UN meets on Mideast -y Tie Associated Press The U.N. Security Council met last night in emergency session on the flareup in Mid- east fighting and heard Leba- n declare it is high thur for dptomnatic, eonomic and mili- ra3y sansctions against Israel. I4 k The session followed new Israeli air raids on gue rilt bases in tebanonand a report- ednin battle otf the coast of the Biblical city of Tyre late last night. Lebanese ofticiats 'eported ... Isere jets eairier raided a vil- ] age on the Syrian - Lebanese ' borderi killing 17 pirso is arid wsnding 10. Many of the vie- tiiis were women and children. they said. Guerrillas claimed 30 Associated Press of their men died in the attack. ISRAELI TROOPS stand by their 160 mm mor ar poised on the It was riot clear whether the Lebanese border yesterday. Israeli government censors forbade two casualty counts overlapped. the release of further details concerning the gun. In the reported naval action, s t:isiss iisiidussiiss:nla! itWis guerrillas claimed that Leba- nese and Israeli gunboats ex- changed fire and that flames were sighted on an Israeli ves- sel. Witnesses in south Lebanon claineed Israeli naval units had shelled a Palestinian refugee camp just south of Tyre. Lebanese Ambassador Edoca- ard Ghorra tiild the 15-nation Security Council tin New York it seas time to "curb thle aggres- sors" by using the enforcement section of the U.N. charter. This authorizes diplomatic. economic and even military sanctions. He demanded a condemna- tion of Israel and the return of six Lebanese and Syrian offic- ers that Israeli forces abducted from Lebanese territory Wed- nesday, Israel Ambassador Yosef Te- koah accused Lebanon of pre- siding over "a campaign of ter- ror and slaughter" by allowing Palestinian guerrillas to oper- ate from Lebanese territory against Israel. "In apparent ridicule of rea- son and justice," he said, "Leb- anon calls for sanctions against Israel: the criminal cries thief." He also accused the Secur- ity Council of remaining silent whenever Israel called on it "to take action to try and stop Arab sened attacks against Israel arid its people." Tekoah said. "Thisis a double standard " Ghorn a said Lebaonon's re- questo ir the present was that there be "a vei'y strong con- demnation of Israel foe lerere- pated acts of aggression" and that "the Syrian and Lebanese ofieri's who were kidnaped, ab- ducted. by the Israeli amed foic' s seeJune '2t. 1972. be cc- turieed ineeeedialely to Lebanonc." Tekos h inted that, whatever the council did. Israel would keep on with occasional raids elno Leb nest Tdiscourage guUrrilta raids os Lebanon isfs Israel. Seth conetre is requested the courecitmeeting. Gheorra com- plained of a "large-scale air and ground attack" by Israel on Lebanonee Wednesday. Thursday See UN. Page 1 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN Saturday, June 24, 1972 News Pho )e: 764-0552 Page Three: Agnes ravages death toll still By The Associated Press such total destruction as h as A week of all but incessant taken place in a number of areas rain was climaxed by a new of the state," said Maryland's storm yesterday. as some of the Gov. Marvin Mandell after a worst floods on record ravaged helicopter survey. His state was the grievously stricken E a s t one of five designated by Presi- from Virginia to upstate New dent Nixon as disaster areas. York. The National, Weather Tropical storm Agnes moved in Service saw no imnediate end from the south early Wednesday, to the deluge, which it called "a followed during Thursday oight major disaster." by a teeming successor fron "I have never in my life seen the west. Their toll of deaths Nixon signs ed bilhits busing WASHINGTON WR) - President Nixon signed the $21.3-billion education, bill yesterday but accused Congress of "clever political evasion" by adopting what he called inadequate antibusing pro- visions. The administration has called the education funding authoriza- tion a "landmark achievement" in aupporting projects from ele- mentary to graduate school. But Nixon vehemently attacked the provision that would halt for 18 months any busing ordered by the federal courts until all appeals had been exhausted. He called it "inadequate, misleading and entirely unsatisfac- tory" and declared if the proposal had come to him as a separate measure "it would have received an immediate veto." The new law actually contains three antibusing provisions, two of which were originally designed to cut off federal funds for busing and to restrict the power of the federal government to force local compliance with busing plans, but which were made largely in- effective by the terms of the final House-Senate compromise. The third. to which President Nixon addressed his comments, postponed the effective date of any federal court order requiring busing until the time for all appeals has been exhausted. Although the busing issue dominated discussion of the bill in Congress, its education provisions are among the most important ever passed by Congress. Taken all together, they authorize a total of $21.3 billion between now and June 30, 1975, for a wide variety of programs at every level of education. Two of the provisions mark major new commitments for the federal government in the field of education. One contributes federal funds for the first time to the general operating expenses of post- secondary institutions and the other entitles every undergraduate student to a basic federal grant toward the cost of his or her edu- cation. Under the basic grant provision, a student can receive a grant of $1,400, minus his expected family contribution, but the total can not exceed half the cost of attending the institution. Other aid programs are available to help the needy student fill the gap. National standards for determining the expected family contribution are to be set by the Commissioner of Education. See NIXON, Page 7 coast, rising stood at 74, with 27 of these in Pennsylvania alone. Scores were missing. The damage was incalculable, as raging river waters tore hous- es from their foundations, tossed automobiles about like toys, and smashed pleasure craft to bits. The most preliminary of esti- mates set damage at $160 mil- lion in Virginia alone, w h e r e commerce ground to a halt in flood areas and stores, offices and plants were abandoned. A dozen or more rivers left theeir banks. The mighty Ohio was expected to crest 10 feet above flood level at Pittsburgh. Record crests were forecast for the historic Potomac in Mary- land. The Susquehanna rampag- ed across 100 miles of Pennsyl- vania countryside. Twenty-sev- en feet above flood stage, the James River sent its waters to within a few blocks of. the Vir- ginia state capitol in Richmond. The floods were the worst on record in New York and Virginia, the cruelist in 35 years in Penn- sylvania. President Nixon pro- claimed Maryland, Pennsylvania, New York and Virginia disaster areas making them eligible for massive federal aid. He did the same thing for Florida, raked earlier in the week by Agnes, with a loss of nine lives. Entire cities were evacuated and tens of thousands of refugees were herded into makeshift shelt- ers. Prison convicts joined Na- tional Guardsmen in rescue oper- ations. Some cities were cut in two by normally placid streams that bisect them. Others were isolat- ed, their airports awash, their f highways blocked by water or landslides. In Salmanca, N.Y., a fl o o d protection system recently was completed, its height based )n a previous record floor that h a d forced evacuation of its 7,000 re- sidents. But the latest f1n o d waters spilled six feet over that level, and once again the popula- tion fled their homes. Water from the Rappahanneck river reached to the rooftops of homes in Falmouth, Va. Only the roofs and smokestacks of t he Bethlehem Steel Corp. plant out- side Harrisburg, Pa., were vis- ible above the waters of the Susquehanna. -ssociate Press WHATVS LEFT of Pottstown, Pa. now rests under four feet of water thanks to Agnes which continued to raise hell throughout the Northeast yesterday. WA LKIE-TALKIE Breal-in suspect ias further li1nk to GOP WASHINGTON (R) - James McCord, one of five men ar- rested in connection with the break-in at the Democratic Na- tional Committee headquarters holds a Federal Communications Commission (FCC) license to use walkie-talkies on behalf of the Republican National Committee, FCC records show. Police said earlier they found three highly s p it icat e d walkie-talkies in the possession of McCord, whose firm was un- der contract to do security work for the Republican National Committee and the Committee to Re-elect the President, when he was arrested early Saturday. However, the Evening Star. which broke the story on the walkie-talkies yesterday, quoted an FCC official as saying it had not been determined if the spe- cific equipment found by police was the equipment licensed to McCord. FCC rules forbid the use of any licensed equipment to com- mit an illegal act. The Star said the FBI is investigating that aspect of the case. Irving Brownstein, deputy chief of Safety and Special Ra- dio Services for the FCC, said the three frequencies assigned to McCord on behalf of the Re- publican National Committee were Class A citizens service licenses with frequencies in the ship-to-shore range. He said McCord requested the frequencies for security activi- ties on behalf of the Republican committee. Brownstein said McCord, as the licensee, would be respon- sible for the proper use of the transmitters. He also said li- censees of transmitters could only be prosecuted for illegal use of the transmitters if prosecu- tion showed there was actual broadcasting-not just posses- sion of equipment. McCord's license was to ex- pire in November but James Barr, chief of the FCC Safety and Special Radio Services, can- celled the license- Tuesday-one day after McCord was fired from his job with the commit- tee.