I e tr1 i rt x I
Partly cloudy,
Vol. LXXXII, No. 34-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, June 27, 1972 Ten Cents Twelve Pages
Primary candidate 's tactics questioned
Sharp criticism of the campaign tactics of congressional hopeful
Bill Brown has been raised by local supporters of Sen. George
McGovern, who claim that Brown has been deceptive in implying
connections with the senator's presidential campaign.
Brown, a University accountant, announced his candidacy for
the Democratic nomination for U.S. representative last week join-
ing a crowded field wjich includes Fred Schwall, Walter Shapiro,
State House Majority"Floor Leader Marvin Stempien (D-Livonia)
and Billy Turner.
In his initial press release Brown described himself as "a
former member of Senator McGovern's national campaign staff."
Since that time he has sent letters to McGovern supporters in the
area asking their support. More prominent McGovern supporters
have received personal visits.
In both cases. they report the identification of Brown's cam-
paign with the McGovern effort has been strongly implied.
Controversy centers on tactics allegedly employed by out-of-
state Brown volunteers.
Kathy Fojtik, a McGovern volunteer in Ypsilanti during the
Michigan presidential primary, says she was recently contacted
by Betty Shallcross, a Brown volunteer from Ohio-Brown's home
According to Fojtik, Shallcross introduced herself as being
"on loan" from the McGovern national campaign staff.
"She also insinuated," Fotjik continues "that McGovern would
endorse Bill (Brown) if he could, but he wouldn't endorse anyone
until after the convention."
Sources in the McGovern national office, although reluctant to
deny the claim, commented that it "sounds ridiculous."
Brown says he cannot believe his workers have made such
claims. "They (out-of-state Brown workers) came back on their b"
own" to work for him, he says.
He also hedges on the expected endorsement. "Being a smart
politician," Brown says, "McGovern is staying explicitly clear"
of primary races. "I would hope for his endorsement if I win the
nomination," he adds, however.
Brown admits that he does not know the senator.
Over the past few days the local McGovern office has been
conducting a quiet investigation of Brown's, alleged connections
with the senator's campaign.
See CREDENTIALS, Page 7 William Brown
Dems plan platform
By The Associated Press .:<
The agony of Agnes
Rescue workers row through the streets of Wilkes Barre looking
for stranded residents, following floods caused by Tropical Storm
Agnes. The Susquehanna River reached its height last Friday
and crested Saturday morning. Agnes left the East Coast besieged
by flood water in one of the nation's worst such disasters.
Court refuses
Army spy case
Democratic platform writ-
ers yesterday accepted a
plank pledging an "imme-
diate and complete with-
drawal of all U.S. forces in
Indochina," echoing the
campaign vow of Sen.
George McGovern (D-S.D.).
This plank and one which
promised a cut in U.S. troop
levels in Europe were challeng-
ed by the Democrats' 15-mem-
ber policy committee, working
all day in the heat and con-
gestion of the Mayflower Hotel.
The Vietnam plank noted that
most Democratic senators have
called for full withdrawal by
Oct. 1. "We support that posi-
tion," the draft plank said, and
"All U.S. military action in
Southeast Asia will cease. After
the end of U.S. direct combat
participation, military aid to
the Saigon government and else-
where in Indochina will be ter-
"The U.S. will no longer seek
to determine the political future
of the nations of Indochina."
Platform writers rejected over-
whelmingly an effort by sup-
porters of Alabama Gov. George
Wallace to pledge the party to
a constitutional amendment
outlawing busing to achieve ra-
cial balance in the schools.
The language finally adopted
was stronger in support of bus-
ing than the one-paragraph
statement drafted Sunday night.
Though soundly defeated here,
the issue is certain to precipi-
tate a floor fight at the Demo-
cratic Convention in Miami
each. It takes only 15 dissenting
members to produce a minority
report on any issue, which must
then be considered by the full
The platform committee has
until midnight tonight to turn
out a finished draft, for the
Democratic party's convention
reforms require that copies of
the platform be printed and
mailed to all convention dele-
gates not later than 10 days
before the convention.
Register to vote
Voter reristration deadline
for the Aug. 8 primary is Fri-
day, July 7. Until then, eligible
persons may register at City
Hall, Fifth and Huron. Hours
are 8 to 5 weekdays and Satur-
day, July 1 and 8 to 8 Friday,
July 7. If you register on time,
then you will have fulfilled the
30 days residency requirement
for registered voters as the
deadline is 30 days before the
'Love me or leave me?'
Martha Mitchell (left) has created quite a tiffle by declaring
Sunday that she would leave her husband John (right) the
former Atty. Gen., unless he quits his post as manager of
President Nixon's reelection campaign. "I'm black and blue.
I'm a political prisoner," she exclaimed, in reference to alleged
harassment by security guards.
Mctovern cai-mrs
first ballot victory
WASHINGTON (0) - Led by
Chief Justice Warren Burger, a
narrowly divided Supreme Court
yesterday barred a trial of the
Army's surveillance of civilians.
Burger said in the 5-4 decision
that courts cannot serve "as
virtually continuing monitors of
the wisdom and soundness of
executive action." That, he said,
is a job for Congress
The surveillance, conducted by
some 1,000 agents beginning in
1965, was challenged in a suit
brought by four individuals and
nine groups, including many
war protesters.
Burger claimed th y wanted to
use the courts to probe the
Army's intelligence - gathering
operations. Instead of showing
their freedom of speech had
been injured or threatened. the
chief justice said, they presented
allegations of a subjective na-
Therefore, he said, the suit
cannot be considered.
The ruling, reversing a fed-
eral appeals court here which
had ordered a full-dress in-
quiry, was produced by the four
Nixon administration appointees
plus Justice Byron White.
Justices William Douglas, Wil-
liam Brennan Jr., Potter Stew-
art and T h u r g o o d Marshall
voted to uphold the lower court,
whose r u I i n g was written by
another administration - named
judge, Malcolm Willkey.
Douglas said no law author-
izes surveillance over civilians
and that "one can search the
Constitution in vain for any
such authority."
In a second major, 5-4 ruling,
the Court granted grand jury
witnesses the right to challenge
the legality of government wire-
tapping before testifying.
As a result of the ruling, the
contempt convictions of Sister
Joques Egan and a former nun,
Anne Walsh, who refused to
help a grand jury investigate an
alleged kidnap plot against pres-
idential adviser Henry Kissinger,
were set aside.
See COURT, Page 7
By The Associated Press
Sen. George McGovern (D-
S.D.) said yesterday he has
locked up the Democratic pres-
idential nomination, but rivals
disputed his claim to two key
elements of the first-ballot vic-
tory he forecast.
McGovern said he had gained
the support of enough black del-
egates to swell his total past the
1,509 he needs for nomination
at the convention opening in
Miami Beach July 10.
But dissenting blacks, and an
aide to Sen. Hubert Humphrey
(D-Minn.) disputed that.,
Humphrey also challenged the
winner - take - all system under
which McGovern won the whole
271 - vote California delegation
by defeating him in that state's
primary election.
Sens. Edmund Muskie (D-
Me.), Henry Jackson (D-Wash.)
and Rep. Shirley Chisholm (D-
N.Y.), joined in contesting that
delegation in statements filed at
a hearing of the Democratic
Credentials Committee. I
In that pivotal seating chal-
lenge, they seek to wrest from
McGovern 151 of the California
delegates, which could hold the
South Dakota senator short of
a first-ballot majority.
The Committee, meanwhile,
voted unanimously to recom-
mend the seating of 725 dele-
gates from states where there
were no credentials challenges.
The latest count shows that
41.5 per cent of the elected del-
egates are being challenged in
82 different proceedings that
affect the delegations from 30
states and one territory.
McGovern appeared with three
b 1 a c k political leaders at a
Washington news conference to
claim cc emitments from black
delegates in a dozen states and
the District of Columbia-96%
nominating votes in all.
By ; McGovern's own count,
that put him just past the ma-
jority he needs. He w r y 1 y
claimed "a generous margin" of
1% votes.