Norwood, Oh io: On strl*ke aanst GM, By BURL WAGENHEIM AT FIRST glance, N o r w o o d, Ohio appears to be an ana- chonisn. Its narrow residential streets are lined with frame houses and the small stores along Montemery Avenue, the main treet, featre creaky wooden foInors and personal serv- ice. An electrically illuminated American flag rests atop t h e city's Municipal Building. First impressions, however, can be misleading. Behind its seren- ity, Norwood. a working class suburb of Cincinnati, is t h e scene of an industrial battle that may soon be repeated through- out the United States. Last August. the General Mot- ors Corporation transferred its Fisher Body and Chevrolet oper- ations at Norwood into the Gen- eral Motors Assembly Division (GMAD), a cost-cutting manage- ment team with a reputation for harshness. In all plants prev- iously taken over by GMAD, jobs had been eliminated and pro- duction standards changed. The results were no different at Norwood. To counteract the ef- fects of increased foreign com- petition and a sagging profit margin, GMAD functions to ex- ploit its workers to whatever limits it can reach. NORWOOD WORKERS had fil- ed more than 600 grievances over production standards. GMAD would not discuss them - one worker described their attitude as "Do as we say or hit the street." In many instane- WASHINGTON - President Nixon's favorite Cuban, Bebe Rebozo, has been associated through a Miami real estate firm with the Cuban bugging crew that allegedly attempted to install listening devices in- side the Democratic party headquarters. The suspected leader of t he bugging crew, Bernard Barker, is a joint investor in real es- tate developments with Miguel Suarez. Cuban sources tell us tha Rebozo has been involved in some of their deals. We were unable to reach Re- bmo or Suarez for comment. However, we managed to slip into the D.C. jail to talk to the suspects. They denied that Re- bozo had anything to do with the bugging attempt. But they ack- nowledged that their hotel ac- commodations at the fashion- able Watergate and all their leg- al expenses have been provid- ed by a mysterious benefactor, Meanwhile, Manuel Giberga, the Cuban-American Coordinat- or of the Republican National Committee, and Rebozo a r e blaming each other for the bi- zarre bugging episode. -STOP GEORGE!- The 1968 Democratic running mates Hubert Humphrey and Ed Muskie, are working together again. They have quietly joined forces to stop George McGovern from winning the 1972 presiden- tial nomination. A few weeks ago, Humphrey and Muskie met quietly for es increased aork loads made it impossible to keep up with the rate of production. Quality fell. GMAD blamed it on sab-te, and thus could send hime work- ers without pay. A United Automobile Workers (UAW) representative described GMAD's tactirs as "wanting to change everything." Job classi- fications were slightly altered to eliminate conflicts over rates of production which had been es- tablished by the union c o n - tracts. The contracts negotiated with Fisher Body and Chevrolet do not expire until September, 1973 and many workers feel they are in effect working without a contract. The changes made by GMAD erased the gains of more than 30 years of hard won strug- gles at Norwood. The Norwood workers are fight- ing more than just management policies. The UAW International, which dictates the policy of each union local, faces almost unanimous worker opposition. Local 674, which represents Nor- wood, has always had a reputa- tion for militancy that has of- ten come into conflict with the moderate platform of the In-. ternational. After the national ratification of the 1970 UAW con- tract with GM, local 674 stayed out an additional 40 days over local grievances which w e r e never fully settled. At that time, International officers reportedly told the local that "they got too much too fast." Animosity still brekfast at Muskie's home. They compared notes and agreed to keep in touch. Muskie men- tioned that he was sore at Mc- Govern over some remarks he had made during the Wisconsin primary. The two 1968 nominees met again at six o'clock the evening before Muskie announced he would stay in the race. Muskie was tempted to end the agony and throw his support to Mc- Govern. This would have wrap- ped up the nomination for Mc- Govern. But Humphrey urged him to hold out against the frontrunner. Humphrey and Muskie made no secret deal to support o n e another if their own fortunes faltered at the Miami conven- tion. They agreed only to join in stopping McGovern. Accord- ing to Humphrey's private arith- metic, McGovern can muster a maximum of 1,345 votes. This would be 164 votes short of the nomination. Humphrey argued, therefore, that the majority are opposed to McGovern. The only question is whether they can find somonrer else they can agree upon. -'TI lBER'!- Our national forests are rapid- ly being depletted by timber har- vesting. Designated areas a r e completey leveled with ;he full approval of the National Park service. This is good fer the giant timber companies, if nt for our forests. It's not that the lumber is des- remains because of these words. WORKERS voted overwhelm- ingly to strike against GMAD last January. It was not until April, however, before the Inter- national authorized the strike. As a result, workers have been on strike for the past 11 weeks in a struggle that many believe benefits GMAD more than the rank and file. Production of Camaros and Firebirds, the plant's main products, was down shortly when the strike was called. The union contract requires GM to pay workers with seniority almost their full lake- home pay when no work is avail- able for short periods, a Situa- tion that existed prior to t h e / 4JACKANDEWK perately needed in the Uniled States. A huge portion - some two billion board feet a year - is exported, most of it to Japan. Some is shipped back to us as expensive plywood. Senator Robert Packwood (R- Ore.) decided a few weeks ago to put a stop to this. His fig- ures showed the United States would face a serious timber shortage in 'a few years. He an-- nounced he would introduce a bill banning the export of timber from out national forests. One day later, he made ano- ther announcement. He said he had changed his mind. Our sources tell us the Nixon Administration brought oressure on him to change his mind. Packwood denied any pressure. The real reason he dropped his plan to ban timber exports, he told us, was simply because he found out he couldn't win. The timber lobby, he said, was too powerful. -BLEAK HOMECOMING- President Nixon has now de- activated all American ground combat units in Vietnam. But the returning troops are coming home to a break reception. Many of them can't find decent jobs. The disabled are consigned to veterans hospitals, where con- ditions are terrible. The thous- ands of disabled GIs who man- age to rejoin society find t h e military bureaucracy won't leave them alone. Consider the case of Sergeant Bill Richardson of Springfield, 111. He stepped on a ine iin Viet- nam and lost both legs. He made it home only to see his marriage break up. Then came a letter from the Army. There had been an overpayment, the memo said. He owed the Army $212.34. Rich- ardson paid the money. A few montis later, he got another Army memo. This time, the bill was for an additional $1,900. Another legless veteran from North Carolina put in an appli- cation for what is known as a "wheelchair home." The first thing the Veterans Administra- tion did was demand a physical examination to see if his condi- tion has improved. strike. It may have been cheap- er for GH to shut down altogeth- er than to operate at minimuim productivity. Model changeover is only one month away and 1972 models re- main on the idled ines. Many workers expect GMAD to settle shortly before changeover, mak- ing short lived concessions that will disappear as soon as 1973 models are in full swing. There is already talk of another strike in September or December, at the latest. Much of the anti-International sentiment will have political re- percussions this fall. Worker dis- content exists toward the un- ion's policy of backing only the Democratic party candidates. The UAW gave substantial con- tributions to Ohio Gov. John Gil- ligan for his gubernatorial cam- paign in 1970. He promised Nor- wood workers that taxes would not be raised, yet acted other- wise, once elected. As an act of protest, some workers will vote for Nixon land Wallace, should he run on his third party tick- et) as an act of protest to show that the International does not control the rank and file. One worker described the dictatorial policy of the UAW International as "no different than Commun- The most active form of pro- test against the International was in 1971, when workers threw tomatoes, eggs and rocks at. UAW officials. Unfortunately, most workers do not see more viable forms of dissent open to them. They realize the power they collectively hold, but are restricted in their outlook by the legal framework of the union. PROSPECTS for change 1ie with the future, though. Most Norwood workers have been on the job for at least five years and find it difficult to break with tradition. Some of the younger workers were more likely to see alternative plans of action, in- cluding the formation of an in- dependent labor party. At a similar showdown between GMAD and labor at Lordstown, Ohio recently an unparalleled level of union radicalism was de- monstrated by the work force, composed almost entirely of young persons. "Ten years from now, the only people who can follow GMAD's orders will be too old to do so . . ,.The only people who will work hard are the older ones. The younger ones won't." Eventually, all GM assembly operations will be run by GMAD. When they take over the home plants in Michigan, they will be placed against long established work rules and militant workers, particularly blacks, which may add teeth to struggles like Nor- wood. "GMAD don't have to tighten their belt. Ain't no one hurting but the poor working working man." The effects of If weeks of strike are nos being felt at Nor- wood. The picket line is filled with stories on the latest losses of mortgages and repossessions of cars. Some workers have found other jobs and may never return to GMAD. The Derby Bar, near the plant, has closed its kitchen. Before the strike, it served meals to a standing room only crowd. General Motors may have fin- ally decided to suspend opera- tions in Norwood. Rumors have spread that Proctor and Gamble may buy the plant to expand its Cincinnati operations. "ONE THING about General Motors: If they'd treat us like people instead of like dogs, they'd get their sonovabitci work done." furl Wagenheim is a senior majoring in sociology who re- cently visited the General Mo- tors Plant at Norwood, Oio. NIGHT EDFOR: JAN BENEDETTI ASSISTANT NIGHT EDITOR: PAUL RUSKIN EDITORIAL PAGE EDITOR: ROSE SUE BERSTEIN PHOTO TECHNICIAN: JIM WALLACE 41~111 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily Express the individual opinions of the author. This must be noted in all reprints. TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 1972 News Phone: 764 0552