e srijian :4attH Vol. LXXXII, No. 37-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, July 8, 1972 Ten Cents Twelve Pages Court eals Mc dvern setback N7 lConvention to have final say T / }: 1 ..; ..: ii i ..: } :.-... C. ....... R.;. i. :... :: i;: 4Y ":% SEN. GEORGE McGOVERN (top) confers with Sen. Gaylord Nelson (D-Wis.) in Washington yester- day. Nelson reportedly is seeking the second spot on the Dmocratic ticket. Meanwhile, despite his dismal showing in the primaries, Sen. Edmund Muskie (below) is greeted by an enthusiastic crowd i Miami Beach. SUBSTITUTE MEASURE: HEW to introduce ortinances for protection of local tenants on California delegate status WASHINGTON (1---The Supreme Court yesterday told the Democratic party it must decide for itself whether Sen. George McGovern (D-S.D.) should receive all of California's delegates to the national convention and whether the Chicago delegation of Mayor Richard Daley should be seated. In a 6-3 ruling, the high court suspended an appeals court decision that had returned to McGovern 151 California delegates which the party's Credentials Committee had stripped from him last week. It took no action on a petition from the Democratic party and from the forces of Daley on their request to decide whether the Credentials Committee could legally oust the Daley delegates. - The effect of the court's rul- ing was to send the squabblesG o back into the laps of the Demo- crats and to again substantially dim McGovern's hopes for ao first ballot victory.lou ( The ruling raised the spectre I s o -as pointed out by dissecting Justice Thurgood Marshall- that the hieh court might have atliem s to "declare the convention null and void and to require that it be repeated" if the Democrats By CHRIS PARKS do not settle their dispute among special To The Daily themselves. MIAMI BEACH - A shouting, The Democratic Party, in a shoving group of a "poor peo- memorandum given the court, ple's coalition" forced their way said attempts to alter delega- into a closed meeting of the tions are springing up in the Democratic National Conven- District of Columbia, in Missis- tion's Arrangements Committee sippi and in Arkansas. yesterday and demanded higher In reaction to yesterday's Su- representation of blacks and the preme Court ruling, McGovern poor at next week's convention. issued a statement which said The group of some 100 pro- in part: "By a divided court decision, it is now the responsibility of the ipp *e! delegates to the national con- The Yippies have moved into vention to protect the rule of Miami Beach's Flamingo Park law - and the nation's time- in preparation for the Demo- honored sense of fair play. We cratic National Convention - do not change the rules of the and Miami may never recover. game after the game is over. See story, Page 3 "I feel confident that the American sense of fair play will testers refused to leave the will out in Miami. Millions of meeting after announcing their Americans have become skepti- demands for at least 750 floor cal about our entire political seats and a platform plank guar- process. anteeing a minimum annual in- "We have a great opportunity come of $6,500 for a family of to restore their faith by demon- four. strating that the Democratic party is a party that stands for The coalition includes mem- justice and fair play." hers of the Southern Christian The high court did not over- Leadership Conference (SCLC), turn the decision by the U.S. the National Welfare Rights Or- Circuit Court of Appeals but ganization (NWRO), the Peo- only issued a stay of that ple's Coalition for Peace and court's order returning the dele- Justice, and the National Ten- gates to McGovern. ants Organization. The court took no action on The demonstrators were allow- See McGOVERN, Page 8 See POOR, Page 8 49 - - . 3 : The Human Rights Party (HRP) will introduce a compre- hensive ordinance to protect tenants' rights under the feder- al rent control regulations at City Council Monday. The party will attempt to subsitute its legislation for what it called a "totally ineffective" measure scheduled for second reading, which provides only that a landlord must give a ten- ant information from which the tenant can calculate the base rent. It was introduced by Council member Robert Faber. The HRP substitute states that a landlord must provide base rent information, his or her calculation of the base rent, the current rent, and his or her calculation of the maximum legal rent. This must be given in writing, both to the tenant and to the City Assessor. Under the HRP ordinance the City Assessor is given the duty of calculating the base rent and the maximum legal rent for a small percentage of the city's units, and ;nowing tenants how to calculate this, in addition to maintaining an open file of all information received from land- lords. The system proposed is compatible with the Assessor's existing files. Also, while Faber's measure provides no penalties, the HRP legislation would impose a fine of up to $100 and allow any person to go to court to force landlords' compliance. The party's ordinance to cre- ate a Citizens Budget Commis- sion will have its first reading on July 10. The Commission would have 11 members and would propose an alternate bud- get, or suggested amendments to the budget submitted each year by the City Administrator. The party feels that power over the city's finances and pro- grams should be taken from the Administrators and put in the hands of the citizens. Also scheduled for its first reading is the HRP's-ordinance to have two of the five city Housing Commission members elected by tenants. This furthers the party's position in favor of community control of public housing. State law requires that the Mayor appoint all five mem- bers, so the ordinance states, for two of the five members, that "the Mayor shall appoint that person receiving the hig- est number of votes at an at- large election to be held among the tenants in the housing pro- iects supervised by the Commis- sion." Scheduled for second reading is the party's ordinance - in- troduced April 17 and in com- mittee since then - expanding and strengthening the city's hu- man rights ordinance to pre- vent discrimination in housing and employment on the basis of sex, sexual preference, mari- . tal, status, and educational sta- tus. The resolution introduced on May 8 demanding that the po- lice cease asking for the iden- tification of passengers in cars will be acted upon, as will a resolution asking for at least a two-month parking ticket "am- nesty" period and supporting the efforts of the City Admin- istrator along those lines. George returns Alabama Gov. George Wallace waves after he arrived in Miami yesterday to attend the Demo- cratic National Convention: Be- hind Wallace is an unidentified Alabama State Trooper. At rear, is Miami Beach Mayor Chuck Blall.