Friday, July 8, 1972 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nine Friday, JuIy8 1972 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ~a j Nine DELEGATE CHAOS: Democrats embroiled in Tension, fights loot battle over VP nomination for Jem. Convention (Continued from Page ]) McGovern drive" is Monday night, when the entire convention wil vote on the California ques- VP orders shift n111'U' assignments A major reassignment of re- sponsibilities in the Office of Academic Affairs has been an- nounced by Vice-President Al- lan Smith. Associate Vice-Presidents Wil- liam L. Hays and John H. Ro- mani will assume direct admin- istrative responsibility for near- ly all o eratons in the office, in- cluding the co rdinating of the Opportunity Program, which for the past year has been tempor- arily handled by Dr. Wiliam Cash. The assignments took ef- fect officially July 1, Smith said. Hays will supervise the Ex- tension Service, the University Center for Adult Education, the Audio-Visuai Education Center, the Center for Research on Learning and Teaching, t h e Center for Continuing Education of Women, the Center for Human Growth and Development, t h e Institute for the Study of Mental Retardation and Related D i s- abilities, the Museum of Art, and the Professional Theatre Pro- gram. Romani assumes responsibil- ity for a package of academic service opera tions including the offices of Admission, Financial Aids, Orientation, Registration and Records, Scheduling, an d Evaluation and Examinations. In addition, he will continue to represent Smith in the Division of Health Sciences. He wvill co- ordinate all facets of the Op- portunity Program, which offers disadvantaged students educa- tional opportunities. The central Opportunity Program office will become a p a r t of Romani's staff . Romani will continue his co- ordinating responsibility for in- ternational programs and sili be in charge of U-M's continuing co- operative relations with Tuske- gee Institute. Commenting on the assign- ments, Smith said: "It is imper- ative that for the immediate fu- ture I have full time to devote to budget work and to relations with the deans of the schools and colleges. The University faces some hard decisions, and the quality of the ducatirnal program we are able to maintain is going to depend upon the na- ture of those decisions aa the departmental level, college nd University levels. It's a full time job." tion. The anti-McGovern forces are organizing a coordinated at- tack with as many as 250 floor leaders trying to drum up sup- port for the coalition. McGovern's forces are ozing confidence, however. Rick Sterns, McGovern's delegate counter, claims they have "50 or 60 votes" more than they need to decide the California challenge, and Frank Mankiewiicz, Mc- Govern's top advisor, told na- tional staffers in private a tew days ago, "there is nothing to worry about." But some McGovern supporters are not so sure. "They took Cali- fornia away from us crookedly, who knows what they can do at the convention?" said one work- er, typifying the mood of some of the South Dakotan's backers. Along with the excitement on the convention floor, the Demo- crats may be faced ,vitis thoss- ands of poor people storming the Convention Hall demanding the seating of 750 "poor people". a guaranteed adequate income of $6500, the defeat of Nixon's ifans- ily assistance program, and gutr- antees of adequate low-cost hous- tug. The 'Poor People's Platfortus is a joint statement issued by the National Welfare Rights Or- ganization, the Southern Chist- ian Leadership Conferenre, and the National Tenant's Organiza- tion. These groups are holding their national convention here this weekend, culminating in a march on the convention Mon- day. Spokesmen anticipate "a minimum-of ten thousand to join the march. The youthful white demonata- tors who swarmed the streets of Chicago in 1968 are not e'- pected to be a major problem at this convention. Neither Yippie Leader Jerry Rubin nor Chi- cago 7 and Mayday leader Ren- nie Davis are expecting or urging young people to attend the Dem>- cratic convention. The focal point of the demonstration will be the Republican convention later this month., However, "If things start go- ing bad for McGovern," warns Davis, "you will see thousands of kids coming to Miami to re- mind the Democrats of Chicago." McGovern has indicated that he will organize an alternative party and run in the November elections if he is denied the nom- ination "unfairly". A third party attempt by McGovern spells cer- tain defeat for the Democrats in November. This leaves us with a picture of turmoil within the Democratic Party. And the tension is sure to rise until Monday night when the Democrats open their nation- al convention. MIAMI BEACH, Fla. (t)-The Democratc party, already facing one of its strangest conventions in years, has an additional at- traction-a public fight over the nomination for vice president. The vice presidential nomina- tion is traditionally held to be the personal choice of the party's candidate for president, but this year two men are waging a battle between themselves for the position. Sen. Mike Gravel of Alaska and former Massachusetts Gov. Endicott Peabody not only are challenging each other, but also the practice of letting the head of the ticket choose his running mate. Gravel, a maverick often at odds with his Senate colleagues of both parties, told a news con-. ference in Washington yesterday he wanted the delegates to have a chance to reject the "rubber stamping" of the presidential nominee's choice. "Many delegates told me," Gravel said, "they will not sit back dutifully, as in the past, waiting until the presidential nominee magnanimously and at the last minute either makes his choice known or throws open the convention for the selection of a vice presidential nominee." Peabody, who has been waging his unusual campaign for several months, told reporters as he opened his Miami Beach head- quarters that "now for the first time in a long time we will have an election of the vice presi- dential nominee." While Gravel's campaign has been one mostly of talk, Pea- body has been driving for the nomination with verve and at only slightly less cost than some -presidential aspirants. While both Gravel and Pea- body say they want an inde- pendent decision made on the floor, both have been active among the leading candidates for the top post. Gravel has e n d o r s e d Muskie's campaign while Peabody has talked to Muskie, Hubert H. - Humphrey and front-runner Sen. George S. McGovern, although, he said, "I stayed away from~ asking sup- port because it would be the very antithesis of my campaign." Gravel Thursday described how he would do the job. "As vice president," he said, "I would act as an advocate for all the people, and especially mimorities before a complex and insensitive bureaucracy. "As vice president, I would hope to be my own man." In spite of the Peabody and Gravel campaigns, which were approached in recent years only when the 1956 convention No. 2 spot was thrown open, there didn't seem to be much support from the delegates arriving in Miami Beach. . 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