Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, June 27, 1972 I "( 9' ~ ~ lbFOSTE1R WIHIIlSJBRO(TTHER. Ali vies with Quarry LAS VEGAS(A-- Punctuated by a shouting match between Muhamid Ali and Jerry Quar- ry, those tvvo heavyweights - along withi light heavyweight champion Bob Faster and his undefeated challenger Mike Quarrys- easily passed physical1 examinsticns yester day for their tights tonight. Dr .DonalrtJ. Nomeco, physic- ian lot the Nevsada Stale Athi- + 'sDIAL l8-6416sK vv. FRIDAY at 7-9 p~m SAT, and SUN. tt1-3-5-7-9 pm letit Comissation, saidl lie blond piessues for tire Quarry brothers "were pertectly nr-e at, ha somewehat higher thain those ot Footer and Ali. Ali took the stage at the Blue Room at the Tropicani Hotl and declared: This is the Soul Brotihcis against the Qurryi Brothiers, the last, at the gteat swhite huopes. I don't knowe ssat Fostetrowill da to his hope, at Iii goig to ship my hope. aTetacittutnpFaster 3 shieriftf'.deputysfromt Abtiqter- qite,.M.,Sdelared mttch more ctiietty. I'miingmato swhip mty rmtntiqitictker thanit o'll'wsetp F s' er us-i'ateertas (6-t1Sits- o.itf' tireisi:i tis title itntrAli toas ' 11 obeat terry Ali alsa said toi Jerry:t "I gave yan a whipping the first time, aind I'l11(toit again. Tlit 27-yeat-old Quarry. stop- ped by Alt on otn eve ciii in the tirdrIotutir at Atlanta in 1901, yelttd back. I dirdnttteito whippin". You just got lucky. You keep shtoottn" your mouth elf, vittuisontin ofights that tray., Mike Qutarry. 21, was the' qui- etest ofthSie lour bitt he contin- tited to express unhappiness over the hirand choice oi the eight- ounce gloves So be scorn by the boxefts.Oerobiectins.front itie Qitativ catnp, the state conmnitosion miade thiechoice last Althtougtt there wan a scale on stage, only Jerry stepa on it. Wearing trottsers and atreet shoes, lie weighed 202 pounrds. Ali expects to weigh 215. 'I'm nit only going in de- stroy Jerry Quarry. I'm giiing tn destroy Jne Frazier," -said Ali, who hope. for a return hiiit against the heavywneig'ht chamin.n "'It still the king at tlIe s-wrld.'' Jerryaop'e'ared itnconvincedt. A croswd of 7,500 ts expect,! , at tie Convstilon Cenier and there twtilb" irtet-nation it in-,- ed circit'leiiton.Tthe Fose- Mike Qitarryebounti5 P start Iat 9:iii p m. EDT. It stilt be fuoowed hoyhirotherJci- agaitust Alt. The 175-pound titef-l i slated-fiorSttrotunds.ltse teayi' treight bo tfot 12. The card appeated certanto -edkliio i ed pofhy q f better the Nevada tote recordt it $292,000 drawn' by Sugar Rio Robinson and Dene Fullmerein their 1961 middleiweight citatat pionship bout. All laos been gutatanteed tO0. 000, Jerry Quarry $200,000.Fits- tee $80.000 and Mike Qtuarry $45,000. The pay lot the Qtt.- rys swas booster tram She ott- gloat Sf75,000 and $35,001) Cat' they agreed to lake their cat solely tromt the television mjnii When All left yesterday, Jt is ecommented, "It- sure qits dots when Sthe mouatth leaves. Senator William Proxmire OF WISCONSIN He reads a book in 40 minutes Watchinig Senator Proxmire's htad fly oser the pages (his hood arted as a par er) yeu anot believe that he's artiolly reading. He most be skimming. Bat he's aot. Bill Proamire tori read the aiverre n iovel in a little uader 40 minutes. Evon attire toughest material he rarely dips' below 1,000 words pee minute, Moreover, he rein comprehiernd u chl what he's inns1 rigchtdt,n toisthe smallest detal Bill Proximire is tota iiuss Not is liea naturally fast rearder. He iearnrierd this revolutionrary tethnique of 'lpii recilio in thse Evelyit Wood covise. The Seiiator a'citcion of our belterstu deiits. He stoirteil the tou,'se oi choust b6ll wordis o i uteod 'Irusni lilt mte '4 tim-es. Or overage student begins at 300 words a minute and graduates cat speeds over 1,500 words a minute. You can -do this, too Reading dynamicolly is often like match- ing a movie. You hove n~o sense of read- ig words. Sometimes year involvement is so intense that it's as though youare actually there, watchuing the artion toke place. Take a free Mini-Lesson in 60 mintites, over 800%/ of air Mini -Lesson audiences increase their readitng sipeed. lust a little, hut eniough to know whatt its like. At the Mini-Lesson, you mill (id out haa' the Evelyn Wood' techniqie hanrdles difficult textbook maiterial. How it imrptoues mremrory rand conicentiratioti. Arid, ow it mackes recriclts a plecasure inistecid of oi chore. The Minii-Lessoin is otie hoer thact c ould ichonge yourv lif e, to Everyone Welcome! &_,._.GRAD COFFEE HOUR Wed., June 28 8-10 p.M. 4TH FLOOR; ! RACKHAM Fun, Food, People Michigan Marijuana Initiative declares WTV1E ED WEE K JUNE 24-JULY I Profits from these Ann Arbor sfores will bene- fit the Marijuana Initiative: H IDEOUT MIDDLE EARTH GET FROCKED THIS IS IT SALVATION INDIAN SUMMER RECORDS RESTAURANT 330 Maynard 31ISStt 1 103 S5 UnisversitySte SUNRISE LEATH ERS 214j.shngtonj GET HIGH WITH M.M.I. PHONE 668-7206 ATTEND A FREE SPEED READING LESSON TONIGHT or TOMORROW NIGHT, 6:30 or 8:30 P.M. HOLIDAY INN . 3750 Wosktenow (near U.S. 23) Evelyn Wood Reading Dynamics, 11320 West Eight Milt Road, Soithield, Mich. 313-353-5111 . .