Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, July 7, 1972 PageEigh TH MICIGA DAIY Fiday Juy 7,197 1 c for quantity 9 to 6 DAILY 524 E.WILLIAM ST. 665-4321 The largest-selling watch in Switzerland TF1280 White or yellow top stanless steel bac bracelet watch .. $79.95 TISSOT In Switzerland= where they make most of the world's watches - the watch they buy most is made by Tissot. FROM AS LITTLE AS $39.95 Schtandlereri on South U. 1113 S. University THE DEMS GET TOGETHER t Lots ofhot air from Washington (Continued from Page 4) Raymond Simon, a Chicago The overall effect is very in- seat the challenger, (2) Seat the A delegate from Kansas re- lawyer, represents Daley's chal- criminating and the explanation Daley delegation, and (3) the sponds to the challengers. "You're lenged delegates. In his dark pin- offered less than satisfactory. "If compromise. By virtue of having overthrowing the right of free striped suit, short curly black you thought your right to sit as the most seconders the first reso- election . . the right to choose hair, and white shirt, he looks a delegate would be challenged," lution will be considered. freely with a secret ballot." The like nothing so much as a Mafia Daley's men contend, "you would Sponsors of the compromise party pros contend that for the hit-man. He's very slick, no funny get angry too." hope to defeat the first two reso- Credentials Committee to unseat moves or mannerisms, no desper- lutions and have the committee any elected delegates is a serious ate clutching at the podium, just THE CHALLENGE attorneys get settle on the third. breach of democratic principles, total cool. their turn. But instead of a heavy Debate commences. A South Tensions are rising and feeling He leads off with the usual radical firebrand, out jumps this Carolinian talks about idealism on the floor is polarizing-MC- stuff about not being able to in- rather pasty looking, timid little which he says he likes-in its Govern versus everyone else. The sure minority balance in open guy, with scared eyes always look- place. He also talks about party Humphrey supporters are getting elections, but soon goes on the ing to the side as though expect- unity and how the reformers are. uptight and the McGovern kids offensive with some very dirty ing the neighborhood bully to ruining it (hiss, boo from the Mc- are sensing a chance to get for stuff. sneak up on him and throw an- Govern kids in the gallery). whathappenedtothemtesd The purpose of the challenges, other slush ball down his back. Goaded on, he launches on into a before. A verbal battle erupts on Teproeo h hlegs the floor between an older dele- he says, "is to weaken the Demo- He quotes Mayor Daley saying, tirade against McGovern and the gate and some young McGovern cratic Party and take it over." He "I don't give a damn about the kids eat it up, feeding on his an- supporters also attacks the hearing officer McGovern rules," and he quotes tagonism. whose report on the challenge the hearing officer citing "perva- Matt Troy, a delegate from New "God damn McGovern," the old was unfavorable to Daley. sive exclusion of the very groups York, sums up their feelings well. man snarls, "he says he won't the party had sought to protect" "I'm sick and tired of people support the nominee. Hell, then But Daley has been very in- in the selection of the Ch ct" "e'mick and d o pep- inetheiselecionoofithenCicago getting up with dump Nixon but- he's no Democrat. I'd just like to discrete. When the challengers delegates, tons and then trying to destroy see him try to win an election sele otldg meetings a chagle g He's very nervous with his the candidate who's got the best without the party organization. delegation Daley's henchmen hands, fingering his shirt, belt, chance to do it. They should take The McGovern kids are grinningdlgto, ae' eche adfigrngisit et They arrapently think e cang broke in with bullhorn, pushed, and coat and occasionally sticking those buttons off and put on "Just reember," the delgate shoved and generally disrupted the his hands in his coat pocket, Dump McGovern buttons because Just remember, the delegate fumbling around as if looking for that's what they really want," warns, "the purpose of this outfit mesomething. Bis case against Daey (clap, cheer, whistle from the is to win elections." One minister was even forced is strong. The only real question gallery). out of his own church. And the is whether the hastily prepared Trying to stem the partisan AT LAST, at 5:15 the challenge challengers have taken great pains challenge delegation really rep- tide, Almond gets up and pleads to Daley's Chicago delegation be- to see that each delegate on the chsenge deleCatign reallyre for an alternative to "the insane gins. McGovern kids beginning to committee has a set of photo- resents the Chicago electorate. logic of no compromise." But the pack the gallery. It's revenge time stated copies of news stories and McGovern kids aren't listening. and they're after Daley's hide. pictures depicting the disruption. RECESS-This time the caucus- "I hate this guy," one young log is furious and no one sits wmnhseN opoie -" T',°^"^^around reading the paper. Up at woman hisses. No compromise. the California table, black dele- MORE TALK and it is time to S+ggates are huddling, talking in vote. The McGovern forces are ,f" "T 13 br1D A- IO '-l'~, 0 hushed tones while a forest of tense. Each kid has a notebok to S LA I cameras train on them tally up the score. The recess ends, and resolutions California is first. Ten yes votes. ARE YOU: > are heard. (1) Kick Daley out and On and on, scribble, scribble, gasp, _-groan, cheer. GAY?STRAIGHT? BOTH?INTO HUMAN LIBERATION? Down to Maryland, and the de6first is Blair Lee. The kids have f you answere a "yes" to any or all of the above e t-Gre .3s already written him off, placing questions, come to Gay Liberation Front New Mem- so e a "no" by his name, "Yes," he bers Meeting, Tuesday, July 11, 8 p.m., in the 3rd 4M G ee w"' drawls out. "Yes" repeats the re- law D. , nn ji cording clerk, and pandemonium floor conference room, south wing, Michigan Union ,lce-" ,0&n- breaks out. e * vThe last delegation is Oklahoma, GAY COFFEE HOUSE,1 Ce1e' voting 2 no and 0 yes. There is k ~some furious adding, and before S Come to Canterbury House on Friday nights, start- the chair can announce that the ing about 7:30 p.m. until midnight. resolution has passed the Mc- 1603 E. William, above Mark's, Phone 665-0606) 4HGovern forces are jumping up and down and hugging each other in Information available about counseling, rep groups, meet- the aisles. ings, parties, coffee house, dances, gay literature. Call 763- "Let's not make this a circus," 4186 (days) or drop in at the Gay Advocate Office, 325 the chair implores. Michigan Union (south wing)- BUT IT IS too late, and the r f - '. victory is too big. Daley is re- WATCH DAILY PERSONALS COLUMN FOR ANNOUNCEMENTS pudiated. Humphrey and his OF FUTURE MEETINGS AND EVENTS. '40 f)friends have been turned back, - . and the Good Ship Lollipop is .AO: \back on course again, O o W lTV & Stereo Rentals Orson Welles I L B$10.00 per month DOUBLE BILL NO DEPOSIT W fLady from Shanghai FREE DELVERY PICK UP - -"More than any other Welles film, THEAUS IIIN LADY FROM SHANGHAI is a work of en- A T NCALL: ergy and freedom .Rita Hayworth is a Medusa for the screen, as coldly monstrous D as the writhing figures of an aquarium.' 1209 S. University 663-7151 662-5671 -Charles Highman 7:30 r... Touch of Evil --TOUCH OF EVIL is about many things: murder, gang rape, a diabolic sheriff, and a dozen other repellent figures. 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