Tuesday, June 27, 1972 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nine Tuesday, June 21, 1972 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PQCJS Nine HEARING HELD: Chicago J1ks eharge p e it u CHICAGO P Black resi- dents of Chicago allged ystei- adayt a tacongressional hearing that they w(re 'beaten, parly blinded, robbed and intimidated by city policemen in the last ayear. The witnesses testified at the f opening of hearings scheduled tbRep. Ralph Metcalfe (D-Illt) to investigate charges of policy harassment and brutality in the black community. aAssociated Press The first witness was a black dentist, Dr. Herbert Odom, who Meeting on Middle East said police stopped him early this year because of a faulty Israeli ambassador Yosef Tekoah listens to the emergency meet- license plate light. Odom said ing yesterday of the UN Secprity Council regarding the recent sear kem t he srieet in thet flare-up in the Middle East. The Council later voted to condemn community where he practices Israel's attacks on Lebanon last week. but they refused his request, handcuffed him and threw him CALM REPORTED: in a police car. Odom said one of the hand- cuffs caused his wrist and hand N. Ireland truce beginshis omplats police ignored Richard Leftridge testified after increasedviolencethat police beat him Feb. 25 and his left eye had to be removed as a result. Leftridge said he had ccopanid awoman BELFAST (A-Guerrillas of the Irish Republican Army friend to her apartment to ex- (IRA) began at midnight the first full truce in Northern plain to her the meaning of an Ireland since they launched their bloody campaign to oust eviction notice when six patrol- the British three years ago. men called by the landlady broke into the apartment. In the final hours before the cease-fire, gunmen killed Leftridge said his friend a policeman and a British soldier in a rash of shootings, swore at a white policeman who bombings and robberies. In all, at least eight persons were retaliated by striking her with killed and scores wounded, including as many as 16 heverbally objected, he was guerrillas, in a "last fling" offensive that lasted three days. beaten by police and a blow by The army reported no violence in the first tense half eeblackjack forced removal of hour after midnight. Luther Hughes, a 25-year em- ploye of International Harves- ter Co. alleged that he was robbed of $250 by police who stopped him for a traffic vio- lation March 2. Hughes said he had cashed a check' and the money was in his wallet when police stopped him for weaving in his automobile. Hughes said he was taken to the police car and told he would be taken to the police station but moments later the officers said they would let him go. Hughes said when he re- turnedto his car,hishwallet and the money were missing and that his wallet was returned by mail three days later with- out the money. After he made a formal com- plaint to police, Hughes said, he received an anonymous tele- phone call at 3 a.m. and a voice said, "If you want your money, come and get it," at a South Side intersection. Hughes said he did not re- spond to the call.He also testi- fied he had been drinking the nsight of the incident. Tweity personsdrepresenting black and Latin-American com- munity organizations plus re- ligious and legal experts are sitting on Metcalfe's panel. HAIRSTYLING I- AS YOU LIKE IT! NEW TRENDS FOR 1972 TRIMS--SHAGS rod RAZOR CUTS 2 SHOPS 0 611 E. University * 615 E. Liberty LSAT-ATGSB NATL. BDS. * Preparation for tests required for admission to graduate and pro- fessonal schools .Six and twelve session groups " Small groups * Voluminous material for home study prepared by experts in esch field * Lesson schedule con be tailored to meet individual needs Summer Sessions Special Compact Courses Weekends--Intersessions STANLEY H. KAPLAN EDUCATIONAL CENTER - DETROIT BRANCH 21711 W.TenMileRd.,Suite 113 Southfield, Michigan 48075 (3131 354-0085 Success Through Education Since 1938 Branches in principal cities in U.S. The Tutoring School with the Nationwide Reputation The truce was announced last week by the nationalist Provi- sional wing of the IRA. The Provisionals said they were prepared to mete out sum- mary justice to any dissidents who refused to observe the cease-fire. "We shall be keeping a close watch on some people," a Pro- visional leader told reporters in Londonderry. "They will be dealt with very quickly if they step out of line." But a statement from Provi- sional headquarters in Dublin added that the group "stands on full alert to take defensive action should the need arise and is ready to resume offensive ac- tivities if the leadership decide this is necessary." It said the IRA was "stronger and better equipped than ever before." There were reports that Northern Ireland's police forces had been told to stop searches of houses without warrant and summary arrest of suspects as authorized under the province's emergency security regulations. Tuesday 1R and Wednesday 1 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Downstairs 4 Ja cDibble 'l N2NARsBOR 111S University STARTS WEDNESDAY Chaplin's finest work!" -JUDlTH CRIST, New York Magazine "Beautiful, heartbreaking, hilarious !"-BERNARD DREW, Gannett News Service "Chaplin is a brilliant per- former and craftsman!" -BOB SALMAGGI, Group W Network Genesee Community College 1401 East Court Street, Flint, Michigan 48503 PART-TIME TEACHING POSITIONS Charlie Chaplin in Writtendirected and produced by Charles Chaplin Released thraugh Columoia Pclures STARTS WEDNESDAY Liberal Arts (Master's Degree in discipline required) Fine Arts Division Art Instructor (Master's Degree candidates will be cneidered) SolJ l Sciences Division Political Science Sociology Technical Education Ue7 lth Occupations Associate Degree Nursing (R.N.) (B.S., R.N Michigan icensure or equivalent. Tw years clinical experience reequired) FULL-TIME TEAC IG POSITIONS Associate Degree Nursing (R.N.) Instructors Economics Instructor Applications are available in Room 100, Curtice Building, from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday of each week during the summer months or by calling or writing Office of Staff Personnel Services, Genesee Community College, 1401 East Court Street, Flint, Michigan 48503, 238-1631, extension 61{5. International Shakespeare Festive-En:s Tonight AKIRA KUROSAWA'S "THRONE OF BLOOD"--7:15 only with TOSHIRO MIFUNE (based on MacBeth) A nerve-shattering spectacle of physical and metaphysical via- e.nce, quite the most brilliant androriginal attempt ever made to put Shakespeare in pictures . Torshiro Mifune (the star of both RASHOMON and THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN) . is surely the most prodigiously cinematic actor since . Doug Fairbants" TIME MAURICE EVANS and JUDITH ANDERSON in "MACBETH"-9:00 only :: . '' "Y . . ,. v -a ; ;'1 .Y . .:a , ArT '. :ice s,_ .. : " ?4': "y. ; ' N: