page three a £frli
Mostly cloudy.
chance of showers
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Friday, June 23, 1972
News Pho se: 764-05 5
Revenue plan
gamns a proval
in House vote
WASHINGTON ( - The House approved yesterday a
plan to distribute about $30 billion in federal funds over
five years to financially hard-pressed states and cities.
Passage was an election year victory for President
Nixon who originally proposed letting local and state gov-
ernments decide how to spend blocks of money collected
through the federal tax system.
Governors, mayors and other local officials had lob-
hied in the House for the bill for over a year and Setnate
passage in some form is predicted.
If approved there, the bill would allocate this year
$1.8 billion to the states and $3.5 billion to cities and other
local governments. The state's share would go up a maxi-
Dare to be great
Multi-millionair Glen Turner (left) and his brother Larry pose in Flint while waiti
on charges of conspiracy to cheat and defraud 'in connection with Glenn Turner's Da
Inc. Turner made his money selling an educational course to people. The course ta
to sell the course to other people who would sell it to other people who would sell
Court curbs remaps wh
preserve school segregat
mum of $300 million each
year for the next four years.
Although the outcome had not
been in doubt since opponents
lost a key procedural vote
Wednesday. they continued to
argue that the bill means shar-
ing, not revenues. but govern-
ent borrowing sice the bud-
-et remains ini deficit.
Proponents said much-needed
help for local governments
--Associated Press should have as much priority as
any other program financed by
the government.
ing arraignment There were contentions too
re to be great that the. formulas for allocating
ught people how thefund. are capricious.
it to . . . . Rep. James Corman, (D-
Calif., said wealthy Beverly j
Hills, Calif., would do relatively
as well under the bill as a pov-
erity - stricken Appalachian
G N.But Rep. Barber Conable, (R-
rc NY.), argued that revenue
sharing is itself a tax reform
* measure, enabling local govern-
] ents to shift some burden
frmthe property tax to the
more progressive income tax
site true that the paid by all federal taxpayers.
the two school The state share of the funds
differ, but the would be distributed accord-
such disparities ing the tax effort by each state,
ion of desegrega- with particular weight given to
the extent each made use of
. state income taxes.
suiitina ous' The share for cities, countiesa
ohibiting splt and other local units would be
x County. B.C., divided under a complex for-
t in which whites mula taking into account popu-
ie majority. Bur- lation, urban concentration and
tuation was dif- poverty.
t the remaining The bill also provides for
overwhelmingly states, if they wish, to conform
"the movement their income tax laws to the
n of a separate federal pattern and let the gov-
in Scotland Neck ernment collect both. This
solely by the like- would save administrative ex-
gregation in the pense and simplify returns for
Govt. allows
new ways to
avoid draft
ordered drafted between July
1 and July 15 were given a
chance yesterday to avoid the
draft by joining the Reserves
or Natioinal Guard or enlist-
in foriwo years' active duty.
This lets them in on a new
policy by Selective Service
that goes into effect July 1
giving future draftees such
options after they have been
sent their draft notices.
It's part'of the effort to
lure people into the Reserves
and National Guard, which
had tong waitittglusfs of so-
plicaicts its receict years but
this year fell below strength
by 40.000 as draft calls
dropped shsarpty.
The inen ordered to report
early next month ordinarily
would not have been able to
take advantage of the options
because a man must join the
Reserve or National Guard or
enlist no later than 10 days
before he is due to be drafted.
At present the only escape
from the draft for a man who
has received his draft notice
is to enlist in one of the ser-
vices for three years or
preme Court yesterday disallow-
ed separating school districts in-
to smaller ones when the effect
is to slow school desegregation
by creating a "refuge for white
Justice Potter Stewert's 5-4
opinion, overturning a separate
system for Emporia Va. appears
to reassure federal judges that
district lines are secondary to
the much larger goal of dis-
mantling r a c i a 11 y separate
The four Nixon administration
appointees, Warner B u r g e r,
Lewis Powell and Justices Harry
Blackmun and William Rehn-
quist, dissented in one of the
few instances when the court
was not unanimous about school
In another ruling, the court
said war protestors could be
barred from distributing hand-
bills in a 50-acre shopping cen-
ter in Portland. Ore.
Justice Powell, delivered the
5-4 decision, said property does
not lose its private character
"merely because the public is
genter ally invited to use it for
designated purposes."
In a third decision, the court
ruled 6-2 that unions may set
up internal campaign funds to
aid presidential and congres-
sional candidates and decide
how the money is to be used.
The 1947 Taft-Hartley Act
and other federal corruption
laws require only that the poli-
tical funds be segregated from
other union money and that the
members are not forced into
making contributions, said Jus-
tice William Brennan.
The dissenters, Justice Lewis
Powell and Chief Justice Warren
Burger, complained that the de-
cision gives unions and corpora-
tions "a heretofore unrecognized
opportunity ts influence elec-
tions in this country."
In the schools decision, the
Court stressed that even though
Emporia had become a politi-
cally independent city. its sep-
aration from the rest of Greens-
ville County would make the
outlying rural schools at least
72 per cent black.
Moreover, Stewart said, the
remaining whites in the county
schools might be inclined to flee
to private academies and the
departure of the city's students,
leadership and financial support
might have an adverse psycho-
logical effect on the rural blacks.
Burger said for the four dis-
senters "it is qs
racial ratios of
systems would
elimination of
is slot the miss:
The court
however, in pr
of the Halifa
system to give
separate distric
would be in th
ger said the si
ferent in that
schools would b
black and that
toward creatio
school systemi
was prompted s
lihood of dese
Reform rules tie Dems in knots
Democrats got a small taste
yesterday of the problems await-
ing them at their national con-
vention at Miami Beach over
challenges to the makeup of
state delegations.
A meeting of the convention
rules committee was temporar-
ily blocked from taking any
votes by objections from mem-
bers who had been named to
the committee but were denied
a seat because their delegations
are not equally balanced by sex.
The issue was brushed under
the rug for the moment by
Chairman Rep. James O'Hara
of Michigan but it threatens to
erupt in earnest whenever the
committee votes.
O'Hara sidestepped an imme-
diate confrontation with the
13 challenged delegations by
agreeing to delay voting in
hopes some solution can be
worked out.
Then later, a showdown on
the issue was further put off
until tomorrow morning after
negotiations with some of the
states showed progress toward
a settlement.
The rules committee is one of
three standing committees of
the convention which will be
meeting in Washington in the
next few days to make final ar-
rangements for the July 10 con-
While the skirmishing before
O'Hara's rules committee in
Washington is a sign of things
to come, the major battle over
seating will take place at the
credentials committee meeting
next week when challenges to
seating at Miami Beach will be
heard. But the new rules for
selecting Democratic delegates
also require a balance between
men and women on the three
standing committees.
One of the most prominent
delegations affected was Chi-
cago Mayor Richard Daley's Il-
linois group.
Only fou -of the 18 delegats
selected by the Illinois Deto-
cratic Party to serve on three
key committees are women.
The Illinois delegation's right
to sit at the Democratic Nation-
al Convention in July will be
challenged by a group led by
the Rev. Jessie Jackson.
The delegates elected to the
committees by 13 states includ-
ing Illinois have been refused
certification by the Democratic
National Committee on this ba-
sis, as well as the general dele-
gations from nine states.
Mayor Daley