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June 28, 1972 - Image 9

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Michigan Daily, 1972-06-28

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Wednesday, June 28, 1972


Page Nine

Dare to be Great... and risk your shirt

(Continued from Page 4)
a sin, guilty parties are 'ikely
to discover a friendly agent lean-
ing over ther backs, helping
them to clap their hands.
The pep rally finally ends. Peo-
ple flop wearily back into their
seats too drained to approach the
next part of the program with
completely rational minds.
NOW COMES the sell job.
After a couple of speeches
again designed to convince peo-
ple that they have the potential
to be great, "Doe" Norman com-
es running on stage and en-
thusiastically leaps into the
waiting arms of the previous
Doe's job is to explain the
details of the DTBG scheme for
becoming rich. Doc is the per-
fect man - for the job. He is a
dentist who wants money not for
his personal aggrandizement but
rather so that he will be able to
open up a free dental clinic fcr
poor people in Detroit. Doc
lends an air of respectability'
and a touch of altruism to an
operation which still seems a bit
shady, although very enticing.
Following Doc's explanatian
of the scheme, a number of oth-
er speakers come on stage to
shame you, flatter you, and Ini-
mor you into buying their pro-
SAM RUNCLE, for instance,
allays your fears about feeing
dumb. "We're nuts but we're de-
finitely screwed to the r i g h t
bolt." Sam adds, "your neighbor
will tell you you're throwing -,our
money away. If your neighbor
knew how to be rich, do you
think he'd be your neighbor?"
Lou Hebner comes on stage to
flatter you. "Every person in
here is worth $1,000 an houtr.
There ain't a man in this roWn
that can't make $10,000 a month
working for Dare To Be Great."
Charity is another important
aspect of DTBG, according to
Hobner. He claims that o t h e r
subsidiaries of Turner Enter-
prises sell products made by
mentally ill people. "By net
year, we hope to be the larg-
est fundraiser in the country."
Lew even gets a little threat-
ening at times. "If you were my
guest I'd throw you on the
ground and make you sign a
check." He says he would "put
the biggest man at the door to
keep people from walking .cut."
DTBG also plays on people's
patriotism. Ron Romines says
"our forefathers died to give us
fireedom. Our sans are dying
daily for our freedom. DTBG
wants to give you the freedom
to live the type of life you de-
serve to live, without some boss
controlling your life."

ALL RACES, creeds and -relig-
ions are welcome in DTBG. Ac-
cording to Romines, "there ain't
no white power, there ain't no
black power, there ain't no Chi-
cano power, there's just g r e e n
A final DTBG pitch is t h a t
everyone in the organization is
"just ordinary people.". Hobner
said that "most of the people in
DTBG don't have college de-
grees. Be dumb enough to be-
lieve in yourself."
The prime example of an or-
linary person who made it Wig is
Glen Turner, multimillionaire
founder of Turner enterprises.
According to Romines, "Tuiner
is an eighth grade dropout with
a harelip, punctured eardrum,
and bald head. His family used
to make $500 a year on their
farm down in Florida."
Turner is idolized by m a n y
GTBG agents, although Romines
assures us that Turner, who is
being groomed for the Presi-
dency in 1976, "is just an ovdin-
ary person. He's no god."
ends with a short film starring
Glen Turner. The film takes
place on Turner's estate in Flor-
ida, and consists of a mono-
logue in which Turner philoso-
phizes on subjects ranging from
his boyhood on a poor farm to
his present business."
By six, everyone is weary as we
all head for the dining room and
a steak dinner. My steak was
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raw, and a bit skimpy, consid-
- ering that I hadn't eaten since
eight in the morning.
The remainder of the program,
which lasted for another f e w
hours, was a repeat of the af-
- ternoon. By now a large per-
centage of guests have turned
their name tags upside d o w n ,
thus signifying that they h a d
signed DTBG contracts. Agents
make a few last ditch attempts
to convince the skeptics, then
everyone leaves for home, ex-

hausted and slightly confused lay
a full day of yelling, singing, and
TURNER AND his company
do not in themselves pose much
of a threat. Turner currently is
awaiting trial for conspiracy to
cheat and defraud.
Dare To Be Great bases its
appeal on halftruths. It plays
on the genuine frustrations of
troubled people for its o w n

It utilizes amateurish mass hyp-
nosis to make people do what
they don't really want to do.
In a word, Dare To Be Great
uses classic Fascist tactics, right
out of Mein Kampf, to enhance
its own wealth and power.
at provoking blind mindlessness
should proviae us with yet ano-
ther warning of the susceptibility.
of our "silent" majority to de-
magogery and mass control.

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He reads a book
in 40 minutes

the Master
of Shock.
A Shocking
A deadly new
twist from the

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