Wednesday, June 21, 1972 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five FOR DIRECT CLASSIFIED SERVICE CALL 764-0557 - 10 A.M.-4 P.M. Monday-Friday FOR RENT ROOM FOR GRAD malst1udest. 663- 3886.71C33 VERY FINE ROOMS Carpeted,fCrnished, wafrefrig.Paorgirls. 761-1932. 47C40. SUMMER TERM UNIVERSITY TOWERS Stayinaginowns sonaly ashsrstaima Unsiversity Towes offerssme serm stusdensts reduced summoer eases, full services, fully fuenishsed apartmens with aie conditioninsg, an outdoor swims pass, and single liability lease st na increese. Twa blacks ram central campus, the lacatian .is great, tao. 536 S. FOREST AT S. UNIVERSITY 761-2680 c043 HOS.PITAL AREA-035 Wall Street- Immasediate occupancy adfC all1- Airaoditioned, dishwasher,caserd; parking,.mader.Ca1l 1-864-3852 hr 1-353-7389 (ate 4). rotc UNFURNISHED-2 b easoom aprtt , fallouancy. 1le1fcam csmpu1 Stoandas erigeracc. Married:st- Srnt cauplea only. ha childrenar pets, p1ease. $160 peramonth. 863-4101. ccts FALL RENTALS-1, 2, 3 bedrasm, mad- en, fCs Ihea apts. narcampus. $185-$34l0, 12-mOnth l1ae. 715 5. Dlvi-' 5Son. 663-6549 or 361-7148. 15C34 FOR RENT Spring-Summer Apts. 1 & 2 Bedroam.stallable Map. PFurnishsed with atir-csnditioning CampsIccatios. McKinley Associates 769-8520 ecte Observatory $65 per Man FUTRNISHEID 663-4101 CAMPUS MARAGEMENT. INC. 335 E. HURONj cCi~ FALL RENTALS CAMPUS AREA UNIVkRSIlTY TOWERS, 536 5 Pcret a S, Uniaersty, sfCers ingleliaibilty 8-moanth leases AT NO INCREASE. Aillapartmentas are Icully furnsished. Weekly hcuasekeepinsg iisast she extra featuare at our Cull service opratison. Par safety ancd pivacy a 2d-banr en-.3 tranclock, otsidc interom snd 'nighttime secursity staCC arc provided. 2, 3, and 4-scan madcl sanits ore open dailyinclcudinag swekends. Or FOR RENT CAMPUS Cor students - Rooms $9 welismall efficiency $70 perm 6-7 p an 761-0225. 1 RESERVATION Are Now Being Token for Our Newa Furnished Campus Apartments DAHLOMAN N APARTMENT. 545 Church 761 -7600 MUSICAL MDSE., RADIOS, REPAIRS eOR RENT--SONY Pore-Pa k Vidc cordcr lwit pecial low light camea. Call eve.. 769-2221 or 2169. 8 HEHN DAVID GUITAR STUDI Unavagilableinsitrumenats, repaairs 3 insrctcionsa-29 S. Scate. 665~ OULC7MER- 4 scrincag rrcy, P cniin 6-96 6 rbs can~cigh 36-091. $0 orhea 1-13aT asslh.l 67C32 Is eCt es aCtr iSXS tOIs FOR SALE TETfrsal.O0 x14. Usedonce.80. 663-8775. Ask fC acko. 781332 FOR SALE--VAR,.o1w mile ae.E0cer leht conditioan. BeasoablI priced. 971-2810. 271332 CONVERTED SCHOOL BUS, G.M.C., Fall-ta-Fall carpet, plywood paneling toilet, Curnace, ohS other accessories. Phone Brighton 1-229-7057. 26B30 WANTED TO RENT FEMALE wats own coom in houseor apartament Car July/Augs t or will rnt 3-4 bedrosom boute, Call 769- 4145. (IfIwekdayscall after 5:00). 68L30 WANTED TO BUY RU0 0R CARPET double bdpots and ps, dikhes and slverae glasses. Ca11 Jackee, 704-0553, 8-5. dK3l SITUATIONS WANTED BABY SITTER to come ta the boaea Ow tr1ansportation. DowntownAnns Aro aoe a. 662-2152. 77032 TENNIS hOU'P dealres to mee5rapable apponents r veains,ora weeked mace.Call Stan, 434-2497 a15er6 p "m.95031 ROOMMATES WANTED OWNRO' ina2-Idra.amadean apta good locatiasa Juslyad Augst.Call Allsana,665-6447. 14Y31 THIND MAR FOR PALL. GraS pee- IerreS. 663-6391., 769-3221. 79Y30 LARGE BEDROOM ins hocase, Available imdiately. $50Jmo. Summaer. 769- 5731. 84Y31 FEMALE HOOMMATE ated Jaly through Auigust inmadern, air-cohdi tioned aptrtmeI. C.a11761-7289. 92Y33 BUSINESS SERVICES TYPING done in ylaose.J eel ,761- 4323. 04J36 TYPING--PapeasIThesis, Artclesetc. IBM. 'Terhnical inc laded. 421-9301. 01J36 EXPERT TYPING, editing, whatevor. 35-75c/page. depending on apecifita- tios . Ca11 Barbaa Peerick,769- 3340 anytime.rCtC TRAVEL RU.SSIA-SCANDINAVIA. 5 wkt. $358.0 incluive. London departres. Small Croup campingtroved (ges 11-38). Alto Essrope, Afriea. Writes Whole Eat Ehxpesditions, Ltd., U.S.-Agents Cor TranstlTeavel Ltd., ao 1497, K. Mo. 64141. 38832 { PHOTO SUPPLIES 'OR SALE--Yashica TL-Super. 35 m 111n11e1lass reflex. F1:2 lens. Good casditiosn. Withcarring r'ase. $78. Usd1 769-8443. 80D33 continued on Page 6) ANSWER 10 PREVIOUS PUZZLE 0 4 T O.L , NA E G. 0 10K R AG G0.4 S,} E N A?5N0iA)_6R$GP AEWNS E. OA ; DA K 1SEDROOM APT. upslairs of01ld pbsne761-2690. C33'TRE 8TRCK a hous, modern kitrhen,sunfurnished.STRO8RAKcride-nw Oarago incl. $145. On W. NHuron. FGB 'ALL-St a Street Macno. Alr $3.75 each. Pap-Hack-Gspe-ICousntr Prof. grad. Call 761-3593 (persisIently conditioned, modern. 1-164-3052orWester. 663-3766. 49X32'L -am out o1 tow sometlmes).dC26 1-353-7389. eCt YSAA1-tig aio el S ap.Pal-2be r. 23-ma.gu63- otndAsking $129 orbhstlovfer.Calli y. / Peter, 863-5645. 09X30 7 1 A fl 4181 ete oldFOLKLORE CENTER ONE, TWO, AND THREE BEDOOOO UNE JULY, AUG. (aloto)- 1 r l 0-16-NY Martin Guitar, $175. Curnished apts. for loll. Nerocapus. Ufe. d, at l Ote sadSand old guiart s;anos, Includes maderasCurniture, carpet- Ufer. Itbrm.pie)wllbellndaic-;mandolins, fCsd dl1e . Instruamet Ing, dapes, air 00nd., dishwasher, fr1g. $148. Lorated an W. Hosaver.., bought. Bepairs. 516 E. William, and baloany. Phone 663-5854. 3036 Call 761-9181 or 761-0387. 79033 ! above Campus B16 662-8381. e Xtc _____GUITARS, AMPS, PIANOS. Fender, FALL RENTALS FALL RENTALS Robld., Maestro,, Martin, Guild. Gne-stop center. Apollo Mus1c, APPLICATIGNS ARE NGW 325. MIasn, 769-1488. eXtr BEING ACCEPTED FOR STILL A GOOD APOLLG DRUM CENTER. Drua sets, EFFICIENCIES, 1 AND 2 - SELECTIGN TOser2stsioaoaRgsSn, BEROCPRTET.HOOSE FROM. Ludwig, Gretsch, Slingrlad. Priced- Campus Lacatiana right deals. 322 S. Main, 761-1489. kSTOP IN AND cXtc Summit-Hamiltan WE'LL SE HAPPY - 737 Packard TO SHOW YOU I LOST AND FOUND 71-05THESE FINE APARTMENTS. LOST-The twa long narrow plum- 800-0SS clored aopes that tie my eoast. If -_________ _ _____ CHARTER REALTY fsundl please ca11 Irene at 662-4986. AVAILABLE far Fall Rental, 1111 a-8,3 State SI., near Yos Field Hanse, 2 O )O L FOUND-Pair of bifac 1aso Wells St. bdrnm_. furnished apt. far 2-3-4 per-' ectc noerBarns P'aek School. 662-3431. sanna. Air cand. $240 & $210/inns. Call ,.~ dA32 BAR2-1N62. RNE C FU DTERITAL FOUND-NEWLY purchasod albums left BARGIN CRNE FURITUE RETAL in ront of Anfell Mall Monday al- "Sty oo i a alerTo(" COLLEGE MARKET SPECIALISTS ternoon. Identify. 662-8679. dA32 "tyCainaaerTp'LOW PRICES - - ____--- --- GET FROCKED, 211 S. State, has a FOUND-Grey and white kitten. In- ronstantly changing selectian of FREE FAST DELIVERY galls & Ann. Urgent: living with styles and colors. Mini and maxi- odangeraua Labrador. 663-1895. dA32 halter drese, too. Open Mon-Eat., ANN ARBGR REPRESENTATIVE -, --- - -.- -- 18-6 p.m., Friday night 'til 9 p.m. NELSON RESNICK POUND - Female 4-week-old beige cWtc" 769-2074 puppy. White markings. Owner pleasae eCtr call Mrs. Elder, 665-2274. dA32 -_________ - FGUND-Strays. Need homes draper- SUMMER GR FALL-Largo, furnished, ately. Orage male, black mal10 fe- airconitinedtwobedoomapart- male mother, three kittens. 663-2086.1 S AM~'S STORE mensvalble t2, 3or 4 people, __ ______ on catpu-._761-7600, cctc - - -- LOST - Woman's wallet. Rust-colasred LEV I ENIMS$259 plus utilities July5-paukig. 26.2- 'Be forDNe aI.D. Call 665-8608. Bell ottom 8.0 s. FPaet. After 5 p.m., 761-3627. 32C36 - BellBatams . ,50-.________ONE PAIR 81 men's pre05ription glas- T dtinl ......800 LAW STUDENTS - Single furnished es, with grey Crams , can still be roomssfCr nest loll. 502 E. Madison, packed up ^t Daily cl1ssified desk. Button Flys .....7.50 665-905, 7610228. 1303 A3C Super Slims .7: .50 HELP WANTED Boat Jeans . ..8.00 ivcilniet y DICKINSON PUBLISHfING 00., a co1- LEV CRDRO A so ia es lee ttokrpubishr needs ambi- LEI ORURYss ciats tioua ougrprsnatives to pro- mote sleofo our textbooks to college (several calars) Fall Rentals-Campus Area professors, and to find sod develop new textbooks. We now have openings Bells .. . . . .. ..9.00 1, 2, and 3 bedrooms In modern build- in she East, SlmFta75 ns or apartment houses. Stop in at REWARDS: Slm6is1.5 6 ChurohbfIs our listings or rall Salary, bonusea, profit-sharing, trayel1$ 769-ยข528. cCtc expeases, 1i1e-insuranoe, and company! oar. Gpportunities 10or rpid adv ace- LEV I DENIM JACKETS CAMPUS and HOSPITAL AREA mont to poition in salesa and edi- 721 E. Kingsley. Now, sprlag, sum- torial mnagement. Unlined ....... . .50 me, and fall rentals. 4-man apts., REQUIREMENTS: 2 bdrms., $69/mao. Air rand,, balcony, College degree, abave averagoelintelli- Lined. .. .. .. .. ..1 3.50 all-street parking, laundry facilities, geasce, genuine intereatlas books and and many other goodiea. 663-9373. ides, sales aptitude and persuasive POCKET T-SHIRTS .. 1.69 oCte pesoality. Willisgnss for eateas ive --- - -- -- --- - travel and relosation. assorted colars) PAR PROM the Madding crowd (but For persnal iaterview, contact Mo. not too ar from campus). Modern Wabutrn, regional tales manager in 1, 2, 21,' bedrosmunishd spat- AnnAbsroCfiebefore 5 p.m., 769- BLUE CHAMBRAY menats. Ideal for grad students. Re- 5530. 151131 seeone owfCs fall.SansSouci. ..-_-_--_ _. WORK SHIRTS- $2.49 Apartme nts, 1040 S. Main St. 662-2952. SALES HELP wated. Experencei 21034!1 eletronics.PFu1100rpart-timse. Lala- Tall Mant Sizes .$2.98 _._._. y eteBRdio, a71-5420. 97H31 "Available f 11Fllrenta1.l___ BRIDGEHGUSE APIS. TRANSPORTATION 207 E. LIBERTY 1835 Wall St. ~ --. near medical center, well furnshled, NEED NIGER TG help drive car to 2-bedroom apts. Dishwasher. sir. cond. CALIPGRNIA. Leaving in 2 weeks oWts under cover parking. $250 & $260/ma. (July lot). 764-4417 or 769-2807. Ellrn. __________________ 1-064-3852 or 1-353-7389. ctc 70031 17 15 17 24 281 22 33 34 3;3s 36 37 38 3$ 4$ 41 42 CROSSWORD PUZZLE lCepr. '2Gen1 ea u r eCop. ACROSS procedures. 13 War it me! Pronoun. 44 Fracrasoes. 14 Poet Ogden. One of the 45 Towst in Utah. , 2$ Brothers. Cabots. 46 Cad's cousin:Sl 51 23 Heraldic flower. Holiday of a 47 Acrss Eva. 24 Dickens villain. tort. 510 Principle. 25 Jungle beasts. Withont arrant 51 Empty. 26 Resrict. paniment. 355('itizen of 27 External Sensible, Astoria. 28 Sante: Titled ladies sf 58 Exartly as one 2$ Starchy roots. Italy. would desire, 30 Figure of speechi. Section of 591 Merrill and 38 Wash, Istanbul. Reardon. 32 Harnesses, 1150t Rom. 6$ Cuban Indian. 34 Cove ____~ (be, Jarring sound. 61 listing mnade no ware the dog). Nicknamse for a will. 37 Head. queen. 62 Wolflike asimsal. 38 Hiram of fiction. -Morgana. 4$ Vegetables. Sedative drusgi DOWN 41 Letter, Var, 1 Snare. 43 Type of blues. Goberlin. 2 British general 44 Sea gull. Chi-Chsen-Itza's sf 1775. 46 Medieval guild. are famous, S Oriental nante. 47 Asian dese.rt. Basketball 4 Moslems. '. 48 Galway Bay player. 5 Compass pointt. islands. Brazilians capial. 6 Nicola sf 1721 401a..__ Parks. Siamiese, coina, trial. 51$ Kentish freed. Europeanss 17Study of en- man. capital. . virom't. 52"- Mable," Bird roll, 9 Forbid. 1018 best seller. New York N Helevant. 53 Reposed. ballplaye.r. IN Shade, 34 Place of esile, Any law or 1t Inventor Nikaola 5 eaie decree, and family. 5 aie Grove, 12 German girl's a7 Dog .. manger. Legal name, 58 "__-_ dien." 1 - 3- 4- 6 ?-$-9- 0 11 12 111 14 26 27 28 - - - 29 K35 31 32. 36 37 --{8 : _ 39.-10. do S2 4 f 44