cZ1 Mt6F r n 34attu
Partly cloudy,
partly sunny
Vol. LXXXII, No. 31 -S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, June 22, 1972 Ten Cents Twelve Pages
N. Viet navy
bases hit by
U.S. bombs
SAIGON ()-U.S. jets attacked two more North Viet-
namese navy bases near Vinh in an effort to prevent the
unloading of war supplies from Chinese ships anchored off
the port, U.S. military spokespersons announced yesterday.
Spokespersons for the 7th Fleet* said Navy pilots in
Tuesday's raids destroyed a pier at the Vinh boatyard four
miles northeast of the port and damaged a pier at the Hai
Yen naval base two miles away.
Navy fighter-bombers also attacked two storage areas
about 30 miles northwest of the main port of Haiphong and
pilots reported two secondary explosions.
The raids at Vinh, 145 miles north of the demilitarized
zone and 170 miles south of Haiphong, were aimed at
stopping transshipment of
war supplies from the
Conference Chinese vesseIs, blocked
from entering the port by
" U.S. mines.
o exam ine American military sources
claim North Vietnam has b-en
TT trying with only limited suc-
U ex bias cess to circumvent the U.S.
munes by unloading supplies on
"Women's Work Has Just islands off Vinh and Haiphong
Begun: Legal Problems of Em- and bringing t h e m , inland
ploying Women in the Univer- aboard barges.
sities-including back pay in Americangpilots flew more
cases of sex discrimination and than 220 strikes over the North
institutional compliance with on Tuesday and damaged or de-
federal guidelines-will be prob- stroyed 11 bridges, 13 ware-
ed at a two-day seminar Friday houses, 30 trucks and eight
and Saturday. supply boats, the U.S. Command
The conference, at the Michi- announced.
Air Force warplanes pounded
gan League, is sponsored by the the communist air defense net-
Institute for Continuing Legal work just above the demilitari-
Education IICLEI, a joint unit ed zone for the sixth straight
of both the University and day and knocked out 46 more
Wayne State University law pieces of surface to air missile
schools and the State Bar of equipment, the command re-
Michigan. The sessions will beth cmedr
attended by attorneys,women's Hanoi's official North Viet
representatives and faculty from nam News Agency said two U..
many colleges and universities, jets were shot down north of
Topics, geared to presenting Hanoi Wednesday and said sev-
clear examples of current prob- eral American pilots were cap-
lems and likely solutions, in- tured. Two other U.S. planes
lude, "What women want and were downed last week over Ha
how they will get it," "Does Tinh and Nghe An provinces,
discrimination really exist," the agency said.
"What HEW wants when it On the ground, South Viet-
comes to the campus," "Wom- namese military spokesmen
claimed 413 communist troops
en's rights in academia: Institu- were killed and 14 tanks knock-
tionalizing f a i r n e ss," "Some ed out in two days of fighting
facts on women in the work on the northern front above
force," and "New guidelines for Hue. Government casualties were
listed as 40 troops killed and
universities." 104 wounded.
DETROIT MAYOR Roman Gribbs (right) makes a point with Chicago Mayor Richard Daley (left)
during the final session of the 40th U.S. Conference of Mayors meeting in New Orleans yesterday. San
Juan Mayor Carlos Romero (center) looks on.
U. Mayors m--eeting
O Ks Nixon war
NEW ORLEANS, La. (/) - A
conference of the nation's may-
ors overwhelmingly reversed its
stand yesterday and endorsed
President Nixon's policy on Vi-
etnam after a passionate appeal
by Democratic Mayor Richard
Daley of Chicago.
Some 350 mayors and city
rEpresentatives at the U.S. Con-
farence of Mayors annual meet-
ing also voted without debate
72-55 to duck the issue of school
busing to achieve racial segre-
The mayors also voted to ap-
prove for the first time a reso-
lution urging new national laws
against sale and private posses-
sion of handguns. It also called
for national legislation against
the manufacture and importa-
tion of hand guns, except for
use by law enforcement person-
nel, the military and sports-
men's clubs.
The mayors cheered, stomped
their feet and shouted as Daley
climaxed the Vietnam debate
by saying, "In the name of God,
let us stand behind the Presi-
dent and hope and pray he can
end it tomorrow."
Daley said, "No one will do
more to work against a Repub-
lican candidate for president
,than I will, but I don't think
when a man is president - we
have him, as we've seen in this
country, in the despicable con-
Two question and answer
panels are part of the program
and discussion groups Friday
night will draw upon the mem-
bers of the seminar faculty and
University faculty and staff.
Speakers i n c 1 u d e Virginia
Davis Nordin, chairwoman of
the Commission for Women; Al-
lan Smith, vice president for
academic affairs; Elisabeth
r Hogan, editor and publisher of
"Womanpower," a m o n t h l y
newsletter on fair employment
practices for women: Odessa
Fellows, acting chief, federal
contract compliance branch of
Department of Health, Educa-
tion and Welfare (HEW);
Cyrena Pondrom, affirmative
action officer; University of
Wisconsin; Catherine East, U.S.
Department of Labor; and Cyn-
thia Gitt, U.S. Equal Employ-
ment Opportunity Commission.
The Women's Work program
is the fourth in the Institute's
"Law on Campus" series follow-
ing "Faculty Power : Collective
Bargaining on Campus"; "Law
and Discipline on Campus"; and
"Student Protest and the Law."
dition of taking him in the back
door of hotels, afraid to come
out in the public because of
what was going on because of
this situation in Vietnam."
It was a rare and dramatic
appearance by Daley on the
floor of the conference. He was
not present last year when the
mayors voted for the first time
in their history to call for U.S.
withdrawal from Vietnam by a
specific date - Dec. 31, 1971.
A group of liberal big city
mayors tried to update that
resolution by changing the date
to Oct. 1, 1972, and adding a
provision that withdrawals be
condit'- 'd on release of U. S.
prison. .s of war by that date.
The pro-Nixon resolution
stated that, "All United States
air, land and sea forces shall be
withdrawn from South Vietnam
by a date certain and not later
than four months after the
conclusion of an internationally
supervised ceas" -fire throughout
Indochina, the release of all
prisoners and an accounting for
all those missing in action."
J. Marsh Thomson, an aide to
Vice President Spiro Agnew who
was among the federal offic-
ials here lobbying for the Presi-
dent's position on the war and
other issues said, "This is what
we hoped for. The mayors have
reacted overwhelmingly. T h e
vote was by cities of all sizes
and was bipartisan. The initia-
tives taken by the President last
year were recognized by the
Mayor Robert Harris said in
attacking the pro-Nixon reso-
lution, "We haven't accounted
for everyone missing from the
first World War. That provision
is not realistic."
Harris added tl, " did not
think anyone in the room would
live long enough to see a cease-
ire by all the parties fighting
in Indochina,
"Please, please," he said, "en-
courage those in Congress who
See MAYORS, Page 7
Gay Pride Week, June 19-25
These women stoll yesterday in a Seattle park, enjoying the sunshine and the company of a little
girl. The women are members of the Gay Mothers' Union, a loosely-knit organization which ac-
cording to members, provides comfort and mutual understanding for lesbians with children.