention early today and
vaulted to the brink of presiden-
tial nomination.
It was an opening session test
that showed where the votes
2 r gr ~were, and that McGovern had
McGovern himself said the
nomination appeared "within
our grasp."
It will take 1,509 votes to
choose a presidential nominee.
sk sOn the initial California test,
McGovern forces got 1,618.28
votes to regain 151 delegates de-
nied them by the Credentials
When the initial vote that
returned to McGovern the dele-
gates he won in the California
presidential primary was chal-
lenged, the appeal was over-
ruled by an even wider margin.
The first roll call had
1.608.28 to seat a solid McGov-
ern delegation from California,
with 1,238.22 opposed.
On the appeal, the roll call
count was 1689.52 to sustain
that verdict, 1,162.23 to over-
turn it.
The Associated Press count of
delegate strength showed that
with his California sweep re-
stored, McGovern stood within
,, s * r24 votes of the majority needed
Y to capture the White House
Norman Bie Jr., a Florida dele-
gate, made the parliamentary
appeal that forced the second
roll call. He challenged the rul-
--Associated Press ing of Chairman Lawrence F.
THE DEMOCRATIC chaos was officially organized into a conven O'Brien that 120 uncontested
tion last night as Mary Lou Burg, vice chairperson of the Demo- McGovern delegates from Cali-
cratic National Committee (above) introduces a succession of fornia could vote on the creden-
party officials. Below, two California delegates committed to Mc- tials case, while the 151 disputed
Govern confer while waiting to learn their fate last night. See McGOVERN, Page 7
'U orders outdoor concerts
off iag grass onto asphalt
By MARILYN RILEY As John Sinclair of the Rain- sons they wouldn't have done
Evening on the Diag-a place bow People's Party points out, it."
to relax on the grass, talk to "The great thing about the Diag He thinks the integration of
people, and listen to live music. is that the people are there. It the community and students at
At least'that's what Phil Cher- wouldn't be the same at all on the concerts may be seen as a
ner of the University Activities the Plaza." threat by University officials-
Center (UAC) envisioned when Kennedy recognized that the especially following the recent
he thought of making evening move to the Plaza will not solve bomb crater diggings in which
rock and classical music con- the noise problem completely, non-students participated.
certs a regular Saturday night saying "It's difficult to have Apparently the move itself
affair on the Diag. an amplified music extravaganza isn't as distressing as the way
When the request was put anywhere on central campus." the decision was made. Cherner
through to the Office of Student said of his discussion with
Services last Wednesday, how- Fleming; "No negotiating was
ever, University officials flatly taking place. There was never
refused, changing the concert any doubt in his mind about
site to Regents Plaza. the decision."
AccorEing to Richard Ken- "The issue is a little muddy
nedy, Secretary to the Univer-at the moment We just need
sity, the noise factor prompted more experience with concerts
the move. He said President on the Plaza to find out if it's
Fleming had received some com- a good place," Kennedy said
plaints about the noise and with a "wait and see" attitude.
pointed out, "The President Meanwhile, controversy con-
himself is in a terrible position tinues over the relative merits
being the closest resident to the i"'of the Diag as opposed to the
Diag." No more Diag drummin' Plaza, but it appears that Ann
Cherner, somewhat upset by Arbor will still get the free
the decision, claimed the Plaza According to Peter Andrews concerts.
is not as good as the Diag. He of UAC, there may be more Sinclair summed it up well
said the Diag has more grassy behind the move than just com- when he commented, "How do
areas and is surrounded by plaints of too much noise. they know which place is better?
buildings which would cut down "They've put up with it this They'never go to the goddamn
on the spread of noise. long. If it wasn't for other rea- concerts."

VIETNAM VETERANS Against the War march toward Conven-
tion Hall in Miami Beach yesterday under a broiling sun.
People in the street:
It's that time again

Special To The Daily
gavel came down inside Con-
vention Hall here lasts night, the
non-delegate portion of the
1972 Democratic Convention
opened with clenched fists in
the streets outside.
A sting of tear gas hung in
the ar as a motley army of
about 2000 from Flamingo Park
descended as promised on the
convention site, demanding that
750 poor people's representa-
tives be seated. Following a
march and a rally in front of
the hall, they confronted riot-
equipped police attempting to
get by force what the Demo-
crats wouldn't grant them -
access to the convention floor.
The demonstration began at
6 p.m. at Flamingo Park where
the group first moved out into
the streets. The march, which
at times, stretched for well over
five blocks, was a virtual me-
nagerie of political and cultural
Headed my the Rev. Ralph
Abernathy, members of the Na-

tional Welfare Rights Organiz-
ation (NWRO) and the South-
ern Christian Leadership Con-
ference, the group contained
members from Vietnam Veter-
ans against the War, Students
for a Democratic Society, Yip-
ples, Zipies, the Hare Krishna
religious cult, gay 'and women's
groups and other sects too nu-
nerous to mention.
As they moved out, Abernathy
led the singing of "We Shall
Overcome" and other old civil
rights songs. But, further down
the line, as the composition of
the demonstration changed
from predominately black to
predominately white, the sounds
changed from freedom songs to
"Yip-Yip-Yip--Yippee." and
"The pope smokes!dope."
See THE PEOPLE, Page 7

Soviet Poet
arrives in AA
See story and photos,
Page 9

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