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May 13, 1972 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1972-05-13

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Ten Cents Sixteen Wages

Vol. LXXXII, No. 4-S

Ann Arbor, Michigan--Saturday, May 13, 1972


Vol. LXXXII, No. 4-S Ann Arbor, Michigon-Soturcloy, Moy 1 3, 1 972 Ten Cents Sixteen Pages

-Daily-David Margolick
Humphrey opens campaign
Hiumnphre tjlackles7
state busing issue
Special To The Daily
DETROIT-Sen. Hubert Humphrey (D-Minn.) arrived in
Michigan yesterday for a three day primary blitz and imme-
diately became entangled in the state's explosive busing issue.
The Democratic presidential candidate, at an early afternoon
press conference at Detroit's eastside City Airport, contradicted
himself with every other sentence when the topic came up.
"I wish to make myself clear," said Humphrey, "I do not
support massive school busing to fulfill a quota arrived at by a
t- mathematical formula."
"If the busing improves the quality of education," Humphrey
said a few seconds later, "then I'm for it.
"I support the busing of children from poor scools to better
schools but I cannot support the busing of children to inferior
See HUMPHREY, Page 16
- Groups ask Eschi to
support anti-war bi
By NANCY ROSENBAUM all U.S. military forces in Viet-
Two local groups met yester- nam subject to the release of all
day with U.S. Rep. Marvin prisoners and the safe with-
Esch (R-Ann Arbor) to urge drawal of U.S, forces from In-
Each(H-nn Abor to rge dochina.
his support of anti-war legisla-
tion currently before Congress. He said he would support the
A group of faculty members joint resolution provided an
from the physics department amendment to the final version
presented Esch with a petition was added to stipulate a spe-
requesting he sponsor a bill for cific date for a cut-off of funds
the removal of American troops to Indochina.
from Vietnam and ending Members of the Interfaith
funds for the war 30 days Council who have been leaflet-
aft-r passage. ting outside his office all week
Members of the Ann Arbor plan to contact Esch again if
Interfaith Council for Peace he does not introduce anti-war
also conferred with Congress- legislation by the end of next
man Esch yesterday urging him week.
to back legislation to stop "the
continuing and expanding kill-
ing by all sides in Indochina."
The physics group specific-'
ally requested that Esch sup-
port a bill proposed by U.S.
Rep. Robert Drinan (D-Mass).
The bill calls for a cut-off of
U.S. funds to Indochina within
# ? days of 'to seatment; an
end to U.S. air attacks. and a
prohibition on bombing of y
South Vietnam during the with-
drawal of U.S. troops.
Esch responded to the facul-
ty members by noting the Dri_
nan bill "could allow" the 30
day cutoff date to be extended.
Esch alse claimed that the
Drinan bill did not have enough
support in the House to be
Esch instead expressed his
support for a bi-partisan 'eso-
lution which is now in the '
House Committee on Foreign
Affairs. The resolution sets an OVER 250 persons listen to a
Oct. 1, 1972 withdrawal date for tion of the Indochina War,

By 'ineAssociated Press
The provincial capital An
Loc was reported under
heavy ground attack from
the west, northeast and
southwest today, as North
Vietnamese troops bom-
barded the town with ar-
tillery fire.
U.S. B52s pounded North Vs-
etnamese troop concentrations
again today, hitting within one
to three miles of the city.To
day's raids raised to 90 the
number of B52 strikes around
An Loc in the past two days,
the most concentrated air raids
of the war.
The town, uid'r siegi'since
April 7. is reportedly 85 pei
cent destroyed. South Vietnam
President Nguyen Van Thieu
has ordered the town, 60 miles
north of Saigon, to be held at
all costs.
U.S. bombers reportedly
knocked out a key railroad
bridge and cut Hanoi's north-
east rail link with China today.''
Reports said NorthVietnam'
entire rail system was beavily SU
bombed. SOU
The Pentagon yesterday term- cycle
ed the blockade of North Viet-
nam's ports 100 per cent effec-
tive during its first 24 hours.
Several merchant ships bound 4
for North Vietnamese ports ap-
parently changed course because
of American mines planted in
Ihose ports, the Pentagon re-
The Pentagon report also said
two and possibly three additional
foreign merchant vessels left
Haiphong h a r b o r before the
mines were activated Thursday. Abou
This was in addition to five re- for a1
ported earlier to have pulled out City B
before the deadline and would protest
leave 28 or 29 in Haiphong har- on's e:
bor. war co
In Paris yesterday, the U.S. The
delegation to the Vietnamese rally c
peace talks said it is ready to Nation
resume, on certain conditions, Vietna
the meetings it broke off last city ha
week. city po
. However, Le Duc Tho, a senior loweri
North Vietnamese negotiator de- moved
manded the talks resume "with- ladder
out conditions." ed att
Chief U.S. negotiator William maindE
Porter said yesterday that when- The
ever the North Vietnamese are speake
ready to deal with such issues the Ai
as the invasion of South Viet- soring
natm, the talks could be resumed. anti-wo
See B52s, Page 9 Thet

5 2s
A Luc

-Associated Press
TH VIETNAMESE try to pack their belongings on a motor-
as they flee south on Highway I.
oca1, nat'I war


it 250 people assembled
peaceful anti-war rally at
tall yesterday as violent
s against President Nix-
scalation of the Vietnam
intinued across the nation.
high point of the local
ame when the flag of the
al Liberation Front of
m was raised in front of
all. The crowd cheered as
lice tried unsuccessfully to
it. When it was finally re-
, with a fire department
a police guard was post-
the flagpole during the re-
er of the rally.
crowd here listened o
rs from People Against:
r War (PAAW), the spon-
group, and other local
ar organizations.
theme of the rally was pee-

sented in the first speech by
Marnie Heyn, a PAAW member.
Condemning U.S. involvement in
sented in the first speech by
Southeast Asia, "the largest mil-
itary build-up in history," she
announced that more demonstra-
tions were planned on Armed
Forces Day at military bases all
over the state.
Rick Perloff, '72, and David
Haase, a Muskegon resident,
chained themselves to the Air
Force Recruting Office on East
Washington street. They plan
to remain there until they "are
arrested and forcibly removed,
or until the war is over."
More militant protests con-
tinued yesterday for the third
straight day in other cities. In
San Francisco 3,000 protesters
clashed with police outside a
hotel where Governors Ronald
Reagan and Nelson Rockefeller
were opening Nixon's re-elec-
tion campaign in California.
Police dispersed the crowd with
nightsticks after demonstrators
broke windows and sot a police
motorcycle afire.
In Ithae, N.Y., a crowd of
30t smshed windows and fought
oil Polic en the Cornell cam-
pie. Two policemen were treated
atta h -setalsod property dam-
tee rot to several thousand dol-
The Citizens for a Free Asia
called a rally in Salt Lake City
today in support of Nixon's de-
cision to mine Haiphong harbor,
and to demand that treos from
South Korea and Taiwan be al-
lowed to invade North Vietnam.
In East Lansing, Grand River
Avenue was closed off again
yesterday, as studen's on bi-
cycles and on foot blocked traffic
in several locations, according to
campus police.

--faCy-- teWaace
speech in front of City Hail yesterday at a rally protesting the escala-

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