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June 17, 1972 - Image 7

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1972-06-17

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TONIGHT 7 and 9
3020 Washtenaw Dial 434-1782
Jury Prize
Award Winner
1972 Cannes

New Diag dig-in set; police threat looms

(Co"tinued from PagelI)
According to Hack, today's
action will "expose the Univer-
sity's complicity with the war."
Speakers will give specific ex-
amples of war contro rts !hey
say the University has signed
University guidelines state that
research projects may no; hare
the specific intent to kill or in-
jure animal or human life.
Ann Arbor Police Chief Wal-
ter Krasny says police will be
Forest fires burn
more than trees

present at today's crater dig-
gings. "We don't want a con-
frontation,' 'he says. But he addo
that those who dig wil be ar-
rested on the site.
Director of Safety Frederick
Davids had no comment on what
police would do about diggers.
However, at a meet Jig wilts
crater supporters :ast Tuesday,
University a t o r ney Roderik
Daane said, "Any proposed dig-
ging on this campus does not
have the concurrence of the Uni-
versity of Michigan and is pro-
hibited. Do you all know what
that means?-
Youth fare to age 30
National Bank
of Ypsilanti
Travel Bureau
611 W. Cross St., Ypsi

Neither Hack nor Plahmondon
expect any violence. On the
threat of arrests, Plamondon
says, "People are prepared for
it. We want to do a really non-
violent thing."
Sites for digging. according, ta

Hack, will probably be the same
ones as before, including the cor-
ner of N. University and State.
The Bomb Crater Four aready
face a maximum penalty of 90
days in jail or 100ifine ir con-
victed of tile digging charges.

SGC funds increase passed

(Continued from Page 1)
anything else. But the Regents
say we can't spend it on the
Grocery Co-op so it will just
have to sit there until the next
election when 'e can get sin,
dent approval to spend t on
something else." he said.
Members of the American In-
dians Unlimited - a campus
group representing Indian stu-
dents - also came before the
Regents yesterday, presenting

them with a document coverir
a wide array of Indian grievan'-
The document reiterated tihe
group's demands for tie hiring
of an Indian recruiter, an in-
dain counselor and classes dea-
ing with Indians.
A suit against'theU-iliversi y
for failing to providethse
sevices is pending in gi11ui

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