Friday, June 23, 1973 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven USED CARS D a l C s f1970 SAAB. Leaving country. Call 971- a l l aI s ii ed 6271. $1400 or less. 47N33 1972 DATSUN - Excellent condition. Must sell. 665-9679. 54N33 (continued from Page 6) SUBLET '68 OPEL LS, low mileage, radials, WOMEN ST-DENTS - Sum e 5sportg $450 or best offer. 761-6079. TRANSPORTATION rooms. Kitchen privilegs. $60/mo. 663- _0_3 5331. 64U37 NEED RIDER TO help drive car to -- -A- CALIFORNIA. Leaving in 2 weeks $70/MO. July-Aug. 1-bedroom furnish- (July 1st). 764-4417 or 769-2807. Ellen. ed, A/C, near campus. Gene, 763-C . 70G31 4344 or 761-9888. 26U33 RUSSIA-SCANDINAVIA. 5 wks. $350.00 LOOKING FOR male roomate to share inclusive. London departures. Small a modern two-man apt. near campus. USED CARS group camping travel (ages 18-30). 665-8996 after 6 p.m. 20U35 "Top Dollar" Ea rth Eped tioALtd. Wi.S. Ahs ROOM in bi-level modern apartment. Now & Always for yourc ar for Transit Travel Ltd., Box 1497, K.C. July-Aug. 761-5384. 31U34 Ma. 64141, 30I32 MARRIED STUDENT needed to take DomestiCS Luniversity efficieilcy apt. 665-5570. '70 MAtTERICK-6 cyl., automatic SUBLET 35U33 transrression, radial tires. Low nileage. Sharp. $1595.00. CHEAP - 2-bedroom apt. July and ONE MAN needed now thru August. '69 CHEVROLET Kingswood 9 Pass. Aug. 2 min. from Diag. Air-condition- Air-conditioned, excellent location. Wagon. V-8. automatic, power ed. Call Mike, 761-3127. 53U36 Cheap. Call mornings, evenings: 663- steering, brakes, radio. One own- 5101. 36U33 er. Very clean. $2095.00. OWN ROOM in 2-man apt. $50 month. '68 CHEV. Chevelle 2 dr. V. top, NOW. 761-8333. 55U32 CHEAP RENT for 2 months. Furnished 6 cel.. auto Sharp, like new, studio, private entrance, clean. 769- $1095.00, OWN ROOM in house only $37.14/mo. 8423 persistently.37U33 July and August. Call 662-0956, ask prsel Foreign & Sports for Peter or Pat. Do it today! 59U33 OWN ROOM in cozy house. Large fen- 'OS FORD CORTINA. Red, 4 sp. SUBLET - July-Augut, odern ed c yard. P OK. Fall optIon. Radia. A real buy at $795.00. man, a/c, pool, price negotiable. Call $6y/oo. 665-0354. 40033 Gretchen. 665-6506. 60U36 JULY-AUGUST. Single or couple to Toyotas-100% Warranty share large, beautiful, old apt. in '70 TOYOTA Crown, 4 door, vinyl CAMPUS, large 1-bedroom sublet, July/ house nese eanpus. Porohes, garden. top, automatic 6 cyl. O.HC., August. $125. 662-6660 8-5 p.m. 57U33 stereo, laundry, waterbed. Cool and 12,600 miles. Like new. $2195.00. OWN ROOM IN houae. $40/nonth. green. $100/mo. or offer. 761-0915. '70 TOYOTA Hi-Lux ton pickup 44U33 with camper cap. 4 speed, radio,' July/August. Kitchen facilities. Close one owner. $1895.00. to campus. 763-6588. 03U32 SOUTH DIVISION at Jefferson, July- '69 TOYOTA Corona 4 door, auto-I SUBLET-July & August. Laege fur- August. Man needed to sublet own matic. Low mileage. $1395.00. niahed and verycagolroono L(eauiful room in furnished 3-bedroom apart- '69 TOYOTA Corona 4 sp. Factory for the sumnoner. In house tull of ment. Nice back yard. Use of dark- Air, AM/FM stereo, new tires, very friendly people. Near Central room. Rent negotiable. Call persis- Extra sharp. $1895.00. Campus -810 Arch St. All conven- tently. 663-0681. 45U33 ? ECOLOGY MINDED? fences (living, dining rooms; washer etc.). $50/mo. Call Jeff, 763-6563 PETS AND SUPPLIES We are one af the f dealers wha 01035 have the Infra-red analyzing equip- AT SYL-WIN FARMS: It's a brand'new ment to keep your car's emission CARRIAGE HOUSE APTS. 3 bdrm., 11, red barn and indoor arena. Call now. pollutants at a minimum. baths, dishwasher, air cond., balcony Box stalls available 482-3755. 91011 p-m bks. from the Diag. 1224 Washte- Cherry Hill. Ypsilanti, Mich. 76T33 TOYOTA- naw for July-August. Call collect 5-7 - p.m. 313-851-1145 or 313-353-1539. CUTE GOLDEN Retriever Spaniel pup- 75U33 py, 7 wks. old, $10 to cover shots. /N \ ARBOR 663-1109. dT32 TWO GIRLS/Couple needed. Sublet 907 N. Main-663-8567 spacious room in apt. Sun-porch. P H OTO SUPPLIES Open Mon. & Thurs. 'til 9:00 p.m. Forest and Hill. 663-7182. 86U33 cN34 GIRLS, July-August, 2 spaces available 1969 MGB-GT, warranted new engine, in modern 4-man apt. State & Hill. T CENTURY clutch, radial tires, mint cond. $1900. $40/ea. Call 769-1081. 96U33 ATBest offer. 662-0289. 70N33 ----____- The Best in _- SUBLET ROOMS in nice house near '68 TRIUMPTeBT-6.sEncellent running campus. July 15-Sept. Fall option. Good Used Cameras condition. Dark blue. Todd, 971-9461. 662-6289. 71U33 10N32 WE BUY, SELL, TRADE-- ROOM IN HOUSE. July-Aug., $70. Everything Photographic '69 FORD CLUB WAGON. CAMPER. Third Street. 665-4908. 02U33 Complete w/extendable roof. 1-697- DARKROOM SUPPLIES 0567. 82N33 SUMM IT- LUMINOUS PAPER 1970 IH SCOUT, 800A, 4x4, radio, heat- HAM I LTON MGMT. Repairs on all makes er, full cab, very sharp. 482-34 761-8055 Century Camera WELL BUY YOUR CAR! SUMMER SHORT-TERM LEASES (At our new location) AVAILABLE AT REDUCED RATES 4254 N. Woodward, Royal Oak TOP $$$ CAMPUS LOCATIONS Between 13 and 14 Mile Rd. BRING YOUR TITLE cUtc LI 9-6355 Toyota Ann Arbor Take I-94 to Southfield Exps tNorth to 907 N. M a in N 13 Mile-then East t SUMM ER PRICES Woodward andNorth Di40Ntc (Michigan Bank, Security and Diner for Charges accepted) ROOMMATES WANTED FALL LUXURY FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED. $35 a USED CARS month, including utilities, good peo- LET US SNOW YOU THE - -pie, farm house, animals, garden, BEST SELECTION OF LARGE BUICK SPECIAL for sale. '63. $80. Call S.W. of Ann Arbor. Call Tom,343- AIR-CONDITIONED, FURNISHED between 6 and 8 p.m. 761-1660. Ask 8085. 34Y33 APARTMENTS FOR THE SUMMER. for Dirk. 62N32 YOUNG WOMAN wish pro-school child EXCELLENT LOCATIONS MG-AUSTIN HEALY SPRITE. 1969. Red, by same. 4 bedroom house 2 miles 13,000 miles. Excellent condition. 761- from campus $112 for 2 bedrooms, CHARTER REALTY 5772, evenings. 27N33 garage, garden, 5 acres land. Prefer natural foods, natural kids, organic 665-8825 '70 VOLKSWAGEN. Excellent condition. gardening. Hope share child-care, FM radio, radial tires. 769-7543. work evenings. Now for year. Katie, cUtc 64N34 971-7839. ,1 51Y33 ROOMMATES WANTED PERSONAL THREE GIRLS need fourth, July-Aug. UNIVERSITY CELLAR has all the John Modern bi-level, air conditioning, Fahey albums on TAKOMA (America, dishwasher, parking. $25 negotiable. Blind Joe Death, et al), also Leo Kot- 662-5971, Mary. 912 S. Forest. 19Y32 tke, Six and Twelve String Guitar. 48F33 FEMALE ROOMMATE wanted to two' - -- bedroom apartment at Green Briar FIDO - you will be telephoned TO- starting in August. 662-7153. 58Y33 NIGHT between 5:30 and 5:45. 63F32 ONE MAN for 4-man bi-level. All con- NET GAINS: Come play volley ball veniences. 1573 St. Mary's Ct. Essex- with us at Rive Gauche, 1024 Hill St., ville, Mi. 517-892-9007. 45Y32 every Saturday and Sunday at 5. At ----your service! cF33 FEMALE ROOMMATE wanted July yuF through August in modern, air-condi- PLAY BASEBALL: If you've always tioned apartment. Call i561-7209. 92Y33 wanted to play baseball, but couldn't convince anyone else, now's your BIKES AND SCOOTERS chance. Call Tom at 002-9224 (days) I or 665-6074 (dinner time). 33F32 1970 TRIUMPH BONNEVILLE. Excellent GA -RD -WE INC rdy condition. Best affer by June 2o. DAY PRIDE WEEK PICNIC .Friday. 6 665-38t3. 69133 p.m. Meet at Diag. BYO. GAY PRIDE __'.WEEK COMMUNITY DANCE Friday, REWARD for information leading to 8 p m., Diag. All welcome! Gay is recovery of white Paris Sport 10- great! 39F32 speed. STOLEN 6/19/72 at 6 p.m ,from behind Randall Lab. Call 761-6442. XEROX AND OFFSET 18Z32 Fast, low-cost duplicating _---- ---- - -- -COPY QUICK '67 HONDA 150. 7600 miles. 434-0632. 1217 S. University 769-0560 42133 cFtc SUZUKI 250 X-6 1971. Excellent condi- FIDDLE TEACHER WANTED. Can't pay sion. $400. Must sell. 662-5498. 43133 much. Could trade flute instruction. '68 SUZUKI X-6. Best offer. 971-2221. Call SALLY, 665-4314, evenings. 06Z32 SHAGS FOR MEN UM BARBERS AND HAIRSTYLISTS PERSONAL OPEN 8:30 A.M. MON.-SAT. cF33 FREE CRUISE: Male wants female to complete crew on sailboat for July- GAY PRIDE WEEKEND IN DETROIT! August Caribbean cruise. Jim, until Saturday: 1 p.m., March from Cass July 1 665-7263. 32F33 Park to Kennedy Square. 3 p.m., Rally at Kennedy Square. 8 p.m., Dance at Unitarian Church (Forest W HO H AS & Cass). Sunday: All-day GAY-IN in Palmer Park. INFO: 763-4186. CALL ANYTIME ! 91F33 A L IC E TRAVELING companion for North Eur- C O O SP E p ope, starting late June. 971-796941F33 TENNIS LESSONS-Former UM player, Country club pro, Individual or group. 662-0593. cFtc why PHOTOGRAPHY BY SARA N PASSPORTS, weddings, and commercial photos by experienced photographer. SI don't have a big studio, so my (of course) prices are low. Call 665-3195 and ask. New Alice Cooper LP- cFtc "Schoo's Out" THE TIME for loving may not come ONLY again. Happiness patiently awaits $3. 1 5 you. S.N.I. 663-1392. cFte Cheapest in Ann Arbor NEED COUNSELING ABOUT REFUS- 330 1103 ING YOUR WAR TAXES? Come see Maynard S. University us for complete info. Draft Counsel- cF33 ing Center, 502 E. Huron, 769-4414. - NEW __ --_ ALICE COOPER 1/3 OFF "School's out" and SHAKLEE SI MON & CLEANING & BEAUTY SUPPLIES G A RF U N KEL Soybean Cellar, 314 E. Liberty 69F32 "Greatest" GasINTRO-ACT - Weekly & Weekend 3 1 groups. Explore feelings and inter- U nive rsity standing slf. 663-7616. "7F34 SELECTING WINE from the Village Apothecary's cellar means properly C e llar stored wine at a reasonable price, (UNION Basement) - _ 49F32 ANNUAL DIAMOND SALE - Now in --.--------- progress. Sale began January 1 and LIGHTHOUSE OPENS FRIDAY NITE! will end December 31. Austin Dii- A new coffeehouse-State at Huron, mond, 1209 S. University, 663-7151. 8:30 p.m. Follow the light. 11F32 eFtc I Fifth Forum presents: ANN ARBOR CINEMATHEQUE International Director's Festival No. 2 FRIDAY and SATURDAY - 3 Films Daily (FRANCE) MAX OPHUL'S "LOLA MONTES" with Peter Ustinoy, Oskar Werner "The greatest film of all time." -Andrew Sarris, Village Voice "One of the loveliest, subtlest, most elegant and haunting mo- vie eyefuls ever devised." - N.Y. Time FRIDAY Lola Mantes - 7:00 Immortal Story - 8:55 Simon of the Desert - 10:00 Lola Montes - 10:50 (FRANCE) ORSON WELLES' "THE IMMORTAL STORY" based on a story by Isak Dinese music by ERIK SATIE starring Orson Welles, Jeanne Moreau "WONDERFUL" - Newsweek "Masterpiece . . . Welles back at the very top of his form."- Sight and Sound. (MEXICO) LUIS BUNUEL'S "SIMON OF THE DESERT" with SILVIA PINAL (star of "VIRIDIANA") "A masterpiece! Without doubt the sharpest and wittiest Bun- uel." -Judith Crist, N.Y. Ma- gazine. "Bunuel at his best and most original." -Kael, New Yorker JUNCE SALE TOYOTAS -100- CARS COMING-All models in stock BUY NOW AND SAVE SALE ENDS JUNE 30!! FREE FREE With Purchase of '72 TOYOTAS CHOOSE-FROM AM/FM Stereo Radie Car Top Tent Campers 5 Radial Tires Trailer Hitches 5 Mag Wheels . Side Trim Molding Stereo Tape Decks Syr. Rust Proofing Vinyl Tops PLUS MANY MORE FREE-with purchase-FREE CHOOSE UP TO $230 OF ABOVE ACCESSORIES DEPENDING ON MODELS. See List Posted in Show Room ???ECOLOGY MINDED??? We Are One of the Few Dealers Who Have the Infra-Red Analyzing Equipment Which Is an Absolute Necessity to Keep Your Car's Emission Pollutants at a Minimum. TOYOTA - ANN ARBOR 907 N. Main-663-8567 SATURDAY International Shakespearean Lola - 1:40 Cinema Festival Simon - 3:30 SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY Immortal - 4:15 Maurice Evans, Edith Anderson Lola - 5:15 in "MACBETH" Simon - 7:05 Korosawais Immortal - 7:55 "THRONE OF BLOOD" Lola - 9:00 Siona- 9:0:55 (based on 'MacBeth' with Toshiro Mifune) Simon - 10:55 Boa Offices i CT IHS Closes - 11100 STARTS WED. il "CITY LIGHTS" Immortal-11:40 JUNE 28 Charlie Chaplin