-W Page Twelve THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, June 24, 1972 l'age Twelve THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, June 24, 1972 Ribicoff blasts Nixon welfare reform move WASHINGTON (/P - President Nixon's rejection of a com- promise welfare reform plan has probably signaled the death of the proposal in 1972, Sen. Abraham Ribicoff (D-Conn.) declared yes- terday. Ribicoff, the rallying point for compromise efforts in the Sen- ate, said as a result of Nixon's press conference remarks Thurs- day "the prospects for reforming our nation's welfare mess are growing dimmer." "A large group of Republicans and Democrats remain com- mitted to passage of worthwhile welfare legislation," he said in a statement. "Without the President's support, however, welfare re- form is dead." Later yesterday, Elliot Richardson, secretary of health, edu- cation and welfare, issued a statement sharply disagreeing with Ribicoff. "To speculate that a welfare bill is dead before committee ac- tion is completed and weeks before Senate floor consideration strikes me as.unduly negative and pessimistic," Richardson said. "This administration has fought for welfare reform for three years; we are not about to quit now." He urged proponents of welfare reform "to redouble their ef- forts." Nixon said at his news conference that he preferred to stick with his own welfare plan-including a $2400 income ceiling for a family of four-which he called "the middle position." He said the more generous Ribicoff proposal would be more costly and would "move in the direction that I think the country does not want." The President met a week ago with several of his cabinet of- ficers to discuss the possibility of an administration compromise and found some support of the idea. The Senate will fight out the issue of welfare reform when the Social Securit -Welfare bill is debated, possibly beginning in July. At the time, it will be confronted with three different plans for welfare families with dependent children: * The Nixon proposal contained in the bill as it passed the House a year ago. Its main features are the $2,400 guaranteed minimum income and federal payments for the working poor. * A tough Workfare plan adopted by the Senate Finance Committee which rejected the President's proposal. This would impose strict work requirements on the adults in the welfare fami- lies, mostly mothers. " The Ribicoff proposal, a more liberal version of the Nixon plan. It would start the guaranteed income at $3,000 and boost it to $4,000 in five years and provide for a complete federal takeover of the program in five years. To Senate vote counters, it now appears that none of 'the three has enough support to be adopted, Therefore Ribicoff has indicated he is willing to cut back his proposal in an effort to reach an accommodation with the admis- istration This is what Nixon rejected at his news conference. The senator said that earlier Nixon supported almost every element of the proposed compromise such as a requirement that no present welfare benefit be lowered, The House bill would permit cutbacks; the Ribicoff proposal would not. Senate slices military, aid; only Israel gets increase WASHINGTON UP) - The Senate refused yesterday to restore sharp cuts in President Nixon's foreign military aid budget and, in what was called "a bidding contest" for Jewish votes, earmarked a special $85 million fund for Israel. The Senate rebuffed pleas by Senate Republican Lead- er Hugh Scott who contended the $245 million stricken from the $1.7 billion aid bill was the "linch pin" of the Nixon Doctrine. It accepted, 54 to 21, a substitute offered by Sen. Frank Church (D-Idaho) knock- ing out all the money Scott sought to put back in-ex- cept for an additional $35 StilTrying million for Israel. The Scott amendment would have added $20 million for Is- rael to the $50 million already E earmarked in the bill. The Church substitute sweet- ened that by adding another $15 million, bringing the total accepted by the Senate to $85 million.aL "It increases the amount toMehREnPU Isal oi'all senate'mo tivated by the Jewish vote will rush in and vote for the sub-a stitute," Scott said. Church called Israel a "spe- cial case," however and said her situation is so precarious that for "if we're going to err, let us err on the side of generosity." "The grant military assist- Tuesday ance program is the linch pin of the Nixon Doctrine," Scott ednesda said. "It allows us to with- draw' Americans forces 'ronsm D aii o u around the world by enabling Dead ne for Tue allied and friendly governments Deadline for W ed to field armed forces which can bear an increasing share of -the common defens e burden." . . SEN. ABRAHAM RIBICOFF (left) yesterday assailed President Nixon's recent decision not to com- promise on a welfare reform plan. Ribicoff has proposed a higher minimum guaranteed income than the President. Elliot Richardson (right), secretary of health, education, and welfare, defended Nixon yesterday and criticized Ribicoff's "pessimistic" lambast. ONLY MINUTES FROM TULSA: Armed hijacker commandeers jet near St. Louis; de~mands $502,000t ST. LOUIS (/P)-An armed hi- jacker demanding $502,000 com- mandeered an American Airlines jetliner yesterday, returning to the St. Louis airport to pick up his ransom after taking the pi- rated plane and 21 hostages on a flight toward Texas. Earlier, the hijacker ordered the plane flown to Fort Worth. Tex., but then directed the pilot to fly back to St. Louis after nearly completing the journey. A radio operator at Lambert- St. Louis International Airport who monitored the plane cap- tain's transmission to the airport quoted the captain as saying the hijacker planned to keep one passenger aboard the plane and get a fresh crew. Mike McNearey, the radio op- erator, said the captain indicated the hijacker then wanted to head toweard Toronts, make a low' pass to make sore it is Toronto and then fly to John F. Kennedy Airport in New York. There was no official confirmation of the radio operator's report, however. "He (the hijacker) threatened to kill one stewardess if his or- ders were not carried out," Mc- Nearey said. Federal authorities said ear- lier that the hijacker, described as a white man in his twenties, also had demanded parachutes, a shovel and a radar scanning device be brought to the airport to Sublet?? EMBER: SJune 27, ly, June 2 s.--NOON Monday i-NOON Tuesday by the time the Boeing 727 re- turned. There was no immediate indi- cation whether the hijacker's de- mands had been met. After land- ing, the plane remained on the runway and was being refueled. William Sullivan, agent in charge of the St. Louis FBI of- fice, said the hijacker took with him as hostages 14 male passen- gers, f o u r stewardesses aid three other crew members. The plane returned to SI. Louis after nearly completing a flight to Ft. Worth, Tex. The Federal Aviation Administration in Wash- ington said the hijacker appar- ently intended to land at Great- er Southwest International Air- port before reversing direction. Sullivan said there was no one injured in the hijacking incident, which occurred while the ,)laise was en route from here to Tulsa, Okla., with 101 persons on board. Sullivan said the hijacker was carrying either an automatic rifle or a. "grease gun," which he described as being like a machinegun. A federal source in Washington monitoring the hijack reported earlier that the hijacker also had demanded five parachutes, a military-style shovel and a port- able radar scanning device. To head druggists Prof. Tom Rowe, dean of the University's school of pharmacy, is being installed today as presi- dent of the Michigan Pharma- ceutical Association at its 89th meeting. It is the first time the associa- tion of some 3,000 Michigan pharmacists has designated an educator, rather than a retail pharmacist, as its top state of- ficer. Michigan Marijuana Initiative declares WEED WEEK JUNE 24-JULY 1 Profits from these Ann Arbor stores will bene- fit the Marijuana Initiative: HIDEOUT MIDDLE EARTH 338 12S. State 215 S. State GET FROCKED THIS IS IT 211 S. State 1317 S. University SALVATION INDIAN SUMMER RECORDS RESTAURANT 330 Maynard 1103 S. University 315S. State SUNRISE LEATHERS 214 E. Washington GET HIG WITH M.M.I. PHONE 668-7206