Sex bias in college hiring By DIANE LEVICK Elisabeth Hogan, editor and publisher of Womanpower!, yesterday brought the problem of affirmative action programs in hiring women in universities down to the practical level as she outlined a plan before an assembly at the Michigan League. The two day conference is entitled "Women's Work Has Just Begun: Legal Problems of Employing Women in Uni- versities." Hogan, who is also a, consultant for the Massachusetts Governor's Commis- sion on the Status of Women, told over 200 listeners that colleges' assumption is "you've got to fudge your standards when you bring in more women." She cited six main areas of discrimi- nation against w o m e n by colleges against women: admission quotas, fi- nancial help, firing practices, promo- tions, salary differentials, and layoffs. Hogan explained that if a woman made it known she wanted to be pro- moted, she was considered aggressive and a "bitch." "If she sits and waits for Santa Claus, then the woman is seen as not having very much initiative," Hogan pointed out. "We're dammsed if we do and damned if we don't." Urging that hiring quotas for women are necessary. Hogan explained several ways to figure them. For instance, she suggested that since 11.6 per cent of the PhD's earned in the U.S. went to women, 11.6 of a uni- versity's positions requiring a PhD should be filled by women. As soon as goals are decided in the program, Hogan suggests the plan be communicated and publicized. "Revise y-ur brochures," she warned. "Check the pictures and the words in them. Don't use the universal pronoun 'he ' " According to Hogan, these are no nit-picking, for they serve as "subtle signals for where we are wanted" Next, Hogan attacked sexist recruit- ing practices. She mentioned the pit- falls of n't allowing a man and his wife to both hold faculty positions at the same time. lcgan urged that all positions avail- able at a college be published. "I find it incredible that this hasn't been done yet. C.early it must be," she said. On standards of hiring, Hogan caled for more objective means of determin- ing qualification. "Nepotism shouldn't come to bear," she said. A woman's marital status and whether or not she has children should not figure either. Women also get a raw deal in work- ing c-oditions at academic institutions. according to Hogan. Discrimination ex- ists in teaching loads, benefits, and assignment of office help. Finally, Hogan commented on t-nure, "You can keep tenure, but you can change the methods of assigning it." She explained that the "publish or perish" factor in granting tenure dis- probed criminates against women because they have a harder time in getting their work accepted for print. Earlier in the day, Virginia Nordin, chairwoman of the University's Wo- men's Commission, told the conference that colleges faced with new federal guidelines must "take it upon themselves to rectify unequal employment oppor- tunities. "If they don't, they will be dragged kicking and screaming into the twen- tieth century." Other afternoon speakers included George Sape, Deputy Director of Con- gressional Affairs for the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. He spoke on new amendments to Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, which allows suits to be filed against universities for sex discrimination, whether or not in- tent existed. The conference is sponsored by the Institute of Continuing Legal Education. P Iffr i 4 tg Yi , Ftiil, BOGUE High-63 Low-42 Mostly cloudy, chance of showers Vol. LXXXII, No. 33-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, June 24, 1972 Ten Cents Twelve Pages British poun floats; money crisis brewing LONDON -, Britain let the pound sterling float yes- terday to avert a threatened devaluation, but at the same time raised the spectre of a new world monetary crisis. The surprise British move immediately put heavy pres- sure on the weakened U.S. dollar throughout Europe and forced continental money markets to close their doors in confusion. An emergency .meeting of government central bankers from the six European Common Market nations was called for Paris today. Experts said that meeting likely would order a float of European Common Market currencies against the dollar when continental markets reopen, prob- ably Tuesday. Sheriff hiolds gala 'kick-off' By ROSE SUE BERSTEIN and DAVID STOLL About 500 friends and sup- porters of Sheriff Douglas Har- vey gathered last night at Weber's Inn for the official kickoff dinner which marked the start of Harvey's campaign for re-election. Harvey an- nounced last Monday that he will run in the November elec- tion under the banner of the American Independent party (AIP). "If you want a cop for sher- iff," Harvey said, "I'd certainly anpreciate your support, 'cause that's what I'm going to be." The sheriff spoke after din- ner - salad, chicken, baked po- tato and key lime pie - and a salute by six young cheerlead- ers, who jumped about and shouted. "Who's going to be sheriff? - If you want to know, watch that Harvey go, go, go," exclaimed t h e cheerleaders, dressed in patriotic red, white and blue costumes. The crowd whistled and cheered, the band warmed up to "For he's a jolly good fellow," and then it was Harvey's show. Among .those present were See HARVEY, Page 7 Any return to such widescale floating would unwind, at least temporarily, many of the deli- cate arrangements for fixed ex- change rates worked out in Washington last December at the end of the world's worst monetary crisis since World War 00. For businessmen, govern- ments and tourists alike, it would again raise questions of what a nation's money is really worth at any particular time. President Nixon, like his European counterparts, called in senior financial advisers for consultations. The British were forced to act to safeguard the national re- serves backing the pound. In the past two weeks the pound has declined to the floor level per- mitted under current exchange rates. Among the most immediate- causes of the crisis were last week's dangers of a national dock strike; a renewed bout ofg inflation because of big new wage settlements; and the fail- ure of v,xious orthodox efforts to restore confidence in the British economy. By floating the pound and closing the London foreign ex- change market yesterday and Monday, the government stop- ped the Bank of England from using up all its reserves. When the markets reopen, the pound can float outside fixed exchange rates according to supply and demand. This increases the risk of speculating in pounds and could drive gamblers out of the mar- ket. The Government hopes the See BRITISH, Page 2 AND LIFE GOES ON. A farmer toils in his fields, threshing his rice crops as U.S. bombers de- molish the wooded edges of his field. It was susp)ected that Viet Cong positions were located there. S. Viets, U.S. bombs stymie communist offeusive on Hue SAIGON (") - North Vietna- mese tanks, artillery and infan- trymen advanced towards South Vietnam's northern defense line for the seventh day this morning but lost eight tanks, field reports said. All eight tanks were knock- ed out by South. Vietnamese ground troops firing tube- launched, wire-guided missiles called TOWS, the reports said. Moving behind hundreds of rounds of Soviet-built, long- range 13 mm artillery, the North Vietnamese attacked two different South Vietnamese po- sitions. One was reported to be near abandoned Firebase Nancy on the southern side of the My Chanh defense line. 25 miles northwest of the threat- ened city of Hue. U.S. officials said tank-led enemy assaults on the My Chanh defense line this week are part of a long expected North Vietnamese move against Hue. There also were indications that the North Vietnamese may be trying to push through from the A Shau Valley to the west in a coordinated assault on the city. Gen. Creighton Abrams, the U.S. commander, has ordored massive saturation strikes by B52 bombers along the north- ern front in efforts to preempt an assault on- Hue. U.S. B52 bombers flew near- ly 50 strikes across the north- ern front overnight. Half the B52s in the south- west Pacific mounted the heav- iest raids of the war along the front yesterday and tac- tical jets made massive strikes on the heartland of North Viet- nam. In ground fighting yesterday, the North Vietnamese lost 99 tmen killd in three clashes with government forces holding the line at the My Chanh River, the Saigon command said. Saigon government losses were given as five dead and 22 wounded. South Vietnamese troops, backed by artillery and U.S. fighter-bonbers, also knocked See S. VIETS, Page 7 toll rises STORY, PAGE 3 - %