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June 21, 1972 - Image 11

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Michigan Daily, 1972-06-21

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Wednesday, June 21, 1972


Page Eleven

By The Associated Press
NEW YORK - Bobby Mur-
cer laced a two-run homer and
Sparky Lyle chalked up his
14th save of the baseball sea-
son last night as the New York
Yankees trimmed the Kansas
City Royals 4-2 in an American
League game.
Murcer, who also drove in a
seventh inning run with a sac-
rifice fly, smashed his eighth
homer of the year following
Bernie Allen's leadoff double in
the sixth.
Magic Number: 102
Going into last night's late
action the Tigers' magic number
was dlown to 102, hot chances are
good it might not be much lower
after that action is done. Late
reports at the Daily early this
morning had Baltimore leading
the Angels 4-1 in the eighth tn-
ning, and the Tigers in a tie
with Oakland, 2-2, in the top of
the ninth with Willie Horton on
second, two men out, and Gates
Brown at hat.
The Yankees, who won their
fifth straight, had nicked Kan-
sas City starter Dick Drago for
a run in the second when John-
ny Callison singled, stole sec-
and and rode home on Thurs-
*man Munson's hit,
Wood lumbered
MILWAUKEE - Jim Lonborg
outdueled Chicago's Wilbur
Wood and pitched the Mil-
waukee Brewers to a 7-1 Ameri-
can League baseball victory
over the White Sox last night.
Lonborg, 4-3, scattered nine
hits for the victory. It was only
the second loss in 12 career de-
cisions against the Brewers for'
Wood, now 11-5 for the season.
The White Sox' knuckleballer
had. not lost to the Brewers
since July 7, 1970,
Ron Theobold and Dave May
each had three hits for the
Texas ticks
BOSTON - Dalton Jones
crashed a two-run homer in the
fifth inning and Rich Hand
handcuffed the Red Sox on five
hits as the Texas Rangers scor-
ed a 5-2 American League base-
ball victory over Boston last
The Red Sox took a 1-0 lead
in the second after Reggie
Smith's sacrifice fly scored
Tommy Harper but the Rangers
evened it in the third on Don
Mincher's run - producing sin-

PITY, PITY! Pity Dave Rader, San Francisco's backstop who finds he is out at the plate. Pity the
rest of his Giant teammates, who currently have the lowest winning percentage in the majors. But
don't pity those surging Cubbies who trounced S.F. 15-8 yesterday for their seventh straight victory.

on top
o By The Associated Press
HOUSTON-Lee May clubbed
a two-run homer and Bob Wat-
son hit a to-run single to fuel
big innings for Houston and vault
the Astros into first place in
baseball's National League West
with a 7-4 victory over the New
York Mets last night.
The Astros, after scoring three
in the third, took charge in the
fifth with four more runs, two
on May's 11th homer of the sea-
son and the others on a double
by Tommy Helms and a single
by Roger Metzger.
The Mets chased Astros' start-
er Ken Forsch with four straight
hits and three runs in the sev-
enth. Forsch had yielded onty
three hits until that inning.
Expos pound
CINCINNATI-Ron Fairly and
Bob Bailey cracked home runs
as the Montreal Expos ripped
Cincinnati 7-2 last night in a
National League baseball game.
Montreal broke the game open
in the fifth when they scored
two runs and knocked out starter
Jim McGlothlin (3-5). Pitcher
Carl Morton singled with one out
and scored on Tim McCarver'a
second hit to center.
Mike Jorgensen, who had walk-
ed, scored one out later on pitch-
hitter Ron Woods' check-swing
bloop single to center. Jorgensen
singled home another run in the
Cubs surge
CHICAGO -Randy Hundley's
grand slam homer spiced a
seven-run first inning, and a
five-run fourth swept the Chi-
cago Cubs to their seventh
straight National League vic-
tory, a 15-8 rout of the San
Francisco Giants yesterday.
Hundley also drove in a fifth
run with a single in the fourth.
The Cubs 18-hit attack also in-
cluded a two-run homer by Ron
Santo in the sixth and a home
run by Billy Williams in the
Jim Hickman of Chicago slam-
med four straight singles in his
first four trips.
Garry Maddox slammed a
three-run homer in the third as
the Giants made their last real
bid, trimming the Cub lead to

By The Associated Press
CLEVELAND - Nick Mileti,
rebuffed recently in his efforts
to obtain a National Hockey
League franchise, last night an-
nounced that he had obtained a,
World Hockey Association team
for Cleveland.
Mileti already owns the Cleve-
land Barons of the American
Hockey League, the Cleveland
Cavaliers of the National Basket-
ball Association and is president
of the Cleveland Indians Ameri-
can League baseball team.
Cleveland will become the
12th club in the WHA, scheduled
to begin play this fall. It is
expected that Cleveland will take
over the rescinded Calgary fran-
chise for the standard franchise
fee of $250,000. Mileti also must
pay a $100,000 performance bond.
Further details will be an-
nounced this morning at a news
conference in Mileti's office at
the Cleveland Arena. WHA Pres-
ident Gary Davidson also will
be present.
Pro matr-iculates
CHARLOTTE, N.C. - F r e d
"Curly" Neal of the Harlem
Globetrotters is wrestling with
college textbooks this summer
instead of flipping and twirling a
basketball with his zany team.
Neal has returned to Johnson
ague Standings -
National League
W L Pet. GB
Pittsburgh 36 20 .643 -
New York 36 22 .621 1
Chicago 34 22 .607.2
Montreal 25 32 .439 11-
St. Louis 25 32 .439 11V2
Philadelphia 20 36 .357 16
Houston 36 23 .610 -
Cincinnati 35 23 .603 f
Los Angeles 32 26 .552 3'j
Atlanota 27 25 .482 7%,
San Diego 20 38 .345 151
San Francisco 21 44 .323 18
Yesterday's Results
Chicago 15, San Francisco 8
Los Angeles at Pittsburgh, postponed
Philadelphia at Atlanta, postponed
Montreal 7, Cincinnati 2
Houston 7, New York 4
St. Louis 5, San Diego 4, 10 innings
Today's Games
San Francisco (Bryant, 3-4) at Chicago
(Pappas, 5-4)
Los Angeles (Osteen, 7-4) at Pittsburgh
(Blass, 8-1) night
Philadelphia (Carlton, 7-6) at Atlanta
(Niekro, 7-5) night
New Tork (Koosman, 3-3) at Houston
(Griffin, 2-1) night
San Diego (Kirby, 5-7) at St. Louis
(Santorini, 3-6) night
Montreal (Renko, 1-5) at Ciicinnati
(Nolan, 8-2) night

acquires WHA club

C. Smith University to complete
his degree in physical education.
He left Smith in 1904 and signed
with the Globetrotters. Because
of , a demanding schedule and
foreign travel, Curly was unable
to return to school.
"I have always been concern-
ed about education," the shaved-
headed athlete said. "When I
was at Smith in the early 60s,
the opportunity was not as great
as it is now. If an opportunity
for an athlete came along he
would forgo his education for a
quick buck.
"This scene has changed for
young athletes. College curricu-
lums and athletic programs
stress academic values now. As
a result, the average player as
well as the superstars receive
their degrees within the required
Big trade !
MILWAUKEE-The Milwaukee

Brewers traded outfielder Bill
Voss to the Oakland Athletics
for infielder Ron Clark yester-
In 14 American League base-
ball games this year with Oak-
land, Clark, who is 29, hit .267.
He had moved up in mid-May
from Oakland's Iowa farm club
where he hit .298.
Voss, 26, has an .083 average
in 27 games.
Wilt wins ilickok
NEW YORK - Wilt Chamber-
lain, who helped lead the Los
Angeles Lakers to the National
Basketball Association champion-
ship, was named yesterday win-
ner of the Hickok professional
athlete award for May.
Chamberlain, with 287 points,
beat out Mark Donohue, the In-
dianapolis 500 winner who had
204 points, and Bobby Oar of the
Boston Bruins who had 191

Professional Lc
American League
East L
W L Pct. GB

Detroit 31 23 .574 -
Baltimore 30 24 .556 1
New York 25 29 .463 6
Boston 23 29 .442 7
Cleveland 23 30 .434 7f
Milwaukee 18 34 .346 12
Oakland 37 17 .685 --
Chicago 33 22 .600 4)
Minnesota 30 23 .566 6'
California 26 31 .456 12
Kansas City 25 30 .455 12/
Texas 24 33 .421 141
Yesterday's Results
Minnesota 7, Cleveland 3, 1st
Minnesota , Cleveland 1, 2nd
rexaso5,noston 2
New York 4, Kansas City 2
Milwaukee 7, Chicago 1
Detroit at Oakland, inc.
Baltimore at California, inc.
Today's Games
Texas (Gogolewski, 3-6) at Boston
(Culp, 4-6)
Kansas City (Splittorff, 5-4) at New
York (Kline, 5-2)
Chicago (Bradley, 7-3) at Milwaukee
(Parsons, 6-4) night
Cleveland (Perry, 10-6) at Minnesota
(Blyleven, 7-7) night
Detroit (Timmerman, 5-5) at Oakland
(Hloltzman, 14-4) night
Baltimore (obson, 8-6) at California
May, 1-4) night



-Associated Press
Ask mre no questions and ..
Bobby Hull pauses from his hectic schedule to talk with some sports reporters from the Michigan
Daily. The newsmen, very interested as to what the Chicago Black Hawk superstar will do with his
life asked him many intriguing questions. For instance, John Papanek (in the striped polo) pro-
vacitivly asked, "What is your favorte color?" and "Can you spare any change?"

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