Wednesday, June 28, 1972 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven Dems prepare for Miami Plamondon free on $50,000 bond (Continued from Page 1) Cecil Poole, but Poole was said to have made no recommenda- tions for final action on the Illi- nois delegation. The Credentials Committee is expected to act Friday. Frank Mankiewicz, McGovern's national political director, said he would seek a compromise on the Illinois dispute. He said it is doubtful any Democratic pres- idential nominee would carry Illinois against President Nixon without Daley's support. On another pivotal credentials controversy, Humphrey and other challengers seeking to strip McGovern of 151 California delegate votes got no encourage- ment in the report of a hearing examiner.4 Burke Marshall, a former as- 231 S. State St DIAL 662-6264 OPEN 1:45 SHOWS AT -- 2 P.M. STATE 5 PM ACADEMY AWAkRD WINNER! *s Best Art Direction * Best Costume Design sistant attorney general, refused to support the challenge to the 271 vote delegation McGovern captured in a winner-take-all primary. Marshall left it up to the full Credentials Committee to decide whether the Democratic reform commission erred when it failed to forbid winner-take-all presi- dential primaries. The Democratic platform com- mittee agreed on its proposed draft of a party stand on the issues of 1972, but also voted to allow 20 dissenting planks to be put before the full convention. That assured convention floor controversy over such items as school busing, tax reform, Viet- nam policy, abortion and the rights of homosexuals. (Continued from Page 1) tained through what is now an illegal wiretap proceure. At a press conference at the RPP headquarters last night, Plamondon said he plans to help ongoing anti-war activities, the Michigan Marijuana Initiative (MMI) and to work for pris- oner's rights. RPP is a sponsor of the MMI petition drive to place the ques- tion of legalizing marijuana on the November ballot. Plamondon remarked that he learned in jail that "the prison- ers are just like everyone else- just like the people in this room. They're not evil or inhuman." Since his release yesterday morning, Plamondon told the re- porters, he has been "smoking a lot of marijuana, meeting a lot of people and pretty well cruising around." One reporter asked why his hair was not long, to which he replied, "It's by chance. It was cut." Another reporter asked how RPP supports its programs and whether his experience in prison made him more timid or cautious politically. Another RPP leader, John Sinclair, responded. "We have changed the laws we set about to change." Fe re- ferred to the state and ocal marijuana ordinances and the wiretap decision. "We were never engaged in criminal activity," Sinclair ex- plained. "We were just viciously persecuted. Some actual crimi- nals we really want to deal with are those who run the correc- tional institutions." "Our record," he continued, "of calling people criminals and then proving our case is pretty good." would not be less wiretapping now. But, he said, "their uphold- ing the Fourth Amendment is gratifying." Genie Plamondon, an RPP leader, responded to a question on "the system, the courts and justice." "Justice only cmes," she said, "when large groups of people force it." "There ain't any justice in this place," added Sinclair. "People on the streets know that. These are criminals," he said-speak- ing about the Nixon administra- tion and large corporate inter- ests like ITT--and "we're citi- zens." Plamondon said he hoped his case would come to trial so that he "could win in court." With- out the wiretap evidence, the prosecution's case would rest up- on the testimony of David Val- ler, a. government informer whose reliability has been se- c'imouonpruiceunator ereiy . quesiuaieuin ann sayntuai spite the court rulingthere ters, including RPP. " NO COMMERCIAL SALES: on campaign practicesCNOfCOMMECIL SALES: That would be well befoe ourtee vo es o a telephone interview from Aug. 8 primary." imbus, Ohio, yesterday, Shall- The Democratic National Con- h n g n as admitted that she had vention is scheduled July 144. to ban sm all handguns Id Col ASAISPIEIEL ''' .4 FRANKUNJ. SCHAFFNER Nicholas and Alexandra COMING- "CLOCKWORK ORANGE" from the McGovern national staff as Fojtik had contended. "I may have used the word," she said. "I'm not sure what it means though. The McGovern people don't own anyone. I had some time between the New, Jersey campaign and the con- vention and I decided to come back and help with Bill (Brown's campaign." Shallcross denied "categorical- ly" having implied that McGov- ern intended to endorse Brown in the primary as Fojtik con- tended. Fojtik, however, reiterated her position yesterday. "She (Shallcross) insinuated that Sen. McGovern would sup- port Brown now if he could," Fojtik said. "She said he couldn't until af- ter the convention. She used the convention as the break-off noint. Brown said he was the victim of treachery by persons in the McGovern office in .Toledo over his alleged connection to the McGovern national staff. "I was told when I entered the Toledo campaign," he said, "that I was operating as a mem- ber of the McGovern national campaign staff. Apparently the persons who informed me of this did not have the authority to do so, or do not now find it politi- cally expedient to admit it was told to me." He directed much of the state- ment at The Daily, charging it printed the story to aid the campaign of his opponent Wal- ter Shapiro. "Does the fact that one of my opponents is a former Michigan Daily editor color the story?" he asked. Shapiro was a Daily Editorial Page Editor in 1968. is Chaplin's finest work. A masterpiece that epitomizes his creative genius. Chaplin's hilarious and tender tale of the little tramp who falls in love with a blind flower girl adds 4 a touch of hero to the shrewd wit of the baggy- pants wanderer." -JUDITH CRIST, New York Magazine WASHINGTON (A') - A bill to ban the commercial sale of snub- nosed, easily concealable hand- guns not suitable for sporting purposes won the approval of the Senate Judiciary Committee yes- terday. Sen. Birch Bayh (D-Ind.), chief sponsor of the measure, said it would "take out of the market place the weapons used most frequently by criminals without diminishing the opportunities of sportsmen and marksmen" to acquire pistols. The committee approved Bayh's bill by a 12-2 vote after rejecting, 9 to 5, a rival measure by Sen. Roman Hruska (R-Neb.) to set . safety and reliability standards for handguns. Sen. Edward Kennedy (D- Mass.) tried to amend Bayh's bill to require registration of all firearms and the licensing of owners but lost by one-sided margins. Bayh's long-dormant bill was jarred loose by the attempted assassination last month of Ala- bama Gov. George Wallace at a shopping center in nearby Lau- rel, Md. Bayh said his bill would pro- hibit the sale of guns of the type used in the shooting of Wallace and the assassination of Sen. Robert Kennedy (D-N.Y.) in 1968. The only committee members voting against Bayh's bill, which now goes to the Senate for ac- tion, were C h a i r m a n James Eastland (D-Miss.) and John Mc- Clellan (D-Ark.). Voting for it, in addition to Bayh, were Hruska, Kennedy and Sens. Philip Hart (D-Mich.), Quentin Burdick (D-N.D.), John Tunney (D-Calif.), Sam Ervin Jr. (D-N.C.), Edward Burney (R-Fla.), Hiram Fong (R-Ha- waii), Charles Mathias (R-Md.), Strom Thurmond (R-S.C.), and Marlow Cook (R-Ky.). Bayh's bill would prohibit the sale, except to law-enforcement officers, research organizations, and government agencies, of revolvers with less than a 3-inch barrel and of pistols with an over-all length of less than six inches. Bayh said about 2.8 million handgunssare sold annually in the United States. His bill would eliminate about a million. Calif. pot initiative qualifies for ballot SACRAMENTO, Calif. ()-An initiative to legalize the private use of marijuana has qualified for the November ballot, the Sec- retary of States office said yes- terday. The measure qualified with 338,187 valid signatres, a nar- row 7 per cent margin over the required 325,500 signatures. The measure would legalize the private use of marijuana by persons age 18 and older, but sales would still be illegal. Back- ers said the effect would be to allow persons to grow their own marijuana. beautiful! Heartbreak- CharlieChaplin ing! Hilarious! What can TV IMone say except see it. See T'g it again and again, and Releasea tnrougn take the children and let Columbia Pictures G =them see what genius is!" -BERNARD DREW, Gannett News Service "Chaplin is an artist of superb endeavor, a bril- liant performer and craftsman. I salute.the Chaplin genius!" -BOB SALMAGGI, Group W Network SAT- 1:30 3:05 4:40' 6:15, 7:50, 9:25, 11 HOLIDAY MATINEES Weekdays-6:30, 8:00, 9:30 Sun., Mon., Tue -July 2, 3, 4 Friday-6:30, 8:05, 9:40, i1:15 :30 305 a:40, 15, 7:30, 9:30 PRESCRIPTION EYEWARE and SHADES . s '